Philip Goldberg
Philip Goldberg is an author and public speaker. His latest book, Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage, is available now. The e-book is specially priced at $1.99 in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Some of his other work includes the award-winning American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the West; Roadsigns on the Spiritual Path: Living at the Heart of Paradox; and The Life of Yogananda: The Story of the Yogi Who Became the First Modern Guru.
A meditation teacher and ordained interfaith minister, Phil is also the co-host of the popular Spirit Matters podcast and leads American Veda Tours to India. See more at

Moving Into Dharma
Move across the country and learn to survive cold winters? If that’s your dharma…
Our Declaration of Spiritual Independence
If you value spiritual independence and the fundamental right to pursue the divi…
Why People Don’t Meditate ... Even If They Want To
Why is it so hard to jumpstart a meditation practice even when you really want t…
Namaste: Let’s Keep It After the Pandemic
This non-touch method of saying hello and goodbye is something you should contin…
No Place Like Alone for the Holidays
“The absence of holiday fuss clears the way for all kinds of spiritual opportuni…
The Hearts and Souls of Candidates: Character Matters
A political candidate's character matters just as much, if not more than their p…
Holy Places Everywhere
All places are alive with holiness, says Philip Goldberg, so cultivate your own …
The Heart of Paradox
“One way we experience the paradoxical nature of the spiritual path is in the te…
Spiritual Responsibility in the Age of Black Lives Matter
“Despite my upbringing, my education, and my experience, I still have a lot to l…
Channeling Anger Into Spiritual Action
Reframe anger over injurious events from “I’m furious!” to “this is wrong, and I…
Finding Balance in a Pandemic
Finding balance isn't easy in these tightrope-walking days. But: “Your deepest p…
Taking Refuge in the Big Picture
“One quick, effective way to counter the fear, pessimism, and brooding despair t…
Are Theocratic Authoritarians Dangerous?
“I’m not naïve enough to say that public officials should leave their religious …
2020 Resolution: Balance Spiritual Self-Care with Being an Engaged Citizen
“Buckle up; we’re in for a bumpy ride this year. With the impeachment trial, the…
What Can Be Done About Religious Fanatics?
“In addition to neutralizing its noxious expressions, we need to learn more abou…
The Immigrants Who Make America Great
The Fourth of July, the horrific news reports from our southern border, and deve…
It’s Time to Transcend Tolerance and Compromise
"I don't want Christians to tolerate Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and athei…
Woking Up With Forgiveness and Compassion
"I worry sometimes that outrage, even when completely justified, can blind us to…
The Bribery and Fraud Unmasks a Larger Spiritual Crisis
Every spiritual tradition has warned us that money, power, and prestige provide …
Finding the Cracks Where the Holy Light Comes In
The cracks where the light gets in may not be immediately apparent, but they are…
Why Spiritual Practice is Essential in Crazy Times
Your spiritual practice is more essential now than ever before.
Spiritualizing Democracy
Vigilance and skillful action are needed here and now to protect our democracy f…
Us and Them: The Eternal Division We Have to Transcend
Almost every weekend, my wife and I hike on a well-maintained trail abutting Los…
Empathy for the Detestable, Compassion for the Callous
Most deeply spiritual people, regardless of their ancestral religion or their ch…
It’s not “Islam,” It’s not “Religion,” It’s Fanaticism
The hideous massacre in Orlando on June 12 has been analyzed from a variety of a…
We Elect Coaches, But We're the Players
As the ubiquitous, exhausting and often disturbing election campaign trudges on,…
Stuck on the Spiritual Spectrum
A dispute at a small evangelical college; the death of a Supreme Court Justice; …
The Collective Spiritual Failure
That humanity faces monumental challenges needs no more proof than a scan of the…