Music Review, At the Temple Door

At the Temple Door
Ajeet Kaur
Spirit Voyage
Ajeet Kaur encountered a spiritual sense of music early in life, raised by a father (Thomas Moore) who’d been in a Catholic monastery for many years and a Sikh mother (Hari Kirin Kaur Khalsa) who was a Kundalini yoga teacher and student of Yogi Bhajan. “Music transcended any boundary between the two spiritual paths,” she told S&H. At 10 years old, Ajeet began singing and playing harmonium for hours a day, deeply enjoying the peace it created. “The space that I go into while I’m chanting is what in my tradition we call shunya,” she adds. “It’s the space where you can be nothing and everything at once. It’s a place of peace and infinity.”
At the Temple Door is the blissful new album from Ajeet Kaur that offers an authentic, rich, and peaceful space for anyone to relax into and experience directly. Kaur’s singing is gentle and calming, and the accompanying instruments offer just the right landscape to support her lovely voice. Gentle harmonies on the album were recorded by Ajeet, along with well-known spiritual vocalist Snatam Kaur. Todd Boston produced the album and also adds perfect touches of guitar accompaniment.
“The first song I ever heard Snatam sing was when she was my age now (22),” remembers Ajeet. “The song had the lyrics, ‘How can you save the world if you haven’t saved yourself?’ I’ve always held onto that.”
Ajeet has plans to perform songs from At the Temple Door at an orphanage in Rishikesh, India, where a portion of her album sales goes to support children. “That’s the reason we make this music; we first want to create that peace within ourselves, and then we let it ripple out to the world,” she says. “Building relationships with people in need makes sense.”