Peggy La Cerra

The Secret of Future Calm

As the pace of life gets faster and faster, here’s how to avoid the shock.…

Caffeinated Thinking

A Conversation with Murray Carpenter, Author of Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, and Hooks Us

Caffeine: The Addiction We Share … and Don’t Talk About

Is it time we admit our collective addiction to caffeine? Explore how caffeine a…

Dance Ecstasy

The Art and Science of Dancing into Nirvana

The Creation of I

From a radical new understanding of depression, a neuroscientist explains how to…

Gifts of the Spirit

Long before the birth of Jesus, the Celtic and Norse pagans exchanged gifts at t…

What Schools Could Teach Us

Imagine what life would be like if we were educated using a curriculum that prog…

Make Yourself a “Living Prayer”

Almost three years ago, after seeing The Secret, my friend announced that she wa…

How Oprah Could Keep the Weight Off

Discussing how a successful strategy works, when change doesn't come easily.…

A Neuroscientist Explains how to Manifest with Metaphors

In literature, writers use metaphors to transfer information inherent in one con…

Managing Self-Worth in a Tough Market

In the current economic climate, with millions of people losing their homes and …

The Gift of Breath

A dear friend of mine recently succumbed to emphysema. Before he became ill, he’…

Our Evolving Selves: Visioning a Spring Growth Spurt

Like most people, I rejoice in the coming of spring. Despite my firm intention t…

Getting Unstuck

Last May, in order to pursue his dream of an integrated life of travel, writing,…

Why Relationships Are So Difficult

On any given day, 1.6 million of us are blogging, 27 million are tweeting, and 1…