Inspired & Unstoppable

by Tama Kieves
The effervescent author of This Time I Dance!: Creating Work You Love is back to confirm what the more adventurous and nonconforming among us have always felt to be true: that we create real success―the kind that has meaning for us―when we follow a path that’s not linear but inspired.
Kieves writes from experience: a Harvard-trained corporate lawyer, she gave up her partner-track position at a major law firm to follow the call of her heart. Although following her sometimes-rugged path to an authentic life meant the loss of a prestigious career and a steady paycheck, Kieves assures us that the twists, turns, and sometimes precipitous drops in what can sometimes be a heart-stopping roller coaster ride to our true calling are all worth it, because an authentic life is the only kind worth living.
“Excitement always leads you somewhere, unless you dismiss its value,” writes Kieves. “Possibilities keep us alive. They are vitamins. Even if they don’t turn out the way we hope, their energy gets us somewhere.” And, she affirms, even just thinking that something will work out often helps us approach the point where something does.
Kieves takes an honest, fresh, and realistic look at the terrain confronting explorers of all ages. With so many people now reinventing themselves later in life, her book doesn’t speak just to those in the beginning stages of a career but to everyone looking for a fresh start.