Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore is the New York Times best-selling author of Care of the Soul, as well as many other books on deepening soul and cultivating a mature spiritual life, three of which have received the Books for a Better Life Award. At turns he has been a monk, a musician, a university professor, a psychotherapist, and an S&H columnist. 

7 Steps to Becoming an Elder

The apprenticeship for the elder begins very young and continues over a lifetime…

Care of the Soul: The Spiritual Imagination

What is the role of imagination in matters of ultimate concern? This is one of t…

Care of the Soul: Your Highest Self

I’m always writing about depth—deep feelings, deep thoughts, deep relationships.…

Care of the Soul: The Dream of Utopia

Have you ever found yourself in a beautiful place, free from your worries, every…

No Need to Explain

The real art of being with what is is to know when to stop talking.

Care of the Soul: Angels and the Brain

There’s little room for wonder and real poetry in the mechanical metaphors we use to describe ourselves.

Care of the Soul: A Crack in the Sky

I live in what’s called the Monadnock region of southern New Hampshire. I have b…

Care of the Soul: Spiritual Complexes

Don't ignore or repress your complexes, instead try to befriend them

Care of the Soul: Care of the Soul, 25 Years Later

In the late 1980s, after about seven years of developing my own approach to psyc…

Care of the Soul: The Path to Utopia

If anyone thinks that the parables of Jesus are meant to be helpful moral tales,…

Care of the Soul: The Veggie Soul

When I studied medieval philosophy in college, I learned that a human being has …

Care of the Soul: The Soul Under Construction

For most of his life, my father was a plumbing instructor in a trade school and …

Care of the Soul: Spiritual Disorders

Every mental health worker knows about the DSM-V, a manual for defining disorder…

Care of the Soul: Skipping Stones

My father liked to teach his sons basic skills, like how to use a saw, tighten a…

Care of the Soul: The Place Beyond Seeking

I used to be a seeker, looking for answers to all sorts of questions, wondering …

Care of the Soul: Wherever I Turn, You Are There

A striking image from the late Renaissance shows a bald human head with a huge e…

Care of the Soul: Happy Accidents

In telling the story of the Bollingen Stone, the large boulder he installed as a…

Care of the Soul: This Fractured, Heavenly World

I disappoint many people, and sometimes myself, by not being more obviously spir…

Care of the Soul: Reclaim Your Spiritual Growth

When I was just turning 40, I went through some painful changes in my life, and …

Care of the Soul: A Chapel of One's Own

Instead of going off to a monastery, you can bring the monastery to the secular …

A Faith Beyond Belief

Around the world, people tell stories of Nasrudin, a sometimes bumbling and ofte…

Care of the Soul: Joyfully Adrift

Maybe, as we become more soulful, we drift into reality rather than away from it…

An Ancient, Divine Feminism

Happy International Women’s Day!

Searching for Nymphs: The Power of Belief

When I was a child, every summer I would visit the family farm in upstate New Yo…

A Beautiful Distortion

One year, my wife and I attended several plays in the Fringe Festival in Dublin,…

Ancient Goddess Archetype: Are You a Modern-Day Artemis?

The Greeks built temples and altars to gods and goddesses that today we might se…

Are You the Author of Your Life’s Story?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a problem with authority. When I’m stopp…

The Spiritual Practice of Study

In my spiritual life, study is perhaps my most important practice.

Men Who Are Fathers

In a few months, God willing, my father will turn 100. He has always lived his r…

Shades of Truth

A few years ago I was giving a talk in a church near my home. During the questio…

Transmogrifying the Gospels

As I was studying the Gospels for my latest book, Writing in the Sand, I came ac…

How to Empty Your Head

For years now I have been telling audiences about my alternative to higher educa…

Teaching What Matters

When I was in graduate school, I was fascinated by a play by Eugene Ionesco call…

Yoga and Tea

As long as I’ve been married to a yoga teacher, I’ve had trouble keeping milk in…

The Door Ajar

I had a dream the other night in which I found myself in the house where I grew …

Care of the Soul: Mega-Soul

I had an unusually enjoyable afternoon recently, lying on the floor in front of …

A Mind-Altering Message

One of the key words in the New Testament is metanoia, usually translated as "re…

Being a Spiritual Person

Recently I was listening to my friend Satish Kumar being interviewed on the BBC.…