
14 Gratitude Affirmations for Health

14 Gratitude Affirmations for Health

Donald Giannatti/Unsplash

Personal affirmations are positive statements made aloud with the intent of manifesting good energy. Try these 14 gratitude affirmations for health and joy.

Oprah attributes much of her success to the power of gratitude—that right there is enough to get anyone to count their blessings.

A study from Harvard suggested that expressing thanks could be one of the simplest ways to feel better. I feel that … and I believe it. The more I bring gratitude affirmations for health into play, the more I am convinced they work wonders to uplift the spirit. They also help to manifest the things I actually want in life (not what I’m complaining about and inadvertently attracting).

In my experience, gratitude affirmations also help with stress. If I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I change my attention to the things that I am grateful for (even having to do with the situation at hand). Since the quality of life is all about perception, the simple shift in consciousness to gratitude makes all the difference.

How to Practice Gratitude Affirmations for Health

It’s really a simple and short practice. Say the affirmations and feel the thankfulness deeply in your heart. Sometimes a simple affirmation like, “I’m so thankful for my family,” can just about get my eyes to water and fill me with immense joy.

Even if an affirmation doesn’t seem “true” at the time, still feel it as if it were. This is the power of affirmations—they bring us closer to what we want by feeling that they’re already in our reach.

Here are some gratitude affirmations for health to make your day just that much better.

  1. I experience gratitude for everything I have in my life.
  2. I always receive exactly what I ask for and appreciate that.
  3. I am grateful for excellent health, prosperity, and true love.
  4. My life is filled with an abundance of goodness.
  5. All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve.
  6. I am so grateful for supportive friends and a loving family.
  7. I appreciate everything I have in my life and always keep the door open for more blessings.
  8. The universe supports me and all my desires.
  9. I am the co-creator of my reality.
  10. I see the beauty in nature that surrounds me.
  11. I see animals as sacred and appreciate the gifts they give.
  12. I give thanks to the helpful spirits and ancestors that guide me in this life journey.
  13. I am blessed.
  14. I feel gratitude for all!

Personal affirmations are an easy habit to develop (and stick with) that can help you to manifest real spiritual growth in your life. What gratitude affirmations for health will you try?

For more, check out: “The Gratitude Prescription.”

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