
September’s Moons: Peaceful Moon and Mega Harvest Blood Moon

September’s Moons: Peaceful Moon and Mega Harvest Blood Moon

Photo Credit: morrbyte/Thinkstock

A new moon finds its way between the sun and the Earth and when it blocks out the sun, the solar eclipse takes place.

This past weekend, there was a solar eclipse—starting the new moon in Virgo. A new moon finds its way between the sun and the Earth and when it blocks out the sun, the solar eclipse takes place.

Solar eclipses, in general, are associated with renewal and emotional movement. This particular new moon is important because it comes close to the autumn equinox or first day of fall (on Wednesday, September 23, 2015). This renewal will be in regards to work, attention to details, fitness and health regimes, and daily routines.

The magnificent autumnal transition brings about harvesting crops that have completed their growing cycle. The leaves on trees shift into a dramatic assortment of colors and our animal friends gather food to prepare for the colder months.

In Greek Mythology, Virgo is connected to the agricultural mother goddesses bringing forth sustenance, harvest and renewal.

The autumnal equal days and nights represents justice—balanced scales. Transitioning Virgo to Libra, is a prime time to discard the old and bring in the new.

Many prominent things are happening during this time. On Monday, September 14, also begins the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. Mid-September begins the end of the Islamic lunar calendar. The festival of will be celebrated. On Thursday, September 17, we celebrate the festival Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati, the symbol of wisdom and prosperity. Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and always creates a way.

This fall rejuvenation that takes place in Virgo, represents diligence, critical intelligence, technique and precision. Utilize these energies to set clear intentions and to follow through with them.

Virgo plays no games in this arena. It snaps you out of dreamy illusions and brings you into the reality ... which can really pay off. However, Virgo can get too analytical and promote over-thinking. Don't obsess over your every movement, instead keep moving forward into the new. Find what feels good and don't second guess the transformational energies that this special time brings. Virgo also sees flaws in systems whether the body or in life. Use this energy to pay attention to details and work out the kinks in your life.

Do note, that on Sept. 17, Mercury goes into retrograde until after the first week in October. Mercury in retrograde typically denotes communications challenges in general. However, Mercury will be pleasantly blessed with an energy from Venus that will soften the effects. Just wait until after this event to make decisions or have an important discussions.

With this timing of the new moon falling close to the equinox, there is an abundance of renewal energy to make use of. In short, wellness and work should be top priorities.

And finally, on Sunday September 27, comes a mega Harvest Moon. It's not only the closest and largest Moon of the whole entire year, but it's also a total lunar eclipse at the very same time! And this “harvest blood moon” will be a beautiful masterpiece, visible to us all!

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