Paul Sutherland
Paul Sutherland resides in Michigan with his four youngest kids, ages 5 to 10. He and his wife, Amy, try to be an example of Parenting for a Peaceful world, in which democracy begins at home.

Giving Space for Hope
Paul Sutherland offers advice on how to change the world, one person at a time, …
The Path of Happiness
Paul Sutherland lives in South Africa where he tries to see through the complexi…
When Will I Be Rich Enough to Give?
"The key to making altruism effective is working on our own character."
In Happiness and Suffering
Paul Sutherland struggles with creating an off-ramp for his unskillful thoughts …
Life Sucks, Then We Die: Education and Transformation
Paul Sutherland has days when he feels like life sucks and then we die, but he w…
The Untouchables
"I think we need to acknowledge our mortality, but also that we have a place in …
Suffering Exists So We Have Something to Do
How we speak and behave affects our relationship with the world. It affects how …
Keep Meditating
Part of our happiness experience comes from allowing ourselves to be in relation…
Dancing to Songs Stuck in Your Head
“Our human emotional system, at times, is wired to lead us to embrace the three …
Share the Table
Life isn’t about hogging the last bread roll—it’s about sharing the table.…
What Are Your “Stand Fors”?
“Encouraged by ego and the desire to not fail, people stick with the investment …
Mindfulness Can Get You There
“It takes courage to let go of habits and beliefs championed by our parents and …
Unpacking Our Lives to Make Room for Happiness
With the new year almost upon us, it's time to start setting goals—but this year…
The Heart of Money: Seal the Door Where Evil Dwells
"I believe love wins, and find it does no good to read the negative news that I …
The Heart of Money: Tiny Acts of Heroism
"We need heroes! Everyday heroes! We need to have our children see us adults act…
What’s Next on Your Awareness Test?
When we see people in need of help, do we respond in the way that a friend, brot…
The Heart of Money: Wealth Drain for Single Women - What to Do?
A recent report from Asset Funder Network found that single women ages 45 to 65 …
The Heart of Money: “What Do You Look for in Conscious Corporations?”
Paul Sutherland no longer lives in Uganda and now resides in Michigan with his f…
The Heart of Money: What About Intentional Communities?
Question: Have you ever experienced an intentional community that works? Pau…
The Heart of Money: When Should I Retire?
“My definition of retirement is working when you want, how you want, if you want…
Heart of Money: Bitcoin and FOMO
Columnist Paul Sutherland shares his perspective on cryptocurrencies.
The Heart of Money: The Best Financial Practice for Moving Abroad is Nonattachment
When you move abroad, especially to a different culture like Uganda’s, normal ju…
The Heart of Money: Time to Move Abroad?
Columnist Paul Sutherland offers his personal experience living abroad to shed l…
The Heart of Money: The “Fine Print” Commandments We Give Ourselves
Columnist Paul Sutherland offers a new path that embraces inclusivity and truth.…
The Heart of Money: Pay for Preschool or Save for College?
Teachers offer their input in the question between saving for early education or…
The Heart of Money: I don’t want to own “America” right now
Reader question: I don’t want to own “America” right now. I don’t want to profit…
How Can We Love You Better?
S&H is almost 20 years old and has blossomed into a vibrant community that w…
The Heart of Money: Becoming Prepared
Question: I have friends who keep gold coins and have food stored up—just …
Peace Revolution Summit 2016 - Postcards
Paul Sutherland, author and S&H columnist of The Heart of Money recently spo…
The Heart of Money: What has happened to America?
I can’t breathe. What has happened to America? How could Donald Trump get electe…
The Heart of Money: Why Trump Is My Teacher & Guru
When Donald Trump appeared on the political scene he seemed a joke, but now the …
The Heart of Money: A Question of Being “Blessed”
Q: My old friend from college tells me he is “blessed” because he made a fortune…
The Heart of Money: Wrestling with a Question of Inheritance
Let your values influence how your spend your money
The Heart of Money: Paris put me over the edge! Now what?
Q: I’ve spent the last few years budgeting and digging out my finances—and all t…
The Heart of Money: I’m sick of giving Christmas gifts to my spoiled kids. What do I do?
Q: I’m sick of giving Christmas gifts. I give a lot in my life—and I’m on a stri…
The Heart of Money: Is Going Back to School the Best Way to Invest in Myself?
Q: I’m thinking about going back to school. Biz school, law school, grad school?…
The Heart of Money: Should I Take a Volunteer Vacation?
Question: I need a vacation, and I’m happy to spend my hard-earned money somepla…
The Heart of Money: Help! I Don't Know What to Think About Taxes!
Question: I don’t know what to think about taxes. Our country seems in serious d…
The Heart of Money: How Do I Fund My Big Dream?
I’m thinking about raising $50,000 for a movie. It’s a huge life dream for me, a…
The Gary Zukav Interview
In 1980, Gary Zukav was awarded a National Book Award in the Science category fo…
The Heart of Money: The Practice of Making Good Decisions
You have spent your career successfully managing stock portfolios worth hundreds…
The Heart of Money: "Do Microloans Really Help?"
I’ve been hearing a lot about microlending lately. I don’t have a lot of money t…
The Heart of Money: "My Parents Are Helping Me. Do I Need to Live Like a Spartan?"
My husband and I both work hard and are able to get by, but it’s not always enou…
The Heart of Money: “Can I Become a Vegan Investor?”
I’m very concerned about animal cruelty in our society. From the dinner table to…
The Heart of Money: "Should I Go On A Financial Cleanse?"
Consider your purchases to create lasting joy
Put Your Money Where Your Values Are
I’m on the board of a local nonprofit organization, where I oversee our endowmen…
Family Dynamic: Deepak Chopra reflects on how family has changed him
We visted with Deepak Chopra a year after son Gotham’s documentary, Decoding Dee…
The Heart of Money: Is Solar a Good Investment?
[Paul pictured with his oldest son, who heads to university this fall.]
The Heart of Money: Shall I Take a Pilgrimage?
I feel like I’m on the brink of a spiritual awakening. I’m far from rich, but I’…
Thoughtful Giving: Make Sure You're Providing Real Help
When I give money to international agencies that work in developing countries, I…
Spending from the Heart
Money can do so much good if we use it in a spirit of interrelatedness, acceptance, and love.
Are People with More Money Less Generous?
Why does it sometimes seem that people with the most money can be the least gene…
Susan Sarandon: The Making of a Meaningful Life
Susan Sarandon on what it takes to be a hero, change the world, and maybe even have a happy life.
Marianne Williamson: Love is the Bottom Line
Twenty years after she introduced a new generation to A Course in Miracles in he…
Heart of Money: In God We Trust?
In this election year, there’s so much talk about the state of the economy. Whil…
How to Change the World: An Interview with Don Miguel Ruiz
The author of The Four Agreements reflects on what it takes to change the world―and yourself.
Why Our Birth Matters
Showing that our earliest moments in life matter―and that we can access those me…
Time and Money
My husband works all the time, and I’m a stay-at-home mother. He says he is work…
The Fuel of All Things Good
A recent issue of Business Week has stuck in my mind. The cover story is “The Ca…
A Conversation about Busy Lives
A client says to me, “My husband and I argue about money constantly. It has gott…
Just Say T–I–A
My wife, Amy, arrived with Patrick Dale Sutherland, our newly adopted 14-month-o…
The Seismic Shift
A seismic shift is happening. The change that is underway is profound and will s…
Our Choices Define Us
ll we need to do is turn on the TV or radio, glance at a billboard, or even chec…
Help Someone in Need of Helpin'
All my friends have money and time but not me. I have two kids and two part-time…
Bearing Witness to Modern-Day Slavery
Peggy Callahan co-founded Free the Slaves, one of the leading anti-slavery organ…
Hidden in Plain Sight
“Do it for them.” These are the words that Lisa Kristine, humanitarian photograp…
The Best Health Practice
Dr. Erminia (Mimi) Guarneri first became known as a pioneering interventional ca…
The Heart of Money: Are We to Blame?
My partner heads up a research hospital, and I’m a neurosurgeon. We both came fr…
Live from a Place of Love: An Interview with Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer is a famously self-made man who was born in Detroit in 1940 and s…
Is $150 a Month for Yoga a Wise Investment?
Since my early teens I have searched to find the truth about success, and I have…