
My Practice: Circular Breathing and “Sourcing” Meditation to Receive Daily Blessings

My Practice: Circular Breathing and “Sourcing” Meditation to Receive Daily Blessings

Learn how a renowned intuitive guide and spiritual teacher receives divine energy to fuel her day.


In My Practice, we share personal routines that create wellness and happiness from spiritual teachers, yogis, nutritionists, and more, in hopes to inspire your own healthy rituals.

Sonia Choquette is a renowned intuitive guide and spiritual teacher and a New York Times best-selling author of 19 books, including her latest book Uplifting Prayers to Light Your Way. Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and the Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. A member of the Transformational Leadership Council, she is also the host of her own weekly radio show, Six Sensory Living. Today, Sonia shares her morning practice:

“I begin each morning with what I call my "breakfast of champions." I begin with three minutes of circular breathing to music. To do this, I raise my arms above my head and inhale "ah" then pull my arms to my sides as I exhale "ha." This wakes up my brain and body and floods it with life giving oxygen. (I actually created a song to go with this practice which is available as a free download on my website. It's called “Love your Life.")
Next, I sit quietly for ten minutes and do what I call "sourcing." This is a meditative practice where I place my palms on my lap face up and pray for my divine source to fill me with the love, strength, and grace I need to fulfill my highest purpose for this day. In this time I open my heart and mind to receive blessings and guidance and anything else I need to help me serve in the best possible way.
During this time I open to receive divine energy to fuel me in every way.
I finish this fifteen-minute morning practice by naming out loud my three most important intentions for the day. Then I stand, stretch, and start my day with a great cup of coffee with steamed milk!”

Do you have a practice you’d like to share? Comment below or email us at [email protected].

To learn more about Sonia, visit

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