
Live as an Everyday Mystic

Live as an Everyday Mystic


How are you participating in co-creating paradigm shifts in your personal and professional lives as we usher in this new era?

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How are you navigating these uncertain times of change and transformation? Many of us are finding the support and wisdom of spiritual practice and community to be invaluable. There seems to be a surge in feeling called to be love in action. We are invited to live full out and fearlessly from a sense of calm and joy; to live as everyday mystics. In our meditations and dreams, many of us see humanity waking up and shifting from an old era to a new era. New systems are emerging that have positive collective impact culturally, politically and economically. How are you participating in co-creating paradigm shifts in your personal and professional lives as we usher in this new era?

Qualities of the Old EraQualities of the New Era
Citizens with bordersGlobal/Universal citizens
Hidden informationShared information
Self-servingMutually beneficial
Despising differencesHonoring diversity
Win-Lose strategiesWin-Win strategies
External locus of power and responsibilityInternal locus of power and responsibility
PolarizationCommon ground
EntitlementMutual accountability
Break downBreak through
Communication requiring time and spaceInstantaneous communication

How do we participate in this transformation individually and collectively with more ease, flow and grace? It starts with each of us finding our own inner peace, balance, tolerance and equanimity. I have found practices that expand my awareness, direct my attention and clarify my intentions cultivate openings to higher levels of consciousness. These practices have inspired me to create a new book, Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming, as a transformational guide to empowered and mindful living. It shares many tools from the wisdom of ancient teaching and modern science. Each chapter provides invitations to daily transforming practices and reflection questions.

We are being asked to step up, play big, take more risks and speak our truth. Let’s strengthen our connections to support and encourage each other. Through intentional living together from our Center Within, we harmonize our mind-body-hearts, amplify our creativity, enhance our wellbeing and cultivate mindful living. Now is the time. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Gift of Transformation

We are living amidst a transformative period in human development, experiencing dramatic paradigm shifts, exponential acceleration, and leaps in human consciousness itself. It is exhilarating and it is terrifying. Humanity is at a crossroads. We must choose to cease our doing that fosters depletion, conflict, separation, and scarcity, and choose to support being sustainable, collaborative, inclusive, and abundant. When in fear, we allow limiting ideas, beliefs, self-talk and disease generated from ourselves or others to direct our experience. When living from our gifts, talents, passions and strengths, we consciously co-create who we are becoming personally, inter personally, professionally and collectively. Living in our power as the full expression of our true nature from our Center Within is a treasured gift to all beings.

Bonus! Try this guided meditation from Michele Rae:

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