Sneak Peak for You; Which Will Be Your Favorite Story?
Holiday 2020 Issue Preview
To our faithful advertisers (we thank you) and would-be advertisers: here’s a special preview of our November-December 2020 issue in production now for on-sale October 27:

Cover: Jacqueline Suskin
The author of Every Day is a Poem, an exploration of using poetic visioning to live a better life; Jacqueline Suskin spoke with Stephen Kiesling from her retreat in Humboldt County about her latest book, and how to “find clarity, feel relief, and see beauty in every moment.”
“The One Who Cares”
by Guest Columnist Lydia Dugdale, MD, MAR
If we started the year 2020 with audacious hopes for perfect vision—seeing more clearly—we were completely blindsided. Our hoped-for year of clarity became a year of befuddlement. A year of new beginnings became a year of death.
When I was treating patients with the coronavirus in New York City last spring, one of the greatest challenges was being fully present with my dying patients. Why? The story, unfortunately, was a familiar one during the early days of the pandemic. Shortages of personal protective equipment forced doctors to limit the frequency and duration of patient contact.
Concern over virus spread meant most visitors could not come to the hospital—even when death was imminent. There’s no question that the prospect of dying alone from COVID-19 grieved patients and families. But it also caused great distress for medical professionals. No one should suffer and die alone. On this point we’ve achieved clarity. Human beings instinctively comfort the sick and accompany the dying. It’s human nature.
I recall the time a patient of mine, the painter Maurice Sapiro, was hospitalized. Mr. Sapiro is the type of guy who is impossible not to love. An elementary school music teacher by profession, he had secretly cultivated a talent for painting. In his 80s, his work was discovered by a New York gallery, and sales of his paintings made it possible for him to provide in perpetuity for his disabled adult son. His was a story of the American dream—a story of creativity, passion, perseverance, and hope.
(Read more on p. 80, S&H November/December 2020)
• Nourishing Self-Care Practices for Now
• An Interview with Jacqueline Suskin by Stephen Kiesling
• Hope, Peace, and Love: 2020 Holiday Gift Guide
• 14 Sacred Blessings of the Season by Barbara Mahaney
• Animal Mystics by Sarah Bowen
• Got Gut Problems? By Dr. Dani Gordon
• Abhyanga, Anywhere by Kathryn Drury Wagner
• Following the Moon, Processing Grief by Julie Peters
• Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
• The Soul of Therapy by Kevin Anderson
• Our Walk in the World by Mark Nepo
• The Heart of Money by Paul Sutherland
• Guest House by Lydia Dugdale
• Editor’s Note
• Featured Artist: Duy Huynh by Ben Nussbaum
• Community Champion: Tia Richardson by Kate Madden Yee
• Poetry: “The Garland” by Billy Collins
• 2nd Act: The Sweet Smell of Success by Kathryn Drury Wagner
• One Last Thing by Lainey Yehl
You are undoubtedly planning now for the “return to normalcy” in 2021. Let us help you with a proposal that will combine a custom combination of website, email, print, mobile, podcast and sampling and social media marketing to make it a great year for you.
Until then, Happy Halloween,
Ann Reed: [email protected]
Tabetha Reed: [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: [email protected]