Five Invitations: What Death Can Teach About Living
Fearless Compassion in the Face of Violence
The willingness to face suffering can give rise to compassion.
The willingness to face suffering can give rise to compassion.
A lesson in the power of love and simple human presence.
We can’t seek the deepest rest. We can relax the activity that obstructs our contact with it.
Are you willing to let go of your history and step into the Mystery?
Misconceptions about meditation can get in the way of practice. “When you’re kissing somebody you want to be there for the experience. You don’t want the other person looking out the window.”
As caregivers, we need to be more than problem solvers. We need to be portals to a larger possibility.
Dying is itself a time, a space, and process of surrender and transformation.
Caring is a natural expression of our humanity.