Top 423 results for “wellbeing”

Meditation for Teen Emotional Wellbeing
A unique retreat program combats increasing rates of stress, anxiety, and depression in young people.

The Four Keys to Wellbeing
Dr. Richard Davidson explains that wellbeing is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened. Courtesy of The Greater Good Science Center.
Can Watching Bear Cams Improve Wellbeing?
People expressed improved relaxation & stress reduction after watching bears at an Alaskan preserve.
4 Ways Color and Interior Design Improve Emotional Wellbeing
If positive affirmations aren’t doing the trick to lift your mood, consider working with new colors. An expert in color and interior design explains why and how.
A Goddess Ritual for Peace and Wellbeing
In times of global unrest and personal distress, call to the beloved Buddhist goddess Green Tara to help you find peace and ease.
Marie Kondo Your Kitchen to Support Wellbeing
Thinking like a designer can help you transform your relationship with food and build healthy eating habits.
9 Tips for Enhancing Your Emotional Wellbeing in 2020
Boosting your emotional wellbeing doesn’t always have to feature grand gestures and sweeping changes. Here are nine small adjustments you can make in your day-to-day life.
Finding Balance: Children and Technology, Growth, and Wellbeing
We are facing a pandemic of poor mental health in our teen population. Here's how you can support your teens through the Digital Age.
11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland for Wellbeing
When you decalcify the pineal gland—known as the third-eye chakra—you remove calcium phosphate deposits. This can lead not only to better health and wellbeing but to higher consciousness.
A Sound Bath: Ways to Use Sound and Music to Promote Wellbeing
“Sound and music can quickly alter your mood, affecting your subconscious mind. Listening to music is a relatively inexpensive, easily accessible solution to elevate your awareness and your emotional states.”
Freeing Yourself of Anxiety Feet First
“How can you help yourself feel a sense of calm, reassurance, and peace? The answer is at your feet. Literally.”
Deepak Chopra, MD
Deepak Chopra, MD, is a bestselling author and founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California.
17 Affirmations to Release Negative Thoughts
Let go of those negative thoughts and feel a profound sense of wellbeing wash over you.
Imagine Yourself Happy
Imagery training can boost everyday wellbeing, a new study shows.
The Dance of Sleep and Emotions
Author Katharina Lederle describes the dance between our emotional wellbeing and the quality our sleep.
Heart Intelligence
Learn to listen to the wisdom of your heart to untether your creativity and boost your wellbeing.
Never Stop Playing
Creativity and play go hand in hand. Cultivating both of these natural instincts later in life is key to wellbeing.
Guided Meditation: Winding Down for Sleep
When there is so much to think about, winding down to sleep is vital to your wellbeing.
6 Ways to Improve Gut Health With Vibrational Energy Healing
Vibrational energy healing has a direct correlation to our overall health and wellbeing, especially our gut health.
“Dog Mind” and the Cone of Mindfulness
Wearing a "cone of mindfulness" can help protect our spiritual and mental wellbeing during trying times.
Jin Shin for Cats and Dogs
Pets give us so much love. Return it with healing touch techniques that increase energy flow and wellbeing.
How Awe Narratives Can Transform Your Life
Want to be more loving and caring, with better health and enhanced wellbeing? Try awe narratives.
3 Key Benefits of Neck Training
Why train your neck? It’s an easy way to boost overall wellbeing, focus, and balance.
Friendship Flattens Hills, and Romantic Love for Friends
It’s time to put connections at the center of wellbeing, says relationship expert Marisa Franco.
The Benefits of Unstructured Time
It’s okay to rest. Learn how the benefits of unstructured time can positively impact your mental health and wellbeing.
Find Your Unicorn
Explore how an artistic practice can support your wellbeing well into your golden years.
Kasey Claytor
Kasey Claytor is an author, certified meditation instructor, and money manager. She loves to teach others ways to find wellbeing, and has penned several books, fiction and …
Art of Living Retreat Center
Seated high in the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, the Art of Living Retreat Center is 380 acres of tranquil grounds and energizing facilities—a beautiful, inviting space for anyone looking for rest, clarity, resilience, peace, joy, and wellbeing.
The Nature Principle
The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorderby Richard LouvThe release of Richard Louv’s previous book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Childr…
Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-BeingBy Martin E. P. SeligmanThese days, we are hungry for a new definition of the “good life.” Fractured relationship…
Thupten Jinpa's Spiritual Roots
Your host Rabbi Rami Shapiro talks to author and scholar Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D, about his spiritual roots and his new book, A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to be Compassionate Can …
10 Ways to Get Present
1. Ask. As always, ask. Ask the universe, ask your higher self. Ask a divine power if you believe in one. Ask for help to get present. 2. Lay a daily foundation. Carve out three to…
5 Questions for Ira Byock
A dialogue on end-of-life care
Product Review: Mat-tastic!
In this week’s Products for Health Review, we look at three wonderful ways to improve your wellbeing. In each case, a classic mat has been transformed into something very special,…
What Is Holistic Parenting?
Holistic parenting is a way to approach parenting that involves assessing how all our choices are interconnected.
5 Tips To Wake Up Your Brain And Enjoy Life
You sleep all night, only to wake up in the morning feeling fuzzy and groggy. What will help wake up your brain so that you can enjoy life every day? Two main ingredients: blood an…
Five Kinds Of Breaths Everyone Should Take
Breath is life—something we take for granted, but couldn’t do without. In times of stress or grief, often we hear advice to “take a deep breath.” But sometimes deep breathing becom…
How Sugar Is Affecting Your Spirituality
Consuming too much sugar harms the body, brain, and spirit. Boost your spirituality by ignoring your sugar cravings.
Is It Possible to Waste Years of Our Lives?
“I’ve been thinking of a plan of action to remove myself from the situation without feeling like I just wasted 2 years.”Katie shared this in a recent blog post comment. We’ve all b…
Fluid Motion: Have You Tried Aqua Yoga?
The 1950s had Esther Williams starring as a Million Dollar Mermaid. The 1990s had aqua aerobics classes on the Lido Deck. Today, the new sensation in the pool is aqua yoga, which p…
Putting the ‘Om’ in Classroom
San Francisco’s Visitacion Valley Middle School is an unlikely beacon of hope. Shootings and murders are common enough in the California city’s southern neighborhoods that the loca…
Mind Reading Made Simple
Writing a journal allows you to dive into your internal experiences and find your true center.
Awake: The Life of Yogananda
New documentary explores the dimensions of yoga through the life of the man who brought it to America.
21 Ways to “Give Good No”
Saying “no” can be really hard. But Christine Carter has a three-step plan to get there.
Joy From the Little Things Will Keep You Healthy
Research shows that positive experiences can reduce symptoms of chronic inflammation.
The Cure for Laziness
When we call ourselves lazy, we do it innocently. Unconscious about what's really going on, the inner critic kicks in and decides the issue is our laziness.
10 Tips To Getting Fit In The New Year
Here are 10 tips to ensure success this year
4 Steps to a Happy New Year—All Year Long
Sponsored Content from Copper Beech Institute
10 Ways Pets Improve Mental Health
In their emotionally connected presence, pets can be a powerful ally for optimal mental health.
7 Stories for Mastering Your Emotions
The emotional body is widely overlooked for overall health and happiness. Explore these 7 stories on how to understand, cope with and use your emotions appropriately.
Best Retreats for the Active Traveler
The spiritual path leads toward “total aliveness” and entails peace and calm and simplicity, but it may also include bucket-list-level indulgence. The problem of course is that the…
Best Retreats for the Multi-Generational Family
“In the old days, the elders knew the stories of their sons—because they lived together,” writes Sam Keen his in beautiful new joint memoir Prodigal Father, Wayward Son: A Roadmap …
How Much Sleep Do I Need?
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
Benefits of Being Spiritual
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
How to Deal With Anger
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
Dealing With Stress at Work
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
The Surprising Reason You’re Feeling Burned Out
It’s not overwork—it’s a mismatch—that causes feelings of burnout.
Love vs. Attachment
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
3 Tips on Eating Right
Sponsored Content from The Isha Foundation
20 Morning Affirmations for Clarity, Purpose, and Joy
Kick-start your day with intention and positivity with these empowering morning affirmations.
Go On, Change It All
Multiple, simultaneous life changes are possible.
Happily Eating After ...
The best foods for life’s challenging healing moments.
6 Ways to Declutter Your Mind
Let go of unnecessary mind baggage
Talk Therapy Changes the Brain
Cognitive behavior therapy literally changes connections in the brain.
Banishing the Binge
“A new study published this spring in the Journal of Eating Disorders took it one step further, recommending that binge eating be tackled as a public health issue, similar to the way seatbelt campaigns, water fluoridation and anti-smoking programs were successfully implemented to improve the wellbeing of the whole population.”
The Beautiful Sound of Relaxation and Energy
A didgeridoo concert reveals the instrument’s powers to reduce stress, blood pressure, and pain and promote an intense feeling of peace and wellbeing.
Can Mudita Save the United Nations?
Musings on Buddhism’s ‘Sympathetic Joy’, FOMO and the Global Climate Crisis I have a confession to make: I am in recovery from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I became acutely aware o…
3 Tips to Get You Meditating Today
Meditation. It’s just a glorious thing for those who have experienced it. But many people have trouble either beginning a practice or maintaining one. However, there are several si…
Intensive Mindfulness for Depression
What’s been on your mind lately? If you’re like most of us, a lot of your time is spent pondering things that are rooted in the past or the future: the dentist appointment in a few…
10 Relaxing Chair Yoga Exercises
Pause. Breathe. Repeat.Whether you're injured, lack mobility or find yourself stuck in an office chair, there will be times you’re not able to practice yoga in the traditional sens…
7 Suggestions for How to Spiritually Connect With Nature
Fallen out of alignment with your natural self? Find out how to spiritually connect with nature.
Resilience and Cultural Renewal in Detroit
If you’ve yet to set your eyes (not to mention your prayers) on Detroit, now would be an inspirational time to do so. There are some powerful examples of resilience under way these…
Waking Up Gently to Save the World
From Fortune 500 CEOs to neuroscientists, major media outlets to bloggers, sources of all kinds are urging us to prioritize sleep as a pathway to success and wellness.
9 Keys to Lasting Happiness
According to the ancient philosophy of the Vedanta, there are two types of happiness. The first comes from things turning out the way we’d like them to, i.e. getting what we want. …
Finding Joy in Simplicity
Let go of being weighed down by an overly complicated life.
3 Essential Practices for Gratitude
Experience more fullness of heart with these exercises embracing gratitude as a spiritual practice.
Understanding the True Purpose of Yoga
The true purpose of this 5,000+-year-old-practice was never about contorting into the perfect pose, wearing cute yoga outfits, or building Instagram followers with sexy backbend photos.
Creating a Lifetime of Wellness—Start Having the Life You Deserve
In order to live a full, balanced, meaningful life, many of us may have heard several of Aura E. Martinez’s recommendations: make sleep a priority, strengthen our relationships, fi…
Live as an Everyday Mystic
How are you participating in co-creating paradigm shifts in your personal and professional lives as we usher in this new era?
4 Ways to Release Material Wants
Here are four ways to practice releasing attachment to material belongings.
Science of Identity Foundation
About Science of Identity Foundation Established in 1977 by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda, Science of Identity Foundation teaches the practice of meditation and kirtan al…
We told my niece that her mom died in a car crash. She isn't dead.
My niece is dying from a rare blood disorder. She takes comfort in believing she will soon be with her mother in heaven. I know otherwise: My sister isn’t dead. We told my niece th…
Guided Meditation: Being Aware of Being Aware
Sponsored Content from New Harbinger Publications
3 Ways to Detox Your Emotions
In need of an emotional detox? Here are three ways to cleanse yourself of stuck emotions so you can be free to process your feelings in a healthy way.
4 Ways to Bring Your Authentic Self to Work Every Day
Authentic people live according to four practices that you can adopt in your daily life.
How an Earthier Christianity Might Save Us
An interview with author Fred Bahnson about the limits of activism and what an earthier Christianity might look like.
A Healing Crisis After an Energy Treatment
Although it is not common to experience a healing crisis after an energy healing treatment, here are nine tips for moving through the process.
Marketplace Nov/Dec 2018
Books, services, education and products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.
3 Meditations for Group Healing
In a world that feels divided, mantras for group unity and transformation.
Marketplace Jan/Feb 2019
Books, services, education and products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Book Review: Grow a New Body
How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health
3 Powerful Practices to Free Yourself From Overwhelm
While the chaotic feeling of overwhelm has been normalized—it isn’t “normal.” Here are three ways to overcome the frenzy of your busy schedule and the constant feeling of overwhelm.
Woke God
"Like the God who guides the Mormons, mine too instructs us 'revelation upon revelation.' My God’s revelations fall into two categories: Wow! and Play Nice!"
Does Your Religion Bring You Joy?
“Ask yourself: What in your religious and spiritual life brings you joy?”
Science & Spirit: Medicine-Chomping Microbes, Nature Pills, and Saunas for Heart Health
Microbes may be stealing our medication, nature pills have an ideal dose, and taking a sauna bath is as good as a workout. Want details? Read on.
Spirituality, Mental Health, and Therapy: The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
Spirituality and mental health are often thought of as two separate tracks in a person's life. This six-part series aims to begin stitching them together, along with therapy, to reveal the critical areas where they influence each other.
Rev. Leng Leroy Lim
The Rev. Leng Leroy Lim (M.Div., MBA) is the co-founder of Love Power Justice, as well as an executive coach and trusted advisor to senior leaders of global organizations, working …
Science & Spirit: Jogging Fights Genetics, Optimistic Sleep, Emotional Support Animals
This week in research, a good reason to try jogging. Also, optimism has been linked to better sleep. And finally, people are getting serious about figuring out what the heck an emotional support animal really is. Read on for more.
6 Veggies (and Recipes) for Optimal Gut Health
“Although all veggies are good for you, some pack an outsized punch when it comes to promoting gut health. These six vegetables, and the easy recipes that go with them, will help your inner garden grow.”
Book Review: Good Habits, Bad Habits
Habits are different from conscious decisions, so when we rely on conscious thought processes like goal setting to change behavior, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.
Intuitive Eating Is Not Just a Fad
Intuitive eating might seem like a passing trend, but it is a concept worth taking seriously.
Self-Care Secrets for Your Busy Lifestyle
How do we remain healthy while successfully navigating a type-A lifestyle?
9 Fall Health Remedies From Ayurveda
Which foods are best for your dosha at this time of year? Read on to find out.
5 Ways to Feel More Love in Your Everyday Life
New research says that feeling even brief moments of love throughout your day can boost health and happiness.
From the Editor
The letter from the editor kicks off each issue and helps set the tone for the magazine. Over the next six issues, members of the S&H team will be writing the letter. This issue’s writer, Kathryn Drury Wagner, is our wellness editor and resident social media guru, hot sauce fanatic, and wellness enthusiast.
20 Creative (and Shame-Free) New Year’s Resolutions
Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure by making promises we can’t keep or by initiating resolutions steeped in self-blame.
Kathryn’s Favorite Stories from 2019
“Becoming Shameless: A Conversation with Nadia Bolz-Weber,” and three more stories that meant a lot this year to S&H Wellbeing Editor Kathryn Drury Wagner.
Stop Trashing Your Relationship
"It’s hard to admit the awful things we do and say and don’t do and don’t say that cause harm to those we love. All those unskillful choices boomerang back to cause suffering to us as well."
10 Daily Financial Practices To Make You Stretch and Grow
Being wealthy means having a sense of freedom in doing and having what you want and need. Try these daily practices to move forward.
The Effects of Yoga Nidra on the Brain
Yoga nidra affects the brain by shifting brain waves into a beneficial state of regeneration and repair.
5 Ways to Supercharge Your Resilience
Resilience can help you meet life’s biggest challenges. Discover how embracing specific lifestyle habits can help you build resilience.
Shauna Shapiro
Shauna Shapiro, PhD, is a professor and clinical psychologist. She is one of the leading scientists studying the effects of mindfulness and self-compassion on wellbeing. …
Want to Try Intuitive Eating? Here Are 5 Ways to Get Started
Tuning in to your body’s cues when it comes to eating is easier said than done. But with practice and patience, intuitive eating is a great way to figure out what your body really needs.
Get Grounded With These 3 Root Chakra Soups (Plus 1 Bonus Recipe)
Are you looking for more clarity, confidence, security, and balance in your life? It’s possible your root chakra could need some nourishment. Use these three soup recipes to help realign your root chakra.
Stressed Out? Make a Checklist.
This one simple strategy can help you significantly reduce your anxiety and stress.
Healing Generations of Pain
One of the founders of Earthbound Farm ignored the present-day consequences of her family’s past. Until she needed to heal.
A GREAT Place to Live
Magnets attract you to a place and anchors keep you there. What are your magnets and anchors?
6 Sustainable Gardening Tips for Animal Lovers
In creating cultivated backyards, we are removing habitats for wild animals. Here are several sustainable gardening tips that keep the wellbeing of all creatures in mind.
Podcast: Shauna Shapiro, PhD
Clinical psychologist Shauna Shapiro talks about how to use neuroplasticity to reach a place of kindness and compassion, of self love, instead of judgment and fear.
Engage Nature’s Healing Energies
“If you feel drawn to a particular place outdoors in nature, try to go there (even if just in your mind).”
How to Release Your Fears
“While the ‘suddenlies’ of life are unavoidable, when they appear in front of you, it can be helpful to draw on memories of times in the past when you got through something you thought would crush you. Doing so can help you find the courage to trust that this too shall pass and you will be up for the challenges ahead.”
Learning Spirituality from Animals
Animals of all kinds, especially the ones sharing our home, can be our spiritual guides and healers if we pay attention.
11 Foods to Support Your Immune System
Add these foods to your diet during times of high stress. They can help keep your immune system functioning optimally so you can stay healthy and fight off illness.
Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End
In his book Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End, hospice doctor Christopher Kerr offers a glimpse into what happens at the end of life. “What the dying fear most is not death but the loss of a life they can recognize as their own. Ultimately, to die well is to humanize dying from an irredeemably grim reality to an experience which may also be rich in meaning and love.”
5 Ways to Calm Down During COVID-19
It’s a pandemic and you’re a stress ball. Here are 5 ways to catch your breath and calm down.
COVID-19: The Physical and Metaphysical Pandemic
In the face of pandemic, there remain milestones—and growth—worth celebrating.
The Ocean of Rumi
Scholar of Islam and Rumi lover Pouria Montazeri talks about the context that’s getting lost in translation.
Connect With Jnana Yoga, the “Path of Right,” for Self-Love
“Our thoughts have the power to transform everything in our life, but this power is negative when we are in an unconscious, automatic mode. It becomes positive when we consciously choose our thoughts.”
Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Tara-Nicholle Nelson is a Buddhist black church lady, breakthrough coach, and spiritual strategist to high-achieving women, and the founder of …
Show You Care—Wear a Mask
“Wearing a mask in public is a deliberate act of caring for others … a concrete way to live the challenge to love your neighbor as yourself.”
Breath as Prayer
Many forms of prayer take the same amount of time to complete. This time—especially with 5.5-second breathing—has powerful physiological benefits.
5 Ways to Practice Grounding for Spiritual Renewal
“Thirty minutes spent grounded and expressing yourself through visual arts is 30 minutes of fresh, pure creative energy flowing through your body and infusing your cells—to flush old energy out and wash in new life, giving energy on a spiritual level! … A renewal of spirit.”
Lose Weight All Naturally With Ayurveda
“Ayurveda lays out in exquisite detail the nature of the human body and makes the connection between qualities in the foods we eat and how they affect our physical, emotional, and mental constitution.”
Practices for How COVID-19 Can Create Lasting, Positive Change
“As we find ourselves in the midst of various stages of reopening across the globe, our collective memory of this disaster can either fade away into history or become a drumbeat for a more just, equitable and sustainable society.”
Combat Loneliness by Expanding Your Circle of Concern
“As your circle of concern becomes larger, the field of loneliness for yourself and others will become smaller.”
10 Online Pride Events to Enjoy From the Comfort of Your Home
It's Pride Week! Here are some ways to connect with and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.
Why Is Your Partner Always Lying to You?
Here are the five things your partner is trying to get you to believe about yourself, them, and your relationship when they lie to you.
How to Communicate With Pets on an Energetic Level
“Our pet companions negotiate everything about our vital relationship with them through energetics. But how can we receive and interpret our pet companion’s various messages?”
What’s Your Doggie’s Dosha?
Canine wellness expert Amanda Ree dishes ayurvedic wisdom via dog dosha quizzes, balancing your furry friend's dosha and customizing it to meet your BFF's unique needs.
Mental Health and the Black Lives Matter Movement
Far too many in the Black community are suffering in silence. Mental health, particularly stopping suicides, must be part of the BLM conversation. Here are three barriers to care we must overcome and four ways to make lasting change.
Splitting: A Neuroscientist Shares the Inside Scoop
Splitting headache? One myth busted: That chocolate you ate is not the cause. We get the inside scoop on headaches from neuroscientist Amanda Ellison.
Sense Protection
Ayurveda educator Kate O’Donnell explains how self-care is an important part of spiritual progress.
Healing Mother Earth Through Loving Kindness
“For the sake of humanity and for the wellbeing of Earth, it is time for all of her people to become the peaceable beings that we are intended to be.”
CB ... X?
CBD is widely available, but it’s hardly the only cannabinoid. Melissa Howsam explores what’s next.
Digestive Health and the Earth Element
Support the immune and digestive systems by balancing the Earth element and nourishing the spleen.
Becoming a Grown-up in Middle Age
Accepting (even embracing) challenging emotions takes practice, but it's never too late.
4 Lessons on Forgiveness From a Rescue Dog
Maggie the Wunderdog was shot, attacked, and left for dead, but, thanks to a rescuer, survived, is thriving—and is loving. Here are four lessons on forgiveness rescue dogs like Maggie teach us.
Devotionals: Connecting With Unexpected Ancestors
Devotionals serve as a grounding presence during unprecedented times. “The practice of a daily devotion connects to the idea of spiritual reflection as a way to gain clarity and peace. Daily time for devotion creates inner peace, slows us down, and allows us to connect with the divine.”
How to Use Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu isn’t well-known, but the practice promises whole-body healing, either with a practitioner or at home.
Lisa Melbourne
Lisa Melbourne is a Clinical Aroma-Reflexologist who specializes in fertility and women’s health, offering bespoke treatments from her clinic based in Lincoln. She is an author and…
Hand Reflexology for the Full Moon
The energy of the full moon invites a release of all that no longer serves us. Energize these hand reflexology points to support a feeling of gratitude, expansion, and letting go.
Activate Your Moon Practice With Hand Reflexology and Aromatherapy
Each phase of the moon supports a different direction of attention and energy. Learn how to create a practice using hand reflexology and aromatherapy based on the lunar cycle.
Planning a Heart-Centered Thanksgiving
Animal chaplain Sarah Bowen shares how she has re-crafted her Thanksgiving to be more compassionate and rejuvenating.
Ecotherapy: Nature Is Good Medicine
Taking time to engage with nature is as close to a cure-all as you’ll find. Ecotherapy can make you feel happier, less fatigued, and more at peace.
7 Essential Oils for Anxiety
Calming essential oils for anxiety can soothe racing thoughts, overall stress, tight muscles, and panic attacks.
Vocal Yoga: 5 Ways to Activate the Power of Your Voice
Connect with the power of your voice to amplify release and healing through your body using vocal yoga.
Existential Angst and Social Media
Using social media can be bad for your health. Existentialist wisdom can help remove the angst from digital life.
What's Missing From Medicine: A Physician's Take on Overcoming Chronic Illness
Saray Stancic, MD, board-certified physician and the subject of the documentary Code Blue, explores what's missing in medicine and chronic illness treatment.
Addressing Trauma Through Yoga Practice
Hala Khouri has been a yoga teacher for over 25 years. She is a therapist and somatic experiencing practitioner. She uses her practice to address trauma, stress, and anxiety on a spiritual and physical level.
“Radical” at Its Roots
S&H Editor in Chief Ben Nussbaum reflects on the word “radical” at its roots.
Self-Care This Season
Self-care is vital, especially in the winter months when darkness—quite literally—settles in. “We respond to the weather, the seasons, the moon, our emotions, and the food we eat.”
Resolution Solution: Holistic New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions never seem to stick. Explore a more holistic approach.
Is Now the Best Time to Fast? The Doctor Says Yes
Dr. Andreas Michalsen, author of The Fasting Fix, uses fasting to treat a number of diseases from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and hypertension to cardiovascular disease, early stages of dementia, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel disease.
When You Finally Go on a Retreat ...
What to keep in mind—and what to steer clear of when deciding on a retreat.
Writing and Healing: A Journaling Guide
Create a link between writing and healing. Journaling allows you to ask questions for self-inquiry and growth. “Writing creates a physical release. It benefits wellbeing, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, decreases doctor’s visits, boosts memory, and increases self-awareness.”
5 Tips for Teaching Mindfulness to Kids
Teaching mindfulness to kids has been said to improve their wellbeing, boost performance in the classroom, increase emotional intelligence, and reduce stress and “negative” behavior.
What Have YOU Learned From 2020?
What have you learned in 2020? If you feel you have struggled this past year, mentally or physically, you are not alone. But what are the positives?
Menopause Symptoms Got You Down? Here’s How to Stay Positive
Menopause symptoms are a harsh reality of life. But “they should be seen not so much as the end of the reproductive years but as the beginning or rebirth of a whole new you.”
Is It Time for a Robopet?
Robo-dog? Sounds straight out of a sci-fi movie. Technology has come a long way since the 1997 release of the Tamagotchi. Still, today robopets continue to bring comfort and cure loneliness.
Coping With Negative People
“No one consciously chooses discord over harmony, but our established patterns of behavior often rule our lives without consideration for our own good or for the wellbeing of others.”
Dismantling Your Pandemic Pod
Pandemic pods kept you sane while keeping COVID-19 at bay. It's okay to mourn the loss of your pod as you celebrate the world moving closer to normal.
From the Editor: Sacred Rest
I don’t think of wellness as requiring a lot of new insights or cutting-edge science. The basics are, well, basic. Remembering them and honoring them—that’s the trick, along with…
How Pets Alleviate Touch Deprivation
Time to adopt a furry friend? Your four-legged friend’s company helps relieve touch deprivation and feelings of isolation.
Seven Buddhist Lessons in Gratitude
Gratitude is powerful. Building your sense of thankfulness the Buddhist way.
The Rest Story
The foundation of mental, physical, and spiritual health is rest. Four rest experts provide insight on sacred rest.
Preventing Sciatica
Sciatica can be debilitating. Preventing sciatica requires some life changes, but it’s worth it.
Writing Letters: A Spiritual Practice
Looking for a new practice to calm the mind and connect with others? Try writing an old-fashioned letter.
CBD Resources
Self-Care With Acupressure for Emotional Balance
“According to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), emotions that aren’t properly processed become stored in the body—clogging up the flow of vital energy, known as qi, through the body’s invisible network of meridians (channels).”
Pain, Our Greatest Teacher for Growth
“Pain can turn our world and our internal compass upside down and shove us into darkness. Simultaneously, however, pain can shock us or catapult us out of everyday autopilot.”
Be Your Own Healing Crisis Guide
A healing crisis is any event in which you feel worse on your way to feeling better. Seeing your healing crisis as a nonlinear journey will help you arrive at the destination of improved health.
Helen Brown
Helen Brown is a freelance writer specializing in psychology and wellness. She has PhD in psychology and a varied background in psychological research, mental health, and wellbeing…
James Canton Sits for Two Years Under an Ancient Oak Tree
What secrets lie in the branches of an 800-year-old oak tree? Teacher and futurist James Canton reflects on the connection between humanity and the oak tree, and ultimately, nature’s role in human redemption.
The Spiritual Meaning of Tooth Pain
There is a unique connection between spirituality, science, and your smile. Discover the spiritual meaning of tooth pain.
8 Herbs for Ayurvedic Skincare
In ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Sanskrit word used for dermatological issues—kuṣṭha—roughly translates to “that which pulls beauty out of the skin.” Try these Ayurvedic skincare herbs for healthy skin.
What the Cicadas Can Teach Us About Sex & Sacredness
We experience the cicadas’ life cycle as sound, sex, then silence. The coming brood makes us mindful of our own sexuality and connection to the earth.
The Spiritual Meaning of Foot Pain
When we confront obstacles, our feet may be the first to know it. The spiritual meaning of foot pain lies in our direction and the path we’re on.
Clink, Rustle, Clack, Swoosh: The Basics and Benefits of ASMR
ASMR calms and engages with materials that clink, rustle, clack, swoosh, brush, smoosh, and slurp.
5 Ways Gardening Is Good for Your Mental Health
Gardening is a lifelong practice that provides countless mental and physical health benefits.
The Role of Reiki in a Healing Crisis
Reiki is a subtle yet powerful form of energy medicine. It can resolve a healing crisis—or may even bring one on.
Book Review: How to Sleep The New Science-Based Solutions for Sleeping Through the Night
FOR THOSE WHO NEED evidence-based convincing that rest is essential to wellbeing, the new book by Rafael Pelayo, MD, a sleep specialist at Stanford’s Sleep Medicine Center, off…
Setting Your Ayurvedic Clock
The Ayurvedic clock tells time in 4-hour dosha blocks. One of these is optimal for falling asleep; another for the best rest.
What Does It Mean to Be a True Empath?
Empathetic people's hearts go out to others. True empaths feel others’ happiness or sadness in their own body, which can lead to emotional overload.
Empaths & Animals: A Special Relationship
Authenticity, a minimal amount of emotional work, and the ability to gain trust are just some of the reasons empaths value their relationships with animals and with nature.
Women’s Circles: A Sacred Space to Celebrate the Divine Feminine
“Women’s circles are a gathering of women, for women. These sisterhood meetings give women a safe space to connect, share, and empower.”
5 Tips to Support Change With Flower Essence Therapy
After several intriguing exchanges abroad, a woman named for a fragrant plant embraces the power of flower essence therapy.
Gut Health
An unhealthy gut can have severe repercussions on your mental and physical wellbeing. Work to relieve stomach pain, boost your immunity, and begin healing your digestive ailments like leaky gut with tips from S&H’s best articles on gut health.
The Art of the Lunch Break
Besides taking a lunch, holding meetings while walking and doing body scan meditation at your desk are two more examples of mindfully returning to the office.
Practices for Loving Your Belly
While “six-pack abs” are touted as the ideal, a soft and flexible belly is, by design, more useful.
11 Affirmations for When You’re Feeling Lonely and Isolated
Try these 11 affirmations for overcoming loneliness and bringing peace and spirituality to your solitude.
Better Sleep
Poor sleep has massive consequences for our wellbeing. Aim for better sleep through yoga, meditation, supplements, crystals, and more with these ideas for better sleep from S&H.
Strengthening Porous Boundaries
Personal boundaries are determined by childhood conditioning. Those with porous boundaries can shore them up by “reparenting” the lower chakras.
Parasympathetic Stimulation: How to Improve Your Vagal Tone
Cold therapy, vocalization, and socializing are just three of six ways to improve vagal tone and reduce stress.
5 Vibrational Healing Methods for Chronic Pain and Body Aches
Vibrational healing isn’t new, but it has recently become more mainstream.
The Spiritual Meaning of Midsummer
Try this mini-ritual for midsummer, when nature teaches us to rest and be patient.
6 Vibrational Healing Practices for Anxiety and Excessive Overthinking
Anything and everything you ingest has a vibration, so be mindful and bring an awareness of spiritual vibration energy to each experience.
Polyvagal Theory: The Stories We Inhabit
How do you inhabit the stories you tell yourself? Polyvagal Theory expert Deb Dana navigates you through the overwhelm of your dorsal and sympathetic stories into ventral safety.
What’s Your Vibrational Healing Style?
Is your style aromatherapy, sound healing, or one of the others? This spiritual vibration test will tell you.
Benefits of Catnip … For Humans Too!
Repel mosquitos, chill out, and get a good night’s sleep with catnip.
Be Happy the Greco-Roman Way
You can thank the ancients for everything from democracy to libraries, the alphabet to zoology. What do they say about happiness?
Ayurvedic Abhyanga: The Benefits of Self-Massage
Reap abhyanga self-massage benefits by anointing the body from head to toe with warm oil before showering.
Sustainable Activism for Animal Lovers
Self-care tools for people who advocate for the more-than-human world.
Yoga for Acne
A flush of blood and energy to the face in an inversion pose is just one way yoga can help clear skin.
Do a Sacred Home Cleanse Using Vibrational Energy Clearing
Just like our physical bodies, our homes can become cluttered with energy that doesn’t serve us.
4 Ways to Incorporate More Touch Into Your Day in Socially Distanced Times
Experiencing touch deprivation? Research suggests four simple practices for relief.
Mindful Decisions for Critically Ill Pets
How do we choose on behalf of another being and make sound decisions when we’re emotionally bereft?
The Branches of Grief Yoga
Open your heart, tap into joy, and explore the transformative healing nature of Grief Yoga.
5 Cold Therapies for Healthy Aging
From frotox to full-body immersion, consider five intriguing cold therapies for inflammation, depression, and more.
Are You Blocked? Take This Chakra Quiz to Find Out
Answer eight chakra quiz questions to determine where there’s imbalance in your system and how you can realign.
Why Ayurveda Quizzes Aren’t Helpful
We like to believe we know ourselves. But is that enough for determining our dosha?
8 Ways to Make Naps Work for You
Before you hit the hay midday, consider these napping pitfalls and tips.
Spirituality and Creation
There must be a profound shift in the story we tell ourselves about ourselves and our relationship to creation.
7 Daily Shinto Rituals
Lifelong Shinto practitioner suggests ways to incorporate Shinto cleansing and purifying rituals.
Deb Dana on Anchoring Your Nervous System With Polyvagal Theory
Polyvagal Theory expert Deb Dana explores anchoring into your nervous system and connecting to your body’s neural pathways for calmness, safety, and connection.
Fast-Acting Female Libido Booster
How do female libido boosters work? If your libido has dwindled and that fire doesn’t seem to be coming back, then it’s time to do something about it.
Kurapeak is a dietary supplement which has been designed to help the lives of women of all ages to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you are looking to reduce the effe…
4 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety
Journaling prompts for anxiety help you observe and process what’s happening without assigning emotion to it, which in turn prevents a buildup of anxiety.
Self-Care Guilt (And Why You Should Let It Go)
Feeling guilty about not practicing enough self-care or like you’re not doing it right? Go ahead and take these off your list of things to worry about.
6 Ways to Ease Acroparesthesia
Acroparesthesia is often a burning feeling in your hands or feet and can cause pain, discomfort, and anxiety.
Sound Healing: What’s Your Solfeggio Frequency?
Sound healing benefits include stress relief, better focus, and energy alignment. And it all depends on the frequency you’re listening to.
Art Journaling for Relaxation and Release
Reduce anxiety and express yourself with 3 DIY art journaling prompts.
Supporting Someone in Spiritual Emergency
As increasing numbers of people are experiencing a spiritual crisis, it is important to know what it is, how to manage it personally, and how to effectively support someone else.
How to Push the Emotional Reset Button in an Amygdala Override
Techniques for trying to calm down when your brain overreacts.
Hot Mugs and Mocktails to Induce Calm and Boost Health
Sip mindfully with matcha, masala spice, and more.
Where to Find a Spiritual Emergence Coach
Meditation, yoga, retreats, and intensives can accelerate growth but sometimes result in disorientation and an urgent need for radical change in work, relationships, and personal values. We can learn how to manage this within ourselves and to support others.
Book Review: The Inside Story
AS LONG AS WE’RE LIVING, we’re aging. For some, this is cause for concern, and as we get older, we may look for strategies to fight against it. Dr. Susan Sands, in her book The Ins…
Signs It’s Time for an Emotional Purge
Feeling overwhelmed by negativity? It may be time for an emotional purge.
Michael Danzansky
Michael Danzansky is founder of the Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times Summit, parenting coach, and the creator of the Transformational Parenting Course. He is a coach and teacher …
How to Better Parent and Support Your Kids
30 world-renowned teachers and leaders provide insight on how to better parent and support your kids.
The Good Noise: Sound Medicine Works
While researchers are still exploring the mechanism of sound medicine, studies show that sound therapy boosts spiritual wellbeing and reduces anxiety and pain.
Mysticism of the Breath
Mysticism of the breath is an ancient, and appropriately timeless, tool for healing and spiritual awakening.
Are You Ready to Try a Vedic Meditation Mantra?
What makes a mantra? Discover how chanting Vedic meditation mantras creates healing energy.
Daylight Savings Dilemma: What’s Best for Body and Spirit?
Shedding light on darker mornings, brighter nights.
Spirituality and Sentience
Recognizing the sentience of nonhumans obligates you to engage with life in a manner that, at minimum, seeks to avoid unnecessary suffering.
Spiritual Dreamwork: A Case Study
Drop into another’s dream to explore natural spirituality in action.
Create a Solo Ritual to Call in Love and Sensuality
Self-love is the doorway to sensual connection—delight in your sacred self with a solo ritual.
Dr. Susan Sands on the Pleasures of Living in an Aging Body
“Not letting ourselves age is a way of not letting ourselves live.”
Ancient Medicine From the Sea
Seaweed is such a nutrient-dense food that very little is required to receive myriad health benefits.
Beyond Optimism and Pessimism
What’s up with being in the world but not of it? And why do bad things happen to good people?
100 Sounds and a Culture of Listening
With inspiration from a sociological program in Japan, explore new, more intentional ways of tuning into sound.
Balance Is as Close as Your Body’s Rhythm
“All of your biological subengines are interdependent; eating patterns affect sleeping patterns, sleeping and exercise patterns affect alertness and metabolic health, and so on.”
7 Stress-Busting Adaptogens
Adaptogens are stress-busting herbs and mushrooms that can help the body find balance in the face of daily stress.
Lakshmi’s Spiritual Path of Pleasure
The Goddess Lakshmi is pleasure incarnate. Discover 12 ways to honor her.
Yin Yoga for Fear, Anxiety, and Confusion
Use yin yoga to target the channels of energy that fear, anxiety, and confusion flow through. Then release these emotions.
Science & Spirit: Moody Skin, Tiny Tech, and Genetic Mutations
Explore the powerful relationship between skin and mental health, dig into tiny technology that can change lives, and discover the future of cancer research.
Marma Point Massage for Digestion
This marma point massage targets the temples to lower acidity, regulate the colon, and more.
How to Avoid Place Blindness
Place blindness is a form of apathy that sets in when we don’t spend enough time outdoors. Overcome place blindness “to feel alive, to feel good.”
5 Best Crystals for Focus
Can’t concentrate? Wear, carry, or display fluorite and other crystals for focus.
Moving Into Dharma
Move across the country and learn to survive cold winters? If that’s your dharma, embrace it.
4 Nutrition Tips to Help Manage Your Anxiety
For anxiety management, try putting on your nutrition armor of adequacy, consistency, balance, and permission to enjoy food.
How Rituals Rewire Your Brain
While rituals may define us, we have a hard time defining them. Dig into the science of ritual.
3 DIY Crystal Mists to Calm, Boost, and Manifest
Create adaptogenic, crystal-infused face and body mists to revitalize and boost balance.
Your Spiritual Growth Is a Risk to Other Peoples’ Lives
When we walk the path of personal transformation, our actions are no longer only for ourselves. They affect the world.
How To Break Free From Parental Anxiety
Learn how to move away from anxiety about raising children, and into a place of balance and ease.
Letting Go of Anger—the Buddhist Way
Discover six practices rooted in Buddhist teaching that can dissipate anger.
What Is an Anthroposophic Diet?
An anthroposophic diet can take many forms, but there are certain general guidelines to follow.
Herbal Teas for Gut Health
Using herbal teas for gut health is probably easier than you think. Here are some of the essentials to get you started.
How To Embody the Triple Goddess Archetype
Understanding the gifts and lessons of each aspect of the Triple Goddess can create wholeness and unity within us, no matter our chronological age.
Lessons From Extreme Rituals: An Interview With Dimitris Xygalatas, PhD
Why do so many ordinary people regularly participate in painful religious rites? Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas explores the answer.
A Life of Evolution
Trailblazer Joseph L. Graves, Jr. believes that we can solve stubborn problems by applying the science of evolutionary biology.
Act First, Think Later
Rachel Goldsmith Turow, the author of The Self-Talk Workout, offers a way to skip past self-criticism.
Film Review: Costa Brava, Lebanon
Mounia Akl's film tackles an important and underdiscussed aspect of an important subject. How do you persist as people, as a family, when the world seems to be falling apart around…
Be a Heretic
Explore what it means to be a heretic, how to measure the health of your soul, and the importance of Paganism for our time.
7 Reasons Why You Resist Meditation (and What to Do About Them)
Feeling averse to meditation? One of these seven reasons may be the explanation.
Science & Spirit: Charitable Sleeping, Beneficial Guilt, and Banana Cookies
Banana peels, the negative effects of sleep loss, and the benefits of betrayal.
3 Ayurvedic Herbs for the Female Reproductive System
The power of Ayurveda and plant medicine reach beyond immunity and sleep. Shatavari, fenugreek, and ashoka can help support the female reproductive system.
Animal Blessings
Our resident animal chaplain shows us the significance of blessing animals—and one another.
How to Communicate With Nature Through Ecosomatic Listening
Feeling out of touch with your environment? Experiment with ecosomatic listening to communicate with nature—and nature just may communicate back.
Aleesha Jordan
Aleesha Jordan is a California-based professional development and emotional wellbeing expert who gets heart-centered business events aligned, organized, and launched. She’s the cre…
Relearning Ahimsa
"What if we can embrace ahimsa as total avoidance of harming anyone—not only by deeds, but also by words and thoughts? What if we start with ourselves?"
10 Underrated Ways to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle
Utilize one (or all!) of these tips to become healthier day by day.
10 Health Benefits of Meditation for Seniors
Explore how meditation can provide profound health benefits, especially for seniors.
The Dark Side of Gratitude
While practicing gratitude can increase our wellbeing, sometimes we have to step beyond gratitude to find a better life. Learn how to navigate the dark side of gratitude.
5 Ayurvedic Tips for Thriving During the Holidays
Ayurvedic wisdom can help us have a healthier and happier holiday season—learn how with these five tips.
Chief Dr. Robert Joseph Offers a Path to Reconciliation
Unity and healing are at the center of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph's teachings. We spoke to him about universal values, his own elders, and Indigenous languages as "languages of the land."
5 Ayurvedic Herbs to Help Navigate Impotence
Impotence can be frustrating and disempowering—explore potential solutions from an Ayurvedic perspective.
The Spiritual Meaning of Knee Pain
If knee pain has you feeling weak, it may be a sign of disconnect or imbalance. Explore the spiritual meaning of knee pain.
The Hidden Cost of Domestication
Animal trainer Ren Hurst lost everything when she discovered a new way of being with animals. What she gained made the loss worthwhile.
Move for Recovery
Steven Washington, author of Recovering You, shares his recovery journey and how movement was the key to success.
3 Ways to Manage Anxiety with Mindful CBT
Integrating mindfulness into cognitive behavioral therapy can provide profound relief from anxiety—a clinical psychologist offers insight into the benefits of this practice
23 Great Places to Pause, Reflect, and Renew
Our 2023 Retreat Guide features 23 unique retreat centers design to help you heal, restore, and connect with your highest self. Where will you retreat to this year?
Film Review and Director Q&A: Inhospitable
Documentaries about the broken American healthcare system are nothing new, but Inhospitable applies a laser focus to a part of the problem that has gotten relatively little attenti…
Use Metta Meditation to Strengthen Your Relationships
The Buddhist practice of metta, or loving-kindness, can be used to strengthen your romantic relationships. Learn how.
How to Use Alchemy for Better Gut Health
Improve your digestion and overall health by tending to the quality of your digestive fire—using alchemy.
How to Use Ayurveda for Gas and Bloating
Struggling with stomach troubles? Use these tips and explore how to use Ayurveda for gas and bloating.
Sophie Cliff
Sophie Cliff (aka The Joyful Coach) is a certified coach and positive psychology practitioner who uses her expertise to help individuals and organizations flourish by finding more …
How Joy Can Help Us Tackle Burnout
Burnout can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Explore how the simple practice of cultivating joy can help turn burnout around.
The Present Potential of Psychedelics
Psychedelic-assisted therapy might just be the evolution of medicine. Here are some highlights from this year’s Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Global Summit.
5 Simple Ayurvedic Self-Care Tips
Ayurvedic self-care offers holistic, sustainable ways to nourish your body for the long term. These five tips will help you manage your life with more ease.
Matthew Ash McKernan Shows Us the Web of Wyrd
What is wyrd, and how can we understand its warp and weft to navigate life more skillfully? Therapist and author Matthew Ash McKernan shares wisdom.
How Excessive Emotions Can Harm the Body
Ayurveda teaches us that emotions are connected to some of the body's major organs. Explore practical ways to soothe anxiety, grief, and anger and help heal the physical body.
Featured Artist: Pete Sandker
S+H lead digital editor Brenna Lilly spoke to artist Pete Sandker about walks in the woods, childhood inspiration, and the following call of art. Find Pete’s art throughout the issue.
4 Ways to Foster Ancestral Healing
Ancestral healing is a challenging but powerful practice. Learn four ways to access this practice in your own life.
Become a Connoisseur of Time
What we really want is to experience our lives in ever-richer ways. And that means getting off the clock. Here, a master outlines how to do just that.
Put Your Wisdom to Work
People are finding their higher purpose by sharing their spiritual gifts, interests, and skills.
Dr. Michael Amster Explains the Power of Awe
A chronic pain specialist and meditation teacher shows us how to simplify mindfulness and harness the healing ability of awe.
5 Movement Practices for Menopause
During menopause, the body’s needs change. Try these five options for different ways to move the body during this transition.
A Guide to Using Ayurveda for Stress Relief
Whether you’re a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, using Ayurveda for stress relief can help you feel your best.
25 Healing Self-Love Affirmations
Self-love doesn’t always come easy, but affirmations can help. “I love who I am becoming and embrace all that I am” is just one of these 25 self-love affirmations.
6 Easy Tips to Help You Accept Yourself
Self-acceptance doesn't always come naturally. Try these six tips to embrace who you truly are.
4 Ways to Renew Your Relationship to Food in Menopause
Menopause brings with it immense change and vulnerability, making it the perfect time to develop a more supportive relationship with food.
What's Next for Spirituality & Health?
Rabbi Rami explores what the next 25 years have in store for Spirituality & Health and American spirituality as a whole.
30 Soothing Bedtime Mantras for Better Sleep
Use one of these thirty affirmations to sink into a deep, restful sleep tonight.
Creating a Forest Apothecary Garden to Manage Anxiety
Take your outdoor self-care to the next level this spring. Explore how creating a forest apothecary garden can help manage anxiety.
Breaking the Cycle of Powerlessness
A physician and personal development coach shows us how to overcome an overworked “inner protector” and reclaim our essential power.
Diving Deep Into Darkness
Zen Buddhist priest Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel shares her wisdom on leaning into life’s many difficulties and invites us to explore our relationships to darkness and blackness as we know them.
Nourishing Exhausted Adrenals, the Ayurvedic Way
Adrenal fatigue can sap us of energy, leave our minds foggy, and take over our lives. Ayurveda offers the opportunity for holistic support.
A Ritual for Shedding Negativity
Release the negative, celebrate the positive, and find resilience even in challenging times with this ritual.
8 Steps to Use Active Imagination for Pain Relief
The imagination combines the power of the waking world with the potential of the dreaming world. Learn how to address your pain in this imaginal space.
How Ayurveda Deals With Kapha Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies got you down? Counter them with an Ayurvedic approach.
Healing the Worry Habit
The "worry habit" can be inherited, but it can also be transformed. Explore one life coach and medium's methods for un-learning fear, and enjoy a short calming meditation.
Annabelle Sharman On Journeying Into Oneness
How can we become future ancestors and utilize the power of hope and ceremony to heal ourselves? Aboriginal teacher and healer Annabelle Sharman shares.
Featured Artist: Julie Liger-Belair
Lead digital editor Brenna Lilly spoke with artist Julie Liger-Belair about sacred art, household altars, and the “muscle” of creativity.
Rev. Wendy Van Allen on Healing Earth With Nature Spirituality
We chatted with interspiritual minister Rev. Wendy Van Allen about how the perspective of Nature Spirituality can help heal the earth.
Why—Still—the Sound of Silence?
Three healing professionals—Amza Ali, MD, Justin Grant, Phd, and Mary-Elizabeth Gifford—consider the high costs of not speaking up for palliative care with psychedelics.
Why Dance Makes Brains Better
Explore how an effort to help people with Parkinson’s disease now helps everyone keep a healthier brain, mind, and body.
What Role Does Your Anxiety Play?
Overwhelmed by anxiety? Learn skillful ways to address the specific role anxiety plays in your life.
8 Ayurvedic Tips for Aging Gracefully
The western medical model would have us believe that aging is a curse, while Ayurveda holds a more holistic, optimistic perspective. These eight tips can support healthy aging for all.
How Feeling Safe Promotes Healing
Even when our circumstances are safe, we may not feel safe within our own bodies. Explore the importance of cultivating a feeling of safety from within, and how it can help us heal deeply.
Dealing With Depression—the Buddhist Way
For those of us experiencing depression, a Buddhist perspective might offer some support. Explore these six Buddhist techniques for dealing with depression.
Leading Spiritual Health in the Workplace: The Time Has Come
Following COVID, workplaces are moving from solely focusing on physical health to embracing mental health. The next move? Spiritual health.
5 Tips to Transform Your Life for Success and Growth
Rebirth is an innate part of life. Explore these five tips to help you transform whatever part of your life needs a fresh start.
Making Peace With Your Body
Release toxic programming about how you look with guidance from psychotherapist and meditation teacher Andrea Wachter.
How Faux-giveness Creates Anxiety and Stunts Spiritual Growth
If you accept apologies even when you don't feel like it, you might be practicing “faux-giveness.” Learn how to change that pattern and live with less stress.
How Kabbalah Can Support Your Mental Health Journey
Explore how this ancient Jewish mystical tradition can support you on your journey to complete wellness.
5 Journaling Prompts for Finding Clarity and Direction
Journaling can help reveal your life's path. Try these five journaling prompts to clarify your purpose.
Addressing the State of Mental Health With the Power of Kabbalah
Kabbalah can help support the mental health journey—learn more about the process.
3 Strategies to Achieve Peak States
Peak states are life’s greatest moments of flow, connectedness, and bliss. Here are three ways to access peak states regularly to feel your best.
Sherianna Boyle on the Essentials of Manifestation
We spoke with energy healer and author Sherianna Boyle about how everyone can benefit from manifestation.
The Simple Thermodynamics of Enlightenment
When S+H was conceived, evolutionary neuroscientist Peggy La Cerra, PhD, awakened to a new understanding of the nature of the mind created by evolution. It’s not widely taught, but the science seems pretty obvious.
The Enlightenment Lab
Harvard-trained brain surgeon Allan Hamilton, MD, offers eight top lessons from his Zen Lab: working with horses.
Giving Space for Hope
Paul Sutherland offers advice on how to change the world, one person at a time, through the practice of hope.
The Key to a Good Night's Sleep
Explore how one app is helping people fall asleep each and every night with their library of soothing sleep tracks.
5 Unexpected Gifts of Cyclical Living
Learn more about the benefits of cyclical living and how getting out of a timeline-based mindset can set you free.
Quiz: How Burned Out Are You?
Feeling low energy and like you can’t get a handle on life? Take our quiz to see how burned out you are—and learn what might help.
Susan Bauer-Wu on Creating a Future We Can Love
Clinical scientist and mindfulness teacher Susan Bauer-Wu shares her thoughts on how to create a future we can love through both social action and optimism.
What to Do About Bears
Now that summer is in full swing, it’s important to consider your bear neighbors. Our animal chaplain shares her experience with a black bear, and some tips on how to handle bear encounters of many kinds.
How Vedic Astrology Can Help You Make Better Choices
Explore how the practice of Vedic astrology can help you make wiser choices, from your love life, to your career, to your health.
How to Prepare for an Ayahuasca Ceremony
Ever wonder what to expect out of an ayahuasca healing experience? Here is a brief guide on how to prepare.
What Is Speciesism (and Why Does It Matter)?
Speciesism is a complex issue. Explore why understanding this paradigm matters, and learn new ways of building mindful relationships with the animal beings in your life.
Tongue Reading for Your Health
The practice of tongue reading—looking at the texture, color, and shape of one’s tongue—can help us better understand our health. Learn more about the basics of tongue reading.
What Is Gaslighting?
The term “gaslighting” can often be vague and confusing. Learn more about what gaslighting really is, and explore ways to separate yourself from gaslighters.
What Is a Cord-Cutting Ritual, and How Can It Help Your Relationships?
A cord-cutting ritual may be exactly what you need to revitalize your relationships and attachments. Learn more about the benefits of this practice.
The Art of Raising Your Money Consciousness
Changing your perspective of money from something mundane to something spiritual is an art, not a science. Learn how to shift your money consciousness now.
Kasey Claytor
Kasey Claytor is an award-winning author of seven books, both fiction and non-fiction. She is a meditation and wellbeing teacher, and the founder of Osprey Money Management LLC, a …
How to Get in Touch with the Energy of Late Summer
The coming of fall doesn’t have to be a hard transition. Honor the magic of the end of summer with an altar, rituals, crystals, and affirmations.
6 Ways to Support Grieving, From a Death Doula
A grief coach and death midwife offers six ways for us to support ourselves while we are grieving.
Embracing Wholeness: The Path to Holistic Living at Bhakti Fest
Bhakti Fest offers seekers a chance to build conscious community while nourishing their own spirits. Learn more about this year's gathering, happening September 15-17 in Joshua Tree, California.
3 Keys to Thriving: How to Have Purpose, Prosperity, and Ease
Discover these three powerful keys to step into a purpose-filled, prosperous, and easeful life.
How Do Physical Health and Mental Health Affect Each Other?
Physical and mental health are directly intertwined. Learned more about how one impacts the other.
The Dangers of the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction empowers people to think more positively, but at what cost? Explore the complexities of the Law of Attraction.
Beat Burnout by Becoming Me-Powered
An internal medicine physician shares her experience with burnout and gives insight into the five levels of becoming "me-powered."
9 Flower Essences for Sensual Empowerment
A master flower essence practitioner offers her favorite flower essences to encourage healing and embodied sensuality.
How to Make a Career Out of Helping Children and Families
Explore the many options when considering a career to help children and families.
The Best Meditation for Each Ayurvedic Dosha
Not every type of meditation is suited for everyone. Which style of meditation is best for your dosha?
Fighting Societal Affective Disorder
After a conversation with a seasonal affective disorder expert, Rabbi Rami ponders the affliction of societal affective disorder.
3 Steps to Stay Grounded in an Ungrounded World
Learn to connect with the calming energy of the earth from expert energy healer Wendy De Rosa, and enjoy a 14-minute guided meditation.
6 Ways to Practice Authentic Living
Authentic living may seem easy, but there can be challenges on the journey. Explore six steps to start your path to authentic living.
Optimizing Music Choices for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
Explore how one Grammy-nominated recording artist and sound healer incorporates healing music with psychedelic medicine.
Why You Should Live an Imagination-Centered Life
A depth psychologist explores the healing power of living an imagination-centered life. What will you discover within the Imagination Matrix?
Eden Hemp Flower Extract in Organic Hemp Seed Oil—Pure & Purifying
Eden Hemp Flower Extract in Organic Hemp Seed Oil—outdoor grown from organic, non-GMO seed. Broad spectrum—0% THC.
Embracing Self-Compassion: A Spiritual Approach to Better Mental Health
Self-compassion involves being aware of our suffering and responding with kindness and understanding. It's about acknowledging our imperfections and mistakes without judgment.
The Pelvic Floor Path to Women’s Sexual Wellness
There is wisdom held in the pelvic floor. Explore an easy and powerful breathing practice to reconnect with your root.
Practicing Transformative Pilgrimage, Whether You Leave Home or Not
A renowned pastoral counselor offers her thoughts on the power of pilgrimage to help us build stronger communities and find belonging to one another.
Relieve Stress and Discover Healing With Nature Bathing
The practice of nature bathing can be deeply healing. Explore how one somatic practitioner uses a simple act of walking in nature to relieve stress weekly.
How Mothers Can Reclaim Their Birth Stories
Discover empowering insights and actionable advice from a birth story expert on reclaiming your unique birthing experience.
3 Crystals for Sensuality
These three healing crystals can support you in your journey towards embodied sensuality. Which one will you keep close by?
5 Anti-New Years Resolutions
January is one of the hardest times of year to establish new habits. Instead, use these compassionate intentions to support your body through the hard winter.
Helping Street Dogs
Our animal chaplain shares inspiration for sustaining canine advocacy from a mother-daughter team in India.
A Guide to Living by the Wheel of the Year
Healer and author Dina Saalisi shares the power of connecting to the rhythms of life and the Wheel of the Year.
How Therapeutic Art Journaling Can Support Better Sleep
An art therapist offers four ways to combine art with journaling to process your feelings and get a better night’s sleep each night.
3 Tips to Begin Your Meditation Practice
There is a wealth of inner peace within each of us that, for many, remains untapped. A Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher offers insights to spark your meditation practice.
Flower Essences for Animal Healing
Flower essences operate on a subtle, energetic level as “vibrational medicine.” Can this gentle modality help our animal companions?