Joy Hosey

Getting from Wanting to Having

Using language for leverage

The Reemerging Masculine Heart

Moving beyond old-school male domination and the Sensitive New Age Guy (SNAG)…

Growing Elder

I thought a lot about Gladys’s comment, secretly hoping I could avoid dying from…

Befriending Grief

What helped is that I finally found a purpose for this sometimes-excruciating fe…

How to Reinvest in Your Love Fund

Recognize that the deficit often comes from an inability to receive.

The Joys of Decoupling

A weeklong retreat beyond words and even snuggling.

5 Questions to Heal a Relationship

“What do we do next?” is the last question to ask

Tuning In to Your Turn-Ons

Appreciating the sexual feelings in our everyday lives

If You Really Want to Be Heard, Shut Up…

…And recognize the real struggle with your partner is to hear

The Secret of Real Anger Management

Maybe it’s time to unleash what it really feels like to care.

Claiming Your Queen

In my practice, I’m witnessing a revitalized version of the Queen archetype reemerging

The Two Ingredients of a Real Love Potion

If your mind cringes or your belly flip-flops while you read this, you’re not alone.

Using a Love Triangle to Ease Tension

Learn how to recognize your Hero, Victim, and Villain.

The Disappointed and the Disappointment

How to break free from this perpetual drama

How to Travel in (Better) Time With Your Mate

The story of how you met reveals the future of your relationship.

Four Approaches to Desire

A clear answer—even the answer you want—is just a few words away

The Five Fingers of Touch

Understanding your partner’s desires for touch is a key to restoring intimacy

Quality Space

Space is not just a physical phenomenon, it is an atmosphere that includes nonjudgmental attention, mutual respect, and appreciation.

Building a New Relationship With My Feet

As a kid, my hands and feet were a source of quiet shame for me. I was born with…