Top 7 results for “Lydia Dugdale”
Lydia Dugdale MD, MAR
Lydia Dugdale MD, MAR, is Dorothy L. and Daniel H. Silberberg Associate Professor of Medicine and director of the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at Columbia University. Prior t…
Podcast: Dr. Lydia Dugdale on the Lost Art of Dying
Anticipating our mortality via the lost Medieval practice of ars moriendi.

The Lost Art of Dying
Lydia Dugdale, author of The Lost Art of Dying, on the art of dying and why we should instead face our finitude squarely—while we still can.

Dying Without Religion: The Existential Concern
Does a nonspecific spirituality (aka spiritual but not religious) suffice to address existential qualms at death's door?

Your Prescription: Look at Art
“Meditation on the 16th century Isenheim Altarpiece was prescribed to the sick. ... Could art still accomplish a miracle of comfort and consolation today ... and remind people of their mortality while also mitigating fear ... and instilling hope? ... Maybe it’s time to bring this practice of the past into the present—as a way to move into the future.”
The One Who Cares
If we started the year 2020 with audacious hopes for perfect vision—seeing more clearly—we were completely blindsided. Our hoped-for year of clarity became a year of befuddlement. A year of new beginnings became a year of death.