Kevin Anderson PhD, Psychotherapist
Kevin Anderson, Ph.D. is a psychologist, poet, and writer who lives in the Toledo, Ohio area. His two most recent books are Now is Where God Lives: A Year of Nested Meditations to Delight the Mind and Awaken the Soul and The Inconceivable Surprise of Living (225 brief essays inspired by life-changing quotations). He can be contacted at [email protected] or through his website:

Living New Questions
Explore ways to shift the self-judging questions you're asking yourself into mor…
Demystifying the Talking Cure
Talk therapy—and the process of finding the right therapist—can be confusing. He…
Navigating With Soul
How can you get a sense of whether a therapist will be a soulful, healing presen…
Amusing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
Is there a place for laughter in trauma therapy? Our resident psychotherapist di…
The Soul of Therapy: Back to the Present
A psychotherapist offers some wisdom for a reader experiencing the loneliness an…
Ringing Gongs, Clanging Cymbals, and the Primacy of Love
"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and … try to love the qu…
Journaling Out Loud
Distracted by worrying, anxious, comparing thoughts? Give voice to them. Then gi…
When a Tension Gets Attention
Flummoxed by self-esteem issues? Give up on self-esteem and move to Self-awarene…
“Dog Mind” and the Cone of Mindfulness
Wearing a "cone of mindfulness" can help protect our spiritual and mental wellbe…
What’s Strong With Me?
“What’s strong with me?” can turn down the frequency and intensity of comparing …
Furious to Curious: Listening as a Spiritual Practice
How a couple handles tensions determines the trajectory of their relationship. …
Thistle Seed and This’ll Seed
Playing with language can be a powerful way to reframe burdensome thoughts. …
When Life Is a Hurricane, Stay in the “I”
When your life feels like it’s getting to be too much ... simply stay in the “I”…
Nature’s Image for the Universal Oneness of Humanity
If we’re all one interconnected humanity, what’s our common root system? Do we e…
Finding Home in the Moment
Psychotherapist Kevin Anderson answers questions from S&H readers. “I keep t…
Living Connected to a Spiritual IV Drip Line
You may be feeling in need of a spiritual transfusion. “How do we get connected …
A Mystical Truth Hidden in “I Am Never Good Enough in My World”
Transform Self-denigration into Self-actualization by making some much-needed ed…
Assuming the Whole Body Is Conscious Can Heal Puzzling Symptoms
What happens when you allow your whole body to have a conscious voice? “I have s…
Humbling Reminders to Live Heavily Meditated
“Buddha was right: difficulty and suffering keep coming at us in small and large…
What Nightcrawler Picking Taught Me About the Pursuit of Happiness
“Don’t put finding your happiness at the center of your searchlight. Center your…
Father’s Final Words Not the Last Word
Psychotherapist Kevin Anderson offers advice to S&H readers. “As professiona…
Hitting the Reset Button When Your Flow of Higher Energies Is Interrupted
Reset your connection to the flow of divine energies. “I began wondering about t…
The Whale of Attachment Distress
Small events create huge disturbances in our relationships. “Old wounds, usually…
“Moon River,” JT, and Me
Simple joys help us flow back to the best things in life. “Never have I so sense…
Never Lose a Holy Curiosity
Kevin Anderson, PhD, answers questions from S&H readers. “With COVID-19, the…
This Printer May Not Exist: From Believing to Knowing
Does God exist? There are other questions that are even more important, such as …
What Fixing a YouTube TV Signal Can Teach About Inner Peace
Meditation can assist us with depression by reminding us to tune into a higher e…
Put Your Self-Compassion on First, Then Assist Others
“I am a good, kind, and ethical person, but I feel that I sometimes lack compass…
A Prayer That’s Always Answered
Prayer is a way to recenter one’s life on an energy beyond success, money, or re…
Brokenness Expands Our Capacity for Non-Judgment
Empathy and non-judgment lie at the heart of the therapeutic experience. “Streng…
Casting a Vote of Confidence in the Indwelling Divine
Passionate about voting this year? How many “votes” do you cast each day with yo…
Healing Relationships With “Holy Breath” Listening
Practicing “Holy Breath” listening can positively impact even the most turbulent…
Men, Friendship, and Infidelity
“What happens when the vulnerability he’s feeling is about something in the marr…
We All Suffer From H.E.L.P. (Human Existential Looping Problem), but There’s Help!
Stuck in a rut—or a loop? “Thoughts we’ve had thousands of times are easier to h…
An Old and Surprisingly Helpful Definition of Sin
What if we define sin as “anxious self-centeredness”? When we empty ourselves of…
“I’m Turned Off by the Higher Power Language in A.A.”
“The brightness of an incandescent bulb is determined by how many twists are in …
Giving Voice to Anxiety and Acceptance
Having a hard time meditating because of anxious thoughts? Try saying your worri…
The Spiritual Dementia of Racism
“The place to start deepening my understanding of the unconditional worth of eve…
"I Feel Like I'm Losing It"
Question: My 80-year-old mother died six months ago—nine weeks after she w…
Mindfulness, Itchy Eyes, and Protecting Yourself From COVID-19
In the age of COVID-19, mindfulness is a way to stay safe.
Build a Compassion Cell Garden
Do you accept the challenge to take a walk and take a stand? The compassion cell…
Compassion Cell Credo
Kevin Anderson offers a call to action: My membership in the human race is my tr…
Spirituality and Relationships
Close relationships can bring out the best and worst in us. A mindful approach t…
Spirituality and Psychotherapy
"Most of the people who consult me now want to explore a spiritual perspective o…
Spirituality and Addictions
"When I’m trying to encourage clients struggling with addiction to attend a 12-s…
Spirituality and Anxiety
Anxious? Approaching the problem with self-compassion and mindfulness may help. …
Spirituality and Depression
Therapist Kevin Anderson reflects on the connection between spirituality and dep…
Spirituality, Mental Health, and Therapy: The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
Spirituality and mental health are often thought of as two separate tracks in a …
Divine Brine for the Dis-Ease of...
The Comparative MindComparing is great for prices at the grocery store, but when…
Surprised by Grace
How often are you startled by afresh spiritual awareness — a simple and unexpect…