Top 268 results for “Ayurveda”

Still-life home comfort in the living room with a cup of tea, a lit candle, and a knitted sweater.
9 Fall Health Remedies From Ayurveda

Which foods are best for your dosha at this time of year? Read on to find out.

5-Day Ayurveda Primer (Day Two)

Natural Healing Wisdom from the Chopra Center

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Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Kitchen

“Let food be your first medicine and the kitchen your first pharmacy.” —Taittiriya Upanishad

Candle gazing
Candle Gazing and 4 Other Ways to Balance an Overactive Mind

The effects of constantly being “on” can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Try candle gazing and these other practices to induce stillness and relieve stress.

Garshana: Ayurvedic Dry Skin Brushing

Our skin is the largest organ of detoxification. Garshana or dry skin brushing is one of the easiest practices to encourage the body to cleanse. It’s super simple and can be done e…

The Devotional Kitchen

There is a quality of the sacred that can be felt in the food we eat. With attention, we notice how our meal was prepared; the intention infused as it was chopped, mixed and season…

The Ayurvedic Medicine of Taste

The health benefits of balancing different tastes, plus a recipe for Coconut Almond Overnight Oats

Ayurvedic Pulse Reading: Everything You Need to Know

Ayurvedic pulse reading can provide deep insights into the mind, body, and soul when done with a skilled practitioner or doctor.

Ayurveda for Inflammation

Every choice we make, everything we do, is either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Try Ayurveda for inflammation.

Treating Depression With Ayurveda

Strengthen your Sadhaka Agni and fight depression with these simple practices.

7 Ways to Tame Anger With Ayurveda

To quell anger, Ayurveda addresses the emotional imbalance caused by poor communication between the head and heart.

If You Want to ... Experience Ayurveda

There's no doubt that many of us are seeking alternatives to a healthier lifestyle—and with very good reason. I’ve been at the forefront of the spa and wellness movement for decade…

5 Easy Ways To Restart Your Metabolism With Ayurveda

Increase metabolism with Ayurveda—5 easy internal and external therapies.

Ayurveda to Boost Your Immunity

Stay well this winter season with an Ayurvedic diet, proper self-care, and yoga.

Fall Health And The 5 Elements: How Ayurveda Helps

Did you know that the seasons are governed by the five elements? As we enter fall, we are shifting from fire-dominated summer to wind-dominated autumn.

Ayurveda in the Garden

There is no better time to synchronize with the rhythms of our cosmos than in late spring…

Redefining Health with Ayurveda

“Determining your Ayurvedic body type is the key to finding your optimal state of balanced, natural health.”

Why Ayurveda Quizzes Aren’t Helpful

We like to believe we know ourselves. But is that enough for determining our dosha?

Treating Alzheimer’s With Ayurveda

No matter your dosha, we should all strive to balance Vata.

Seduce Your Partner With Ayurveda

Move your Ayurvedic practice from the kitchen to the bedroom with these practices for doshic balancing.

How to Manage Asthma With Ayurveda

Herbal remedies can provide potential relief from asthma—an Ayurvedic practitioner shows us how.

Ayurveda Inspired Rituals for Spring

Instead of our working against nature to fit our own needs and desires, Ayurveda teaches that when we accept what Earth provides, we keep seasonal illnesses at bay.

Podcast: Ayurveda Coach Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Explore the deep healing power of Ayurveda, “the science of life,” with Sweta Vikram.

5-Day Ayurveda Primer (Day One)

Natural Healing Wisdom from the Chopra Center

The Beauty and Magic of Dawn

Try something new. This Ayurveda morning ritual connects you with the magic of mornings.

Build a Better Morning with Ayurveda

Integrative psychiatrist Judith Pentz, MD, shares six ways Ayurveda can rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.

How Ayurveda Can Help Soothe Anxiety

Those of us struggling with anxiety might find healing in Ayurvedic practices like shirodhara and Sama Vritti pranayama.

How to Use Ayurveda for Fibromyalgia

The ancient “science of life” offers potential healing for chronic pain and fatigue—explore how to utilize Ayurveda for fibromyalgia.

The Best Gemstone for You According to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, gemstones can help support your health according to your dosha. Learn more about how gems interact with the doshas and how astrology is involved.

5-Day Ayurveda Primer (Day Four)

Natural Healing Wisdom from the Chopra Center

5-Day Ayurveda Primer (Day Five)

Natural Healing Wisdom from the Chopra Center

Easy, Ayurveda-inspired Snacks for Kids

An Ayurvedic doctor shares some of her favorite easy-to-prepare Ayurveda inspired recipes that make for delicious and healthy snacks for kids.

A Guide to Using Ayurveda for Stress Relief

Whether you’re a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, using Ayurveda for stress relief can help you feel your best.

How Ayurveda Deals With Kapha Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies got you down? Counter them with an Ayurvedic approach.

5-Day Ayurveda Primer (Day Three)

Natural Healing Wisdom from the Chopra Center

Breakfast Crêpes with Cinnamon-Orange Honey ​

An excerpt from Ayurveda Cooking for Beginners: An Ayurvedic Cookbook to Balance and Heal

Stinging Nettles: Queen of Spring’s Edible Wild Weeds

Nettles, abundant in spring, offer many health benefits and are a delightful green to add to your table

Back to Basics: 5 Super Easy Ayurveda Lifestyle Practices

We asked an ayurveda expert to recommend techniques that don’t require fancy equipment, ingredients, or a trip to the store.

How to Use Ayurveda for Gas and Bloating

Struggling with stomach troubles? Use these tips and explore how to use Ayurveda for gas and bloating.

My Practice: Morning Pages and Ayurveda

Learn how a renowned Ayurvedic and yoga practitioner moves through her day.

Winter Practices To Support Your Inward Journey

This next month can be fertile ground for renewal of spirit and for clarity of mind and heart.

3 Cool Drinks for Summer Inspired by Ayurveda

Discover the medicine in your kitchen.

Lose Weight All Naturally With Ayurveda

“Ayurveda lays out in exquisite detail the nature of the human body and makes the connection between qualities in the foods we eat and how they affect our physical, emotional, and mental constitution.”

4 Types of Agni (Digestion), According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda has four descriptors for the varied kinds of digestive fire. Which one do you relate to the most?

Balance the Doshas and Build your Senses with Ayurveda

At-home treatments deliver fast results for elemental imbalance.

How to Read Your Vedic Birth Chart in 5 Easy Steps

Wondering how to read your Vedic birth chart? For starters, obtain an accurate jyotish chart.

Why You’re Crankier in the Summer, and How Ayurveda Can Fix It

Follow these tips, and you should be on your way to feeling cooler—temperature- and temper-wise.

Using Ayurvedic Mudras for Energy, Relaxation, and Focus

Explore the five movements of prana with simple hand gestures.

Sense Protection

Ayurveda educator Kate O’Donnell explains how self-care is an important part of spiritual progress.

Dive Into the Root of Your Illness With Ayurveda

With a little help from the ancient “science of life,” it’s possible to explore the root of your ailments, even when Western medicine hasn’t helped.

Loving Yourself Free: Eating Disorders and Ayurvedic Treatment Tips

Here are a few different ways to approach treatment of eating disorders using Ayurveda.

Psychology Of A Sage: Activating Higher Functional States

To learn to be wise again we have to find a way to bring a safe feeling back into our lives.

The Gorgeous Glory Of The Goddess Body Shape

Beauty comes in all forms and certain types of beauty serve specific purposes.

The Why, How, How Much, When, and Where of Eating

Excerpted from The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook

​3 Ways to Heal the World with Food and Self-Care

Learn why Ayurveda is the healing you, and our planet, need now.

Fan the Flames of Your Digestive Fire

Imagine yourself the keeper of an internal fire.The ancient system of living called ayurveda teaches that within each of us is a flame that transforms everything we consume into co…

Anoint Yourself

Try ayurvedic self-oil massage to saturate your mind and body with love.

Super Spice Spotlight: 7 Benefits of Using Asafoetida or “Hing”

Asafoetida or “hing” is one of the most overlooked spices in western culture. One of my crazy theories is that the avoidance of this ‘resin’ herb is due to its moniker – “devil’s s…

Indian Frankincense Provides Relief for Arthritis

Indian Frankincense, otherwise known as Boswellia Serrata, continually proves a relief for individuals experiencing symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Research published in B…

Ayurvedic Oil Pulling: Remedy for a Healthy Smile

Ayurvedic oil pulling is a type of dental care that can whiten teeth, reduce plaque and gingivitis, and even improve mental clarity.

Cooking by the Pinch and the Handful

Our senses are our own perfect signaling instruments, our hands are our own perfect measure.

Arugula Pesto Summer Salad

Green Is the color of cool.

The Chocolate Pudding Blues

How does chocolate pudding beat the blues?

Desk Yoga for Your Hands and Wrists

Use hand mudras to save your hands and wrists from overuse.

Immunity Spice Blend for Autumn

This mix combines zesty warming spices that boost aroma, flavor, healing wisdom, and most importantly, the fire in your foods, your belly, your life.

Science & Spirit: Travel Tips, Cool Off Pitta, and Circadian Weirdness

This week discover advice for summer travelers, ways to cool the Pitta Dosha in hot months, and the fun fact that your liver can keep time. Want to know more? Read on.

6 Ayurvedic Practices to Rejuvenate Your Eyes

These 6 ayurvedic practices using simple kitchen ingredients will rejuvenate tired, strained, overworked eyes.

How and Why to Use Yoga for Menstruation

Yoga, when utilized skillfully, can be exceptionally helpful during your period. Dive into how you can practice yoga for menstruation.

5 Ayurvedic Tips for Thriving During the Holidays

Ayurvedic wisdom can help us have a healthier and happier holiday season—learn how with these five tips.

8 Ayurvedic Tips to Support the Nervous System

After periods of stress and deep anxiety, our nervous systems need nourishment. See if one of these eight Ayurvedic methods can support you.

8 Ayurvedic Tips for Aging Gracefully

The western medical model would have us believe that aging is a curse, while Ayurveda holds a more holistic, optimistic perspective. These eight tips can support healthy aging for all.

Tongue Reading for Your Health

The practice of tongue reading—looking at the texture, color, and shape of one’s tongue—can help us better understand our health. Learn more about the basics of tongue reading.

Reharmonizing the Body’s Built-In Energy Network

Marma Treatments at an Ayurvedic Retreat Center

3 Popular Meditations For Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD)

Here are three spiritual and holistic techniques that you can use to help you with SAD

Rethinking Breakfast ... Maybe

Not hungry in the morning? Here is what Ayurveda tells us about eating breakfast.

Balance Your Five Senses for Best Health Results

“Because our five senses are so powerful, we can use them as vehicles—ways to either amp ourselves up, or ways to comfort ourselves and soothe ourselves down to a more relaxed state.”

What’s Your Doggie’s Dosha?

Canine wellness expert Amanda Ree dishes ayurvedic wisdom via dog dosha quizzes, balancing your furry friend's dosha and customizing it to meet your BFF's unique needs.

How to Use Ashwagandha Root

A longtime staple in ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha root is touted for treating everything from anxiety to insomnia—but does it work? And how much should you take?

Ayurvedic Spices to Ignite Your Digestion This Holiday Season

Be an at-home apothecary and avoid Vata aggravation with these Ayurveda-friendly spices for digestion.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Respiratory Disorders

Ayurveda offers us potent healing modalities for all kinds of respiratory conditions. Which of these are in your medicine cabinet?

Book Review: Happy Belly

Happy BellyA Woman’s Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and BalancedBy Nadya AndreevaAdvantage Media GroupMy digestive ills began during my 20s when I was put on an extended round of…

The Simplest Health Tip to Revolutionize Your Health

One of the easiest health tips you’ll ever hear to radically boost your health.

All Clear with Panchakarma

Practitioners of panchakarma go beyond the basic cleanse to deeply purify body and soul.

9 Affirmations for Staying Grounded During the Fall Season

A combination of Ayurvedic balancing tips plus these 9 affirmations will help you stay centered as the season changes.

Kapha Vinyasa Flow - Mind Body Balance

Stimulate and fire up your body's circulation of life-force energy to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready for a great day.

The Heart of Hormonal Balance

Hot flashes, weight gain, and sleepless nights are all signs that our hormones may be tipped to one side or the other. As a society, we are looking to balance those hormones back, …

The Spiritual Power of the Sun

Welcome the spiritual power of the sun into your awareness first thing every morning. Harness the potential of each day.

Kindle Your Inner Fire with Comforting Kichari

Balancing and fortifying, light and purifying, healing and nurturing, in many ways it’s the world’s original smart food.

3 Ways To Keep Your Digestive Fires Burning Bright for the Holidays

Try these three recipes for better digestion.

Healthy Holidays: Chocolate Raspberry Tart

Enjoy this bright and healthy tart for the holidays.

Gentle Winter Cleanse: A Mid-Holiday Reset

Take these classic Ayurvedic autumn meals and turn them into an early winter cleanse.

Sunshine Soup: A Bowl of Radiance

This soup is a warm break from winter’s toil, and another good reason to celebrate the return of light and approach of a new year.

Lemony Ginger Winter Immune Tonic

This simple recipe is a formula to kindle the inner fires, promote healthy circulation, and hydrate the tissues.

Rose Petal Truffles: A Gift of Love

Try this recipe for an afternoon boost of energy or a gift for one you love.

Spring’s Wake Up Soup: Barley Asparagus Bowl

Soon your garden will be turning up asparagus, chard, basil, and spring onions—perfect ingredients for this delicious soup.

Lighten Up Tea

Try this recipe, perfect for lightening up during Spring.

What I Learned From My Mother

Enjoy chocolate cake strewn with rose petals and a wisdom poem for Mother’s Day.

Meditation Medication: Grounding for Anxiety or Overwhelm

The first in three-part meditation series inspired by Ayurveda.

Meditation Medication Part 2: Cooling Meditation for Anger, Irritation, or Inflammation

An audio meditation to calm emotional and physical inflammation.

5 Ways to Summerize Your Meals

Plus a recipe: Spring into Summer Salad with Berries, Peach and Rose

Journey and Connect with the Divine

Join Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama of Sri Lanka for 4 days of ancient healing wisdom and self discovery at the Redwoods in Scotts Valley, California.

Medication Meditation Part 3: Energizing for Lethargy, Sluggishness, or Emotional Blockage

Get a boost of energy with this Ayurveda inspired audio meditation.

5 Ways to Chill Out

If the weather report involves the term “scorcher,” here are some natural ways to cool off.

Are Smoothies Healthy? 4 Ways to Make Them Work

Plus, a peaches 'n cream smoothie recipe.

Dosha-licious: Vata Inspired

Life is never boring with a well nourished Vata.

Dosha-licious: Pitta Radiant

Pitta, you are the light of the world. You bring us color, vision, clarity, focus, enthusiasm, adventure!

Your Sacred Relationship with Food

Once we acknowledge our sustenance as divine energy, we give ourselves an opportunity to engage in a new relationship with food.

Dosha-licious: Kaphalicious

Kapha, we may not say it often enough, but we need you.

Sweet and Grounding Makes Autumn Sing

Stay in balance this Autumn season.

Guided Meditation: Within the Movement of Fall, Find Your Center

In this guided meditation use a grounding cord to drop into your center.

Holiday Snowball Truffle Energy Balls

Get an energy boost with these Ayurvedic holiday treats.

Sleep Glorious Sleep

Foods to Help You Rest and Renew, plus a recipe for Moon Milk

Nectar of Love: Rose, Saffron, Lime Coconut Cream

A love tonic dessert for love day.

Edible Beauty

Two recipes for your skin from the food you eat.

5 Reasons To Cook With Cumin + The Simplest Recipe For A Potent Digestive Tea

Cumin has a robust flavor and an equally robust medicinal profile. Try a simple tea to get more cumin in your diet.

Detox with this Gingery Lemon Soup

A clear vegetable soup with the warmth of ginger and the brightness of lemon adds punch to fresh, purifying produce.

A Recipe To Maintain Your Cool: Tofu with Snap Peas and Pumpkin Seeds

This Ayurvedic recipe takes just minutes to prepare, is substantial enough for a meal, yet feels refreshing and light for warm weather.

6 Ayurvedic Foods to Cool Pitta

Foods like limes keep a cooling balance so we can stay strong, maintain energy, and fully enjoy summer.

An Ayurvedic Skincare Routine

Ayurveda has many recipes that can help improve the look and feel of your skin. Here are three quick and easy steps to get you glowing.

How to Care for Your Body in a Cold, Dark Season

In winter, our digestive fire is low, so we should be eating warm, cooked foods. Yes—that means stop eating salads!

Ayurvedic Self-Care Rituals: For Morning

Center yourself each morning with these traditional Ayurvedic self-care rituals.

Increase Ojas to Strengthen Your Immune System

Incorporate Ayurvedic eating principles into your life to increase ojas and support your immune system.

8 Herbs for Ayurvedic Skincare

In ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Sanskrit word used for dermatological issues—kuṣṭha—roughly translates to “that which pulls beauty out of the skin.” Try these Ayurvedic skincare herbs for healthy skin.

4 Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair

Like superfood for your mane: stimulate growth, relieve and exfoliate the scalp, increase luster, and more with these four Ayurvedic herbs for hair.

5 Herbs & Spices to Eat This Pitta Season

Cilantro and fennel are among the Ayurvedic herbs that help to calm Pitta’s heat.

Is Yoga Making You Hot?

Cooling asanas and breathing through your rolled tongue are just two ways to keep calm.

Ayurvedic Abhyanga: The Benefits of Self-Massage

Reap abhyanga self-massage benefits by anointing the body from head to toe with warm oil before showering.

No, Ayurvedic Cooking Isn’t Just Making Indian Food

Ayurvedic cooking tests whether food has a heating or cooling effect in your body, which in turn impacts metabolism and digestion.

5 Things Kaphas Can Do to Stay Healthy This Winter

Excess Kapha leads to stagnation and congestion in both the mind and body.

4 Digestive Lassis for Midday Fatigue

Raise your digestion and feel your energy rise naturally with yogurt lassis.

5 Ayurvedic Ways to Lower Heat in the Body

Ever feel overheated, despite cool weather? Your Pitta dosha may have been aggravated.

Why We Shouldn’t Treat Ayurvedic Herbs Like Candy

Herbal supplements can be dangerous if taken without consulting a skilled practitioner. Here’s how to wisely work with Ayurvedic herbs while honoring Ayurvedic wisdom.

5 Ayurvedic Herbs to Help Navigate Impotence

Impotence can be frustrating and disempowering—explore potential solutions from an Ayurvedic perspective.

An Ayurvedic Approach to Treating Acne

Suffering from acne? Ayurveda may have the answers you need to clear your skin.

5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Glowing Skin

Hoping to revamp your skincare routine with holistic alternatives? Explore these five Ayurvedic herbal remedies.

How Excessive Emotions Can Harm the Body

Ayurveda teaches us that emotions are connected to some of the body's major organs. Explore practical ways to soothe anxiety, grief, and anger and help heal the physical body.

Ayurvedic Yoga for Your Dosha

Ayurvedic yoga offers participants ways to tone their imbalances and honor their personal constitution. Explore how Ayuryoga can support us all.

5 Yoga Poses for Lowering Inflammation

Yoga can be a powerful aid to people experiencing aches and swelling in the body. Try these five yoga poses to lower inflammation.

Dealing With Grief Holistically

After losing her father and father-in-law in quick succession, one Ayurvedic practitioner shares what helped her grow through her grief.

Marma Massage for Daily Self-Care

Utilize this gentle, soothing Ayurvedic practice when you need an afternoon pick-me-up, or when you’re experiencing stressful situations.

4 Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough and Cold

Fight off seasonal afflictions with Ayurvedic wisdom. Hint: You’ll be utilizing emotional healing, breathwork, and delicious recipes.

The Best Meditation for Each Ayurvedic Dosha

Not every type of meditation is suited for everyone. Which style of meditation is best for your dosha?

A Surprising Cause of Lower Back Pain (and How to Clear It)

The world’s oldest system of health and healing helps us to understand why we experience lower back pain and, most important, what to do about it.

Golden Mylk Recipe for Inflammation and Digestion

Enjoy this ancient recipe for boosting digestion and decreasing inflammation.

9 Stories for Healing the Body

Explore 9 creative and profound ways to heal the body.

5 Ayurvedic Tips for Solving Digestion Problems

Ayurveda uses everything in nature as a medicine—and I don't just mean herbs and oils. This system of medicine treats the air, the sun, and the water as medicine.It treats conversa…

My Practice: Mas Vidal

See how a renowned instructor and dedicated yogi and ayurvedic practitioner, Mas Vidal, kicks off his day.

Is Detoxing Actually Healthy?

Helping your body detoxify through effective measures is a practice that can be traced back hundreds of years.

Spring Clean Your Diet

‘Tis the season for cleaning, but as you get out your vacuum and mop, consider spring-cleaning your diet.

The Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

The Ayurvedic practice of drinking warm water has shown to impact digestion, improve skin health, and promote weight loss.

Balance & Boost: 4 Ayurvedic Herbs for Immunity

Ayurveda is about balance and treating the whole body for optimal mental and physical health. Give yourself a boost with these four Ayurvedic herbs for immunity.

7 Essential Medicinal Mints You Can Grow and Use in Teas

Discover the medicinal mints you can easily grow in your own yard—and use to fight anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and more.

10 Ayurvedic Practices for Winter

Explore the best ways to kickstart an Ayurvedic practice this winter.

3 Ayurvedic Herbs to Calm Autumn Anxiety

When Vata mobilizes in dry, windy autumn, it accumulates in the nervous system and can bring anxiety. Discover Ayurvedic herbs to fight anxiety this season.

3 Ayurvedic Herbs for the Female Reproductive System

The power of Ayurveda and plant medicine reach beyond immunity and sleep. Shatavari, fenugreek, and ashoka can help support the female reproductive system.

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Menopause

Menopause can be a sacred time of life. Learn the Ayurvedic perspective on this transition.

19 Ayurvedic Tips for Insomnia

If you’re tossing and turning or just can’t get a restful night’s sleep, Ayurveda may have just the wisdom you need.

3 Ayurvedic Herbs for Nourishing Brain Health

Ayurvedic herbs have the potential to promote brain healing and prevent dementia—find out how.

5 Simple Ayurvedic Self-Care Tips

Ayurvedic self-care offers holistic, sustainable ways to nourish your body for the long term. These five tips will help you manage your life with more ease.

Nourishing Exhausted Adrenals, the Ayurvedic Way

Adrenal fatigue can sap us of energy, leave our minds foggy, and take over our lives. Ayurveda offers the opportunity for holistic support.

The True Cost of Bottling Up Your Anger

Anger itself is not an evil emotion, but when it’s bottled up, it can cause severe distress and disease. A holistic perspective on rage can help you balance your emotional scales.

My Practice: A Daily Ayurvedic Routine

Learn how Vedic master Michelle Fondin walks through her daily routine.

Do You Know Your Star Sign?

Have you ever been asked, “What is your Star?”

Dinacharya: A Yogi’s Routine for a Long and Healthy Life

Align with nature’s rhythm and see your own radical change

Why, When & How to Eat Wheat

Eating wheat is healthy—but not in the ways we typically eat it today. The solution will likely improve your health dramatically.

Deep Sleep Tonic

Try this ayurvedic fix for a better night’s sleep—great for calming vata, or any flighty, fractured, anxious, can’t-settle-down sort of energy.

Arya Krishna, BAMS

Arya Krishna is an Ayurvedic practitioner, educator, and speaker. She completed her Bachelors in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala, India…

4 Supplements for Your Sleep Station

Stock up your sleep station with supplements for sleep from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and the world of mushrooms.

Setting Your Ayurvedic Clock

The Ayurvedic clock tells time in 4-hour dosha blocks. One of these is optimal for falling asleep; another for the best rest.

Marma Point Massage for Digestion

This marma point massage targets the temples to lower acidity, regulate the colon, and more.

5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Pain Relief

Chronic pain can take a toll, and prescription painkillers can have severe side effects. Explore how an Ayurvedic practitioner helps her clients manage pain.

Sounds of Snatam Kaur

Rabbi Rami talks to Snatam Kaur about the transformational power of sound and her new book Original Light: The Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga. She also sings a chant shared by …

51 Meditations for Tending the Heart Fire

Find your flow with these “micro meditations” for renewal, connection, and inner strength.

10 Moves to Relax and Uplift Your Body

Feeling depleted, frenzied or stiff? 10 easy moves to relax your mind and uplift your energy

Why Raw-Foodies Get Such Poor Miles per Meal

Richard Wrangham knows something about how human diets evolved. He’s a Harvard professor of anthropology, the curator of primate behavior biology at the Peabody Museum, director of…

Ghee Whiz: Try clarified butter for a tasty—and healthful—alternative to oil

For centuries, cooks across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East have heated butterfat to remove the milk solids and water, making ghee, or clarified butter. Ghee has a longer shelf l…

Most Spiritual Spa: The Vana, Malsi Estate

Spirituality, more often than not, when offered up in today’s spa realm, is yet another entrée on the scrumptious spa buffet. I’ll take a little bit of that sustainable salt scrub,…

3 Simple Ways to Purify Your Body

Here are some tips for a corporeal clean sweep drawn from traditional wisdom and contemporary research.

Best Retreats for the Solo Explorer

Not so many years ago, a healthy spa diet arrived in shades of dark green and brown and would make a foodie wince. Not anymore. Health resort foods now tend toward the exquisite, t…

Best Retreats for the Spiritual Seeker

Natural quiet comes in many forms: the quiet of the solitary mountain walk, the meditation cushion, the yoga platform, the beach, the candlelit dinner, the massage table, or perhap…

Astrology: Having Mother Nature on Your Side

Excerpted from The Art of Balanced Living by Dr. Shaun Matthews

10 Best Body Potions

Show your body some love with this sensual collection of lotions, balms, and oils.

The Awakening of an Elixir Goddess

Discovering ancient, healthy, alternative highs for an alcohol-soaked society

The Mechanics of Emotional Contagion: Who Affects Whom?

An excerpt from How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective: Becoming the Medicine We Practice

11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration With Water

Throughout history, humans have sought physical relief, emotional healing, and even spiritual renewal in water.

Heart + Health

Bess O’Connor, a certified Ayurvedic and Holistic Health Practitioner, explores the heart of health at the core of alternative medicine, massage therapy, conscious movement, nutrit…

New Books: Animal Wisdom, The Grace in Aging, Happy Belly, and more.

Tap in to the power of nature, with these selctions from S&H. Click on any book title for our complete review.Happy Belly: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and Balanc…

Healing Your Body Holistically

Remember having to wait in line at P.E. class in middle school to be checked for scoliosis? Bending over to touch your toes while some strange doctor checked your back for any abno…

3 Recipes to Help Detox and Support Your Digestive System

Cleansing, or detoxifying, is a big topic in the world of health. Programs range from purely nutritional and basic, to complex; requiring a large amount of supplements to properly …

A Return to Wheat with Dr. John Douillard

Rabbi Rami talks to Dr. John Douillard about how he came to study Ayurveda, our past issues with how we consumed wheat, and how to return to a healthy approach. An adapted excerpt …

9 Keys to Lasting Happiness

According to the ancient philosophy of the Vedanta, there are two types of happiness. The first comes from things turning out the way we’d like them to, i.e. getting what we want. …

Finding Joy in Simplicity

Let go of being weighed down by an overly complicated life.

Toolbox: Open Wide

Give your health a boost by fine-tuning your oral and dental hygiene with these picks from S&H.

Laura Plumb

Laura Plumb is a practitioner and teacher of Ayurveda, Yoga and Jyotish. She is the writer of the book, Ayurveda Cooking for Beginners, and the writer and host of the international…

Art Of Living


Toolbox: A Moment for Paws

S&H offers these finds as a way to pamper, entertain, and commune with your four-legged friends.

Inside the May/June 2018 Issue

Spirituality & Health's May/June 2018 issue is now available.

2018 May/June


Schisandra and Sleep: The Key to ZZZs

Schisandra and sleep: A simple recipe using this “five-flavored” fruit can help you reclaim a good night’s sleep.

Elisabeth Abeson

A Writer & Artist with a background in International Development, Elisabeth began studying Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad at The Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico in October 2018. Th…

Next Level Lattes to Nurture Your Spirit

Take a dive into the wonderful world of superfoods, crystals, or both with these delicious- and beautiful- beverages.

Rose Quartz Latte

Much like rose quartz, this latte helps one to purify and opens your heart chakra bringing about calming and peaceful frequencies.

Inside the Jan/Feb 2019 Issue

A preview of our latest issue.

Inner Climate Change

The world is inflamed, and so are we. Maybe the two are connected, and maybe healing our own bodies can help heal the world.

5 Foods to Keep You Cool Inside

Cooling foods help you beat inner inflammation.

Create an Intentional Morning Routine

There is a sacredness that is found in the first moments of the morning. While it may feel overwhelming to change your entire morning routine in one day, consider slowly adding components to it that will set the tone for your day.

Breanna Potts

Breanna Potts is the Editorial Manager and Ayurvedic educator at Banyan Botanicals. After struggling with health problems that manifested after college, she found her way to Dr. Pa…

Mandakini Machiraju

Mandakini Machiraju has been in the healing arts for the past 20 years. She started learning yoga at the age of 12. She traveled to India at the age of 22 and studied yoga, classic…

Vrinda Devani, M.D.

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Vrinda Devani, M.D. has a passion for women's health and empowering women towards vibrant health and living. She is a believer in unfolding the…

Here’s Why You Should Put Oil in Your Nose

Did you know that you have an easy and effective way to support and enhance mental clarity, memory, increased awareness, decreased stress, greater equilibrium, and heightened discrimination, and it’s sitting right at the end of your nose?

Eat Well, Laugh a Lot

Mark Hyman and Mia Lux are trying to make people healthier—body and soul.

Jennifer Eddinger

Jennifer Eddinger is the senior manager, U.S. operations at The Ayurveda Experience. She works with Ayurvedic practitioners, centers, schools, educational programs, and produc…

Guided Meditation for Self-Protection: The Shield

Imagine a protective sphere that keeps in positive energy, releasing what we do not need.

Why You Want Turmeric in Your Life

Turmeric root is one of those rare and valuable herbs that is balancing for all of the doshas, or Ayurvedic body types, making it a beneficial addition to almost everyone’s diet.

7 Reasons to Love Smoothies + a Recipe

Read about the benefits of blending and try a delicious green goddess smoothie.

Acharya Shunya

Acharya Shunya is a spiritually awake internationally renowned and awarded spiritual teacher and scholar of nondual wisdom (Advaita) and a classically-trained master of Yoga and Ay…

Connect With Jnana Yoga, the “Path of Right,” for Self-Love

“Our thoughts have the power to transform everything in our life, but this power is negative when we are in an unconscious, automatic mode. It becomes positive when we consciously choose our thoughts.

​Ruchi Agarwal, MD

Ruchi Agarwal, MD, is a board-certified physician and certified ayurvedic counselor whose major areas of focus include Vedanta (India’s ancient spiritual system) to nourish the soul, practices to balance the mind, women's health & beauty and enhancing digestion/immunity through nutrition. She is currently obtaining her certification in functional medicine to combine her knowledge of ayurveda’s ancient wisdom with functional medicine to provide a modern integrative approach to heal the mind, body, and soul. Through her portal, SomAyu (on instagram: @somayuhealth), which educates readers to self-heal through simple and holistic advice, she wants to empower people to discover their inner self through the unique journey of wellness.

Quarantine Comfort With CBD

Discover how CBD can help you through the pandemic.

Boost Immunity and Battle Inflammation With Turmeric and Ginger

Remind yourself of the plethora of health benefits (immune-boosting! anti-inflammatory!) of powerhouse spices turmeric and ginger, with delicious recipes from chef Suzy Scherr and dietitian Rachel Beller.

Books We Love

This year, our Books We Love section examines self-care from an ayurvedic perspective, how food affects mental health and immunity, and how to cultivate a moon practice, and more.

Holistic Practices for Grief

Kathryn Drury Wagner speaks with trauma expert Kathryn Templeton on how to move from immobilization into balance and harmony.

Adaptogen Smoothies Want to Help De-Stress Your Day

“As we all currently navigate this global pandemic, it’s paramount that we nourish our bodies with food and drink that work to reduce our stress and enhance our immunity.”

Got Gut Problems?

IBS? Leaky gut? CBD products can help with many digestive ailments.

Abhyanga, Anywhere

Acclaimed yoga expert Shiva Rea calls the ayurvedic practice of self-massage, or abhyanga, “befriending yourself.”

Nourishing Self-Care Practices for Now

Stressed? Depleted? Us too. These restorative practices are designed to help you replenish yourself.

Sarah Wilson on This One Wild and Precious Life

Sarah Wilson asks readers to “take an active role in fighting for what we love.”

Gut Health


Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Sweta Srivastava Vikram is an international speaker, best-selling author of 13 books, and Ayurveda and mindset coach who is committed to helping people thrive on their own terms. Sweta is a trained yogi and certified Ayurveda health coach, and lives in New York City with her husband. She also teaches yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence as well incarcerated men and women. Find her on: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

The Spiritual Meaning of Water

Water is a representation of wisdom, peace, and purity. The spiritual meaning of water lies in its reflection of the human spirit and the interconnection of all creations.

Chilled Cherry Moon Milk & Sleep Meditation

Savor the flavors of frothy cherry moon milk while you visualize being bathed in a peaceful pink light.

Summertime Self-Care for Reentry Anxiety

Some days going to the beach with friends is self-care. Others it may be watching nature shows at home alone.

Embracing Earth Medicine

As a teen, Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz realized that her ancestral foods were medicine. Now a chef and curandera, she shares a lifetime of personal remedies and body care recipes.

The Language of Energetics

The goal of energetic herbalism is to enhance our terrain, which is our inner landscape, and to be in the flow.

6 Things in Your House That Could Be Triggering Stress

Clutter, chemicals, negative media, and more can unknowingly cause stress. The good news is there’s a lot you can do about it.

The God-Sized Hole

“I feel this great hole in me. A religious friend called this a “God-sized” hole and urged me to find God as the remedy for my hole-y-ness. What would you advise?”

A True Respite: The Retreat Costa Rica

It may sound trite to write that a location is magical—but this one is.

Sleep Better by Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra

Experience deeper rest by working with the energy of the third eye chakra. This chakra is the seat of inner wisdom.

7 Stress-Busting Adaptogens

Adaptogens are stress-busting herbs and mushrooms that can help the body find balance in the face of daily stress.

19 Cooling Practices

Struggling to escape the heat? Cool it with tips from Ayurveda, yoga, Western herbalism, traditional Chinese medicine, and everyday common sense.

3 DIY Crystal Mists to Calm, Boost, and Manifest

Create adaptogenic, crystal-infused face and body mists to revitalize and boost balance.

3 Tips to Sneak More Rest Into Your Day This Fall (Even If You Have a Lot Going On)

Now matter how much time you have, these strategies will help you feel more rested and energized all season long.

5 Yoga Poses for Better Digestion

Try these five yoga poses to help combat indigestion and build agni.

How to Use Mantra Meditation for the Chakras

Meditate using mantras to help balance and energize each of the seven main chakras.

23 Great Places to Pause, Reflect, and Renew

Our 2023 Retreat Guide features 23 unique retreat centers design to help you heal, restore, and connect with your highest self. Where will you retreat to this year?

Knowing the Goddess Kushmanda: The Art of Self-Love

Kushmanda, mother of the entire universe, can guide you into knowing and loving yourself more deeply. Learn more about her, and enjoy a heart-opening rose recipe.

Ananta Ripa Ajmera

Ananta is an award-winning spiritual teacher and author who's been interviewed by Deepak Chopra and Good Day NY. Get your free Chakra Balance Quiz to see where you need healing, an…

The Art of Fragrant Boundaries for Empaths

It can be hard for empathic people to establish boundaries that feel compassionate and healthy. Developing “fragrant boundaries” can be the perfect solution.

Quiz: How Burned Out Are You?

Feeling low energy and like you can’t get a handle on life? Take our quiz to see how burned out you are—and learn what might help.

5 Must-Have Tools to Turn Fight-or-Flight Into Rest-and-Digest

Use these five creative tools to shift from the sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic nervous system.

How Vedic Astrology Can Help You Make Better Choices

Explore how the practice of Vedic astrology can help you make wiser choices, from your love life, to your career, to your health.

Embracing Wholeness: The Path to Holistic Living at Bhakti Fest

Bhakti Fest offers seekers a chance to build conscious community while nourishing their own spirits. Learn more about this year's gathering, happening September 15-17 in Joshua Tree, California.

5 Yoga Poses for Menopause

Yoga can help support menopause no matter your experience. Explore the three different kinds of menopause (according to Ayurveda) and learn how to manage them with yoga.

Reboot Your Nervous System With Yoga Nidra

When your nervous system needs a reset, try yoga nidra. Learn more about the power and benefits of this practice.

5 Anti-New Years Resolutions

January is one of the hardest times of year to establish new habits. Instead, use these compassionate intentions to support your body through the hard winter.

The Spirituality of Gardening

By changing how we garden to encompass spiritual principles, we can drastically change our gardening experience for the better.

How to Practice Seasonal Intuitive Eating

All of our ancient ancestors ate intuitively with the seasons. Learn how to tap into these methods for greater health and well-being

Spiritual Lessons from Panic Attacks

A clinical counselor and naturopathic physician explores a spiritual perspective to healing panic attacks from the source.

A Hilltop of Happiness

Join Stephen Kiesling on a journey to the Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, NC, exploring its healing practices, Ayurvedic spa, and rich spiritual history.

Winter Wellness for Your Skin

When the seasons change, so do we. Learn how to use Ayurvedic skincare this winter.