
16 Affirmations for Surrender and Trust

16 Affirmations for Surrender and Trust

Unsplash/Richard Brutyo

Stuck and disappointed? Affirmations for surrender and trust can help get you through.

Have you thought about your thoughts lately? Chances are your thoughts have a mind of their own, and it’s often why we feel so frustrated, stressed, or stuck. Retraining your brain to focus on the good is possible and easier than you think.

One tried and true method to step into an elevated state is repeating affirmations, such as these affirmatons for surrender and trust. An affirmation is a positive phrase, word, or statement that is used to replace negative thoughts. I can tell you firsthand that affirmations played a huge role in improving my own mental health and overcoming depression and crippling anxiety. In 2009, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and stuck in a toxic relationship and a corporate career that was suffocating my soul. And one of the first tools I used to pull me through was affirmations.

Positive affirmations are so much more than mini feel-good quotes on corny memes splashed across social media. They are science-backed methods to realign us to the moment and harmonize our connection to our higher self and the Universe.

When we are out of alignment, we are often frantic, worried, consumed with fear; we are trying to control outcomes and obsessing about situations. If you feel stuck in this hectic mental state, chances are affirmations can help. Pausing in the moment to repeat an affirmation is about aligning your energy. This can be infectious as it will help you overcome any troubling situation. Focusing on being in alignment is much easier with intention.

1. I let go of what I can’t change.

You may feel out of sorts when things don’t go your way. Take this opportunity to pause in the moment and practice letting go. When you feel as though you have exhausted all options, know that surrender is in order. Surrendering is not giving up, but rather saying I let go of the outcome and proceed forward without expectations. A true surrender is a realization that all is in divine order and you are always being guided.

Repeat this affirmation for surrender and trust:

I release my control of things I cannot accept. Instead of trying to force things to go a certain way, I trust the universe is working on my behalf. I see everything in life has its own time and place, and I allow all to be as it is. I let go.

2. Out of difficulties grow new beginnings. I trust the process.

You have everything you need to move into the next phase of your life. You are being guided and you are safe and protected.

Repeat this affirmation:

I step forward with confidence and trust my new beginning is appropriate for my big picture. My life is important and I allow myself to be fully in the process. It is safe to release all troubling situations.

3. Regardless of the outcome, I am taken care of.

You need not worry about the resolution of the current situation. Instead of trying to solve the problem with sheer force, trust you will get exactly what you need. No matter the outcome of the uncertain situation, you are taken care of.

Repeat this affirmation:

All of my needs are met. I am full of love and my attention is on the present moment. No matter what the outcome, I know it will be for my greater good.

4. I am open and willing to live my life in new ways.

You may be in a situation that has not worked out as planned, but now is the time to try again. Closed doors will always lead to new opportunities for growth and expansion. Your power is not in how the situation has played out, but in how you proceed.

Repeat this affirmation:

Setbacks in life can be surprising opportunities for growth. Although this time of my life may be uncertain, I trust my future self is guiding me. I am willing to see the silver lining and am open to living my life in refreshing new ways.

5. The universe has a plan greater than mine.

Have faith in your inner wisdom and trust the timing of your dreams. You may feel conflicted or unsure of your path, but today is the time to turn inward and trust the nudges coming to you.

Repeat this affirmation:

I don’t always get what I want, but I know I will always get what I truly need. I may feel stuck and at a standstill at times. But when I turn inward, I know all is in order.

I know I am being guided.

6. Anything I give my attention to will flourish and grow.

Pay attention to where you focus your thoughts. What you see is a result of where you have been putting your emotional energy. If there is an area of your life you are dissatisfied with, look back to your recent and current thoughts about that situation. Turn your focus to what you want, and watch it flourish and grow.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am responsible for all I experience. I always align with my loving light and focus on what I want with joy and ease. I release all worry and spend my time creating my joy-filled reality. When I focus on what I want, it flourishes and comes to me.

7. Difficult situations lead to divine solutions.

Your life is paved with uncertain situations and rough patches, but when you turn your attention to the solutions, you will be divinely led. All difficult paths are opportunities for you to dive inward and see the true lesson. Each difficult experience will lead you to divine awareness and new solutions.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am in the journey of my life and I embrace each moment fully. Each difficult experience is a pathway to greatness within me. All setbacks are really growth and part of my overarching life plan.

8. I surrender all expectations.

You may focus too much on the outcome. When you focus too much on how things will play out, you do not trust divine resolution. Instead of manipulating your energy and putting it under such a strain, surrender your expectations by trusting all is in right order.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am connected to my true self and know all is in perfect order. I have goals and deep desires, but they will be manifested in their own right time and place. I release my need to have things when and how I want, and I turn my trust to the universe. I always get what I need, when I need it. I surrender.

9. I learn the way on the way.

You may not feel ready to move forward on your planned path, but you are more ready than you realize. Now is the time to take action and move forward. The more self-confident you are, the more successful you will be. If you are unsure, that is okay. It is still necessary to take steps forward as your path will reveal itself one step at a time.

Repeat this affirmation:

I accept my path and grow through all challenges with a determination to succeed. The universe is supporting me and I will soar. My path becomes clear as I take more steps forward. I am confident and sure of myself.

10. My emotional pain shows me what needs to change.

Sadness, depression and heartache are gentle reminders to probe deeper into your life. Look at what is not working and be open to living your life in new ways. You will see that one day, it will all make sense.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am connected to my emotions and I feel them fully. Any area of my life that feels painful is an opportunity for me to go inward. I reflect on my pain and see what needs to be changed.

11. My life is in perfect balance when I listen to my heart.

The key to success in your life is balance. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, take a deep breath in and return inward to your heart. In order to create successful solutions, you need to align with what brings you joy in the moment. When you make choices from a deliberate place of love, you are more calm and peaceful and your life is in balance.

Repeat this affirmation:

My life is in perfect balance because I take care of myself and follow my heart. I honor my needs. I allow myself to be recognized and I embrace the power of the pause.

12. I am calm in the chaos.

Trusting the universe is a large part of releasing the reins on your life. Hand over your worries and concerns to the universe and you will be guided to love. When you align with your own heart center, nothing will affect your true balance.

Repeat this affirmation:

What once bothered me no longer affects me, for I am peace and harmony. I can be calm in the chaos because I am a beacon of love and light.

13. I stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations.

Hope is your flashlight guiding you into happiness. When you are trapped by difficult situations, hope will guide you home. You always have what it takes to proceed and move through challenging times. It may feel as though there is no way out, but turning to hope will help you. You can focus on the positive aspects instead of the pain. Finding hope will help you overcome the troubling time.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am hopeful in all areas of my life. I am aligned with my truth, which is love. I turn my fears over to the universe. Love will guide me home.

14. Setbacks do not define me. They nudge me into a new awareness.

Setbacks in your life are not indications of you being off track. They are opportunities for more self-awareness and growth. The situation that feels the most difficult to navigate is often in your life as a teacher. Each situation that feels like a setback is actually realignment. When you go into each situation, ask yourself how it plays into your big picture.

Repeat this affirmation:

I am not attached to the outcome of situations in my life. I feel connected to my purposes and see how everything works together. I see there is no such thing as a setback. I am always being nudged into a new awareness of self and I am connected to my life and I focus forward with love.

15. Situations don’t hurt. Expectations do.

If there are situations causing you pain, look at what your expectations were. Did you want something to happen that didn’t? Or maybe things didn’t work out according to your plan. Expectations hurt your ability to enjoy life and accept the process. You will always get exactly what you need when you need it.

Repeat this affirmation:

I release all expectations and allow myself to be in the flow of life. I embrace the journey and let things unfold naturally. The situations I am in are part of my life plan. I accept them as though I had chosen them myself. I release all expectations and trust things are as they should be.

16. What I do today has the potential to improve all my tomorrows.

One more affirmation for surrender and trust. From a manifesting standpoint, the only thing that matters is your attention in this moment. Focus on the outcome and achieving what you desire. What you do today is important. It will determine your tomorrow.

Repeat this affirmation:

Starting now, I focus forward. I align my energy with love and support. I let go of my past, for today is the only day that matters. What I do today has the potential to improve all my tomorrows.

These affirmations for surrender and trust are from Shannon Kaiser’s book Find Your Happy Daily Mantras.

Find more affirmations: “Affirmations for Negative Self-Talk.”

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