Emma Seppala

Emma Seppälä, PhD, is author of The Happiness Track, founder of FulfillmentDaily.com, and Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.

Training Our Mind for Endurance

Mental training can help us get through horrible physical experiences—even child…

The Moments That Make Us Human

"How many of us have entered a doctor’s office only to be met by an unemotional …

The Happiness Track: Against Slim Odds

Emilia Lahti, a doctoral student in psychology from Finland, set out to study th…

The Happiness Track: Religious Experiences Really Do Unite Us

Emma Seppälä PhD is author of The Happiness Track, founder of FulfillmentDaily.c…

The Happiness Track: The Path to a Lifelong Romance

We can limit the amount of pain we create for ourselves by selecting better copi…

The Happiness Track: The Loneliness Paradoxes

We live in a time of overpopulation on the one hand and extreme loneliness on th…

The Happiness Track: Say No Like a Boss

We have all said yes when we knew better, and mostly the impact is as meaningles…

The Happiness Track: Naming Your Hauntings

Quite simply, the hauntings of our mind stand between us and everything else. …

The Happiness Track: The Flow of Being

As children, we were one with each moment—crying one moment, laughing the …

The Happiness Track: The Life Stories We Tell for Health

Genetics play a role in our health, but we also have control in the choices we m…

The Happiness Track: Finding a Dream Job

Discovering your strengths and passion.

The Happiness Track: How to Avoid the 3 Paths of BS

From the archive: Selected stories from the past 20 years. We learn best when we…

The Happiness Track: The Simple Guide to Being Wonderful

Consider a different way to define success.

The Happiness Track: Is Mindfulness a Racket?

Is mindfulness really the panacea for today's stress?

How to Give to Others Without Burning Out

Research suggests that self-care can reduce stress and exhaustion—if we know how…

The Happiness Track: Creating an Inbox Meditation

Cognitive overload is a term psychologists use when referring to dealing with to…

The Happiness Track: A Crash Course in Enlightenment

My junior year of college I was driving back from a ski trip during a Vermont sn…

The Happiness Track: Navigating Your Narratives

We swim in an increasingly turbulent sea of narratives: the ones we tell ourselv…

The Happiness Track: Rest Within Yourself

Learn how to take a vacation within your own mind.…

The Happiness Track: Guilt-Free Time Off

I was wondering how to squeeze in a vacation this summer, and thinking maybe I s…

The Happiness Track: Are We Really Worlds Apart?

New research shows men and women aren't so different after all

The Happiness Track: One Truly Urgent Interruption

Get more done faster and better. That seems to be everyone’s modus operandi thes…

Shift Your Body, Shift Your Mind

At the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Mad…

How to Practice Self-compassion

The secret to empowered action is learning not to beat yourself up.

The Case for Yogic Breathing

The mind has a terrible time telling itself what to do. Fortunately, science is …

Find Your Avatar

A few years ago, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was giving a public talk in New Yor…

Shift Your Body, Change Your Mind

At the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Mad…

Indulging the Totally Selfish Joys of Selfless Giving

Here’s the science behind creating a chain reaction of goodnessThough economists…

Your Soul Needs Playtime

A few years ago, when I was teaching an undergraduate seminar at Stanford on the…