Megan Shoop-Volz
Megan Shoop-Volz is a historian and spinner of stories with a BA in English literature. Her analytical mind and insatiable curiosity have made her a lifelong scholar of the mysterious, paranormal, and arcane. She is the cofounder of the Metaphysical Apothecary, a space dedicated to exploring cosmic mysteries and sacred knowledge. Follow her at @metaphysical_apothecary.

Mabon and the Divine Feminine
Celebrate the autumnal equinox—also known as Mabon—by honoring the divine femini…
4 Ways to Cleanse Post-Vacation Negative Energy
Not feeling quite right after a get-together? Cleanse the bad energy.
Bathing in Citrus Magick
Boost your immune system, your spiritual energy, or both with a citrus bath. Dis…
Repaganizing: Reconnecting With Our Pagan Past
Repaganizing suggests that paganism is our natural state—that recent trends are …
Spring Equinox Detox
Harness Ostara’s essence with three spring equinox detoxes. Emerge, cleanse, nam…
Hot Mugs and Mocktails to Induce Calm and Boost Health
Sip mindfully with matcha, masala spice, and more.
Winter Magick: 3 Balancing Rituals Using Snow
Snow’s dual energies of quietude and preparation make it excellent for rebalanci…
Art Journaling for Relaxation and Release
Reduce anxiety and express yourself with 3 DIY art journaling prompts.
4 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety
Journaling prompts for anxiety help you observe and process what’s happening wit…
3 Essential Oil Blends to Boost Sensuality
Erotic, invigorating, and beautifying: Try these essential oils for sensuality.…
5 Cuddling Techniques to Ease Stress
Depending on your comfort level, you can try these cuddling techniques with a pa…
3 Dessert Smoothies for Beautiful Skin
If your skin needs some love, chances are your internal systems could use a boos…
Colored Light Therapy for Anxiety
Explore how green, pink, blue, and purple lights can reduce anxiety, improve moo…
The Spiritual Benefits of Pumpkin & Other Orange Foods
Nourish your sacral chakra with these four orange-hued desserts.
5 Beautiful Ways to Use Pumpkin for Skin
You can have your pumpkin for skin and eat it too with these seasonal skincare r…
6 Pantry Staples to Help Kick Anxiety to the Curb
Foods rich in tryptophan, omega-3s, magnesium, B vitamins, and potassium are lik…
Thunder and Lightning: The Spiritual Meaning of the Blue Moons
The thunder moon and the lightning moon that follows it can bring stormy weather…
The Spiritual Meaning of Midsummer
Try this mini-ritual for midsummer, when nature teaches us to rest and be patien…
Chilled Cherry Moon Milk & Sleep Meditation
Savor the flavors of frothy cherry moon milk while you visualize being bathed in…
Embracing New Moon Energy
A new moon can be a time to plot change, plant seeds, and bathe in darkness.…
Consumable Magic: A Ritual to Honor the Strawberry Moon
The beginning of summer is a time to rejoice in nature’s abundance. This ritual …