
My Practice: Child Painting Prodigy Explains how She Channels Paintings

My Practice: Child Painting Prodigy Explains how She Channels Paintings

"Planted Eyes" by Akiane at Age 8

Akiane grew up in a non-religious household, but by the age of four started having visions and vivid impressions from invisible realms. She began using any medium available, from candlesticks to lipstick, fruits and vegetables to charcoal and pencils. Although during her first years the family experienced severe hardships, Akiane grew up in a nurturing home-schooling environment in rural Illinois. Her family had no friends, no relatives, no television or radio, and their life was filled with long walks in nature, open conversations, and hands on explorations of knowledge.

Gradually, Akiane plunged into the world of colors and at the tender age of eight, the self-taught prodigy completed her first five-foot long oil paintings mastering realism equal to that of a seasoned artist.

Once Oprah Winfrey took notice to Akiane, the media went ablaze with sharing her intriguing story and breathtaking paintings. Today, Akiane shares her creative process from start to finish.

“My creative process varies for each and every project.

Before I start, I always project a positive outcome, no matter the situation. I never predict the journey of the painting. Envisioning the finale helps me reach the finish line.

By committing myself to work through challenging times the inspiration now comes to me when I least expect it.

There are many things that keep me focused when I enter the realm of a new project. Walking in nature especially with deciduous trees or near a river is the best creative therapy for me.

To be able to create cinematic-like experience from a simple sound, object, color, emotion or a scenery takes patience and confidence. Awareness and resourcefulness over time flows naturally from conscientious effort, humbleness, sensitivity and gratefulness for all living beings.

When I do experience a vision, I process the information I am given very calmly by analyzing it and applying it on canvas or sketch book that same day. I discover every technique by observing humans, live animals and natural tones of landscapes. I would then duplicate them over and over again until they match what I want to represent, sometimes taking months to see the result.

Real experiences, visions and dreams are my starting point, but it’s my duty to interpret those ideas, mold them and then detail them. Patience is the key. I never find patience by looking for it. I find patience by looking for a purpose. And the purpose is communication.”

To find out more about Akiane, you can visit

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