
Mountain Wisdom Part I: Earth Connection/Center of Insight

Mountain Wisdom Part I: Earth Connection/Center of Insight

The first in a 3-part audio meditation Mountain Wisdom series.

Mountain Wisdom is Samurai training for the spirit. The Mountain Wisdom series is one of the foundational pillars of the Earth Warrior training. Through Mountain Wisdom practice we gain practical tools for deeper connection with ourselves and the world. Mountain Wisdom invites us to dwell within the channels of Earth’s energy. It hones and tunes our physical form to create space for our natural insight to occur. Mountain Wisdom practices take us out of the rat racy, sugar buzzing, caffeinated, freeway driving, media fraught amplitude. It erases the noise so that we can learn to hear and easily recognize our own truth. It attunes all of our bodily systems to their healthy and balanced state. Our nervous systems, digestive systems, adrenals, pituitary, pineal – our entire endocrine system, and the electro-chemical workings of the brain all benefit. This practice of Mountain Wisdom brings us into right relationship with our body—with our body’s belonging and with our own spirit’s embodiment.

Stay tuned for Part 2 - Living Earth / Body Attunement and Part 3 - Inner LIght/Outer Light

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