A Ramble through Lamentation: Rituals for Expressing Grief Lamentation: the passionate expression of grief, mourning, sorrow, or regret: a song or poem ... Sponsored
Rediscovering the Rosary Not a rosary person? No matter your beliefs, you may be surprised at the power of this famous tool.
The Spiritual Dementia of Racism “The place to start deepening my understanding of the unconditional worth of every person is ...
Lectio Divina: Divine Reading for the Here and Now Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian practice that can give you a fresh take on any text.
Women’s Meditation There’s no reason meditating has to be painful, says staff writer JULIE PETERS. As long as you ...
Breath as Prayer Many forms of prayer take the same amount of time to complete. This time—especially with ...
New Moon Meditation for Calling in What You Desire New moons are traditionally about planting seeds, setting intentions for what you desire.
Moon Rituals: Tending Your Internal Garden “New moons are related to water and fertility. Metaphorically, in the dark of the new moon, we ...
re/VIEW: Mark Nepo Mark Nepo reflects on his spiritual journey, our polarized country, and how being open-hearted ...
Following the Spiritual Path of the Coyote “I’m in awe of the way coyotes practice mindfulness in their day-to-day lives. They display a ...
Nourishing the Hearts and Minds of Children “For children to be well-rounded humans they need education of the heart as well as the mind.”