Bess O’Connor
Bess O’Connor, a certified ayurvedic and holistic health practitioner who explores the heart of health at the core of alternative medicine, massage therapy, conscious movement, nutrition, meditation, and other healing traditions.

10 Nighttime Routines for Peaceful Sleep
“How can you possibly start your day off bright-eyed and bushy-tailed if you don…
There’s No Excuse Not to Compost, Here’s How
Start composting! Here’s how.Try a compost pileLayer your vegetation and carbon …
7 Stories for Mastering Your Emotions
The emotional body is widely overlooked for overall health and happiness. Explore these 7 stories on how to understand, cope with and use your emotions appropriately.
Golden Mylk Recipe for Inflammation and Digestion
Enjoy this ancient recipe for boosting digestion and decreasing inflammation.
10 Affirmations for Staying Centered
To stay centered, try asking yourself these questions…then recite the 10 affirmations listed. Read them here.
My Practice: Child Painting Prodigy Explains how She Channels Paintings
Akiane grew up in a non-religious household, but by the age of four started havi…
Brain Health: 4 Stories on How to Nourish and Exercise the Brain
Take a look at these 4 stories for optimal brain health and how to provide nouri…
4 Intuition Meditation Scripts to Access Higher Self
Follow these four intuition meditation scripts to enhance your intuition and cla…
3 Traditional Chinese Medicine Recommended Superfoods
Learn more about these under-the-radar Eastern superfoods.
7 Sacred Resins to Burn for Clearing Negative Energy
Move beyond sage. These seven sacred resins, including myrrh and benzoin, clear …
15 Affirmations for Practicing Acceptance and Tolerance
Acceptance and tolerance leads to inner and outer peace—use these acceptance aff…
5 Recipes to Inspire Healthy Cooking
We all have our favorite food, but what if those foods are not the healthiest op…
Is There Such Thing As Enlightenment?
Byron Katie believes there’s no such thing as enlightenment. Find out what we can do to truly evolve.
The Beautiful Superfood: Pearl
Did you know you can eat pearls for their various health benefits including skin and bone health, as well as cell renewal?
Easy Acupressure for Relieving a Cough
There are so many great studies on the proven effects of acupuncture. What you m…
79 Quotes on Inner and Outer Peace
“We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and disciplin…
Super Spice Spotlight: 7 Benefits of Using Asafoetida or “Hing”
Asafoetida or “hing” is one of the most overlooked spices in western culture. On…
My Practice: Mindful Walking in Town
In “My Practice,” we share personal routines that create wellness and happiness from spiritual teachers, yogis, nutritionists, and more, in hopes to inspire your own healthy rituals.
Artificial Lighting During Sleep Linked to Breast Cancer
We’ve all heard how even the slightest bit of light during sleep can affect our …
Natural Antibiotics That Fight Infection
Sometimes antibiotics are a necessity. However, most prescribed chemical antibio…
42 Forgiveness Affirmations to Lift the Weight Off
Allow these affirmations for forgiveness to help wash away the pain of resentmen…
Indian Frankincense Provides Relief for Arthritis
Indian Frankincense, otherwise known as Boswellia Serrata, continually proves a …
14 Gratitude Affirmations for Health
Personal affirmations are positive statements made aloud with the intent of mani…
My Practice: Mas Vidal
See how a renowned instructor and dedicated yogi and ayurvedic practitioner, Mas Vidal, kicks off his day.
8 Things to Do Before Starting a Relationship
“Self-love is the knowing that you were created to be completely loved and compl…
For the Love of Tea
Recipes for the best cup of tea, from chai to natural tea remedies, how to creat…
14 Ways to Effectively Shield Yourself from Toxins in the Environment
The sooner we come to terms with the fact that we are living in a toxic environm…
The Ultimate Qi Gong Exercise: Lifting the Sky
Qi gong is meditation in motion. The slow, intentional, and mindful flowing move…
Ancient Superfood Spotlight: Tigernuts
This tiny root veggie is believed to make up 80% of our paleo ancestors’ diet and was even found in the tombs of the ancient Egyptians. It’s slowly making it’s way back into the superfood spotlight.
7 Affirmations for Daily Walking Meditations
Many new studies suggest that mindful walking is good, not only for mental healt…
The Link Between Creativity and Movement
Creativity block? A new study suggests that simply making circular movements improves your creativity.
Mindfulness Lives In Single-Tasking
Do you pride yourself on being a talented multi-tasker? Well, a new study says t…
5 Stories to Explore Fun and Creative Mindful Movement
Moving mindfully is known to increase wellness and mental health (as it is a form of moving meditation). Make your movements intentional, yet fun and creative with the inspiration from these 5 stories.
Dantian: What "Move from your Center" Actually Means
According to many traditions, the energy center of the body lies in a specific l…
Boost Your Optimism for Less Anxiety
A new study links optimism and less anxiety with an area in the brain called the…
14 Affirmations for Increasing Body Awareness
This incredible body of ours is a cloak for the spirit. Our bodies are a high fo…
8 Stories for Creating a Sacred Space
Create your very own sacred space with feng shui and more with these 8 inspirational stories.
My Practice: A Feng Shui Expert’s Daily Routine for Wellness
Take an honest walk through modern day feng shui expert, Laura Benko’s daily routine.
7 Suggestions for How to Spiritually Connect With Nature
Fallen out of alignment with your natural self? Find out how to spiritually conn…
7 Affirmations for the 7 Chakras
7 affirmations for balancing the 7 chakras not only affect your body but also yo…
How to Remain in Balance With Your Emotions
Blame it on the environment, your work, the stress, your partner, the kids, the …
Everything You Need to Know about Sleep … and How to Get it
Calling all insomniacs! Check out these 7 stories for creative ideas and testimo…
My Practice: Circular Breathing and “Sourcing” Meditation to Receive Daily Blessings
Learn how a renowned intuitive guide and spiritual teacher receives divine energy to fuel her day.
How Spirituality Affects the Physical, Mental and Social Well-being of People Going through Cancer
Spirituality and religiousness play a key role in the health and well-being of cancer patients.
11 Benefits of Coffee Enemas
Coffee enemas are one form of hydrotherapy with a variety of health benefits. Hy…
9 Affirmations for Staying Grounded During the Fall Season
A combination of Ayurvedic balancing tips plus these 9 affirmations will help yo…
My Practice: A Daily Ayurvedic Routine
Learn how Vedic master Michelle Fondin walks through her daily routine.
How Meditation Enhances the Senses
I’ve tried closing my eyes and reading braille with my fingertips—it’s not…
7 Useful Apps for Non-GMO, Allergen- and Preservative-free Shopping
With all the confusing ingredient labels on food products today, it can feel ove…
10 Stories to Nurture your Most Important Relationships
During our last 10-day challenge, we explored the topic of nurturing our relatio…
Ayurvedic Oil Pulling: Remedy for a Healthy Smile
Ayurvedic oil pulling is a type of dental care that can whiten teeth, reduce pla…
50 Quotes on Abundance
Abundance is a very popular word right now. Sometimes it almost seems as though …
3 Ways To Improve Your Mitochondrial Function
In almost every single cell in our body (sans our red blood cells) is a mitochon…
September’s Moons: Peaceful Moon and Mega Harvest Blood Moon
A new moon finds its way between the sun and the Earth and when it blocks out th…
Healing Your Body Holistically
Remember having to wait in line at P.E. class in middle school to be checked for…
21 Quotes for Letting Go of the Past
Much has been said about the benefits of letting go of the past. Resentment, for…
Intentional Touch Shows Benefits for the Toucher
We all know the power of touch. Beginning at birth, physical touch is paramount …
16 Affirmations to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Abilities
New research published in PLOS ONE from Carnegie Mellon University reports that …
Garshana: Ayurvedic Dry Skin Brushing
Our skin is the largest organ of detoxification. Garshana or dry skin brushing i…
7 Days to a Healthier You
Free 7-Day Health Meditation Program with Prudence Hall, MD from The Mentors Channel
Lessons from Wayne Dyer
Today we celebrate the life, teachings, and spirit of Wayne Dyer that will live on in eternity.
5 Reasons You Should Be Eating Fermented Foods
Before you turn up your nose at fermented food, just remember this: If you’ve ev…
Ashitaba: The Vegan Blood Builder and Longevity Super Plant
If you’re vegan, you probably hear it all the time, “vegans don’t get enough B12…
Eating Spicy Food May Help you Live Longer
I’ve heard a rumor that you can actually train your body to like spicy foods, ev…
Healing Chronic Back Pain
Once you start to listen to the sensations in your body, it allows for healing t…
The Ultimate De-Stressing Daily Routine
Put this anti-stress routine on your to-do list for a more zen approach to daily…
What You Should Know About Himalayan Sea Salt
Oh how I jumped for joy when I heard the news that there was, in fact, a salt th…
Chaga: The Cancer Healer and King of All Herbs
Explore how the Chaga mushroom is linked to a potential new cancer treatment.…
11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland for Wellbeing
When you decalcify the pineal gland—known as the third-eye chakra—you remove cal…
11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration With Water
Throughout history, humans have sought physical relief, emotional healing, and e…
Ayurveda for Inflammation
Every choice we make, everything we do, is either inflammatory or anti-inflammat…
Treating Depression With Ayurveda
Strengthen your Sadhaka Agni and fight depression with these simple practices.
Candle Gazing and 4 Other Ways to Balance an Overactive Mind
The effects of constantly being “on” can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Tr…
7 Ways to Tame Anger With Ayurveda
To quell anger, Ayurveda addresses the emotional imbalance caused by poor commun…
Drishti: Ancient Yoga Technique for Balance, Vision, and Focus
Ever heard the saying, "Where your attention goes, energy flows"? This phrase is…