Deborah Kremins, MIM
Deborah Kremins, MIM graduated in 1992 with a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine® from the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in Sausalito, California. She has worked with clients throughout the world and is recognized internationally for her intuitive abilities. She is available for individual and couples consultations, classes, workshops, retreats and for public speaking engagements. You can learn more and receive information about her upcoming online course, Earth Warrior I by visiting
Learn with Deborah!
Register now for Deborah's new course, The Art of Intuition.

Mountain Wisdom Part I: Earth Connection/Center of Insight
The first in a 3-part audio meditation Mountain Wisdom series.
From Holidaze to Holydays: A 7-minute Reset
An audio meditation to help reset from your worst self to your best self.
Audio Meditation: Gratitude
A short meditation to instantly bring love and compassion to yourself so that yo…
Aligning Yourself With Self
Begin to establish certainty and trust within yourself with this grounding guide…