July/August 2018 Issue Promotion
Included below is everything you might need to promote to your community. To make this easy we have included social media and newsletter wording, Instagram and Facebook-worthy creative images, and our profile tag. Plus a link for the free trial issue!
Please be in contact with us in the future of how we may help in your promotions.
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In light,
All of us at Spirituality & Health
Sample Social Media Posts:
My friends at @SpiritHealthMag are celebrating their 20th Anniversary Year with #free magazines for the conscious community. Sign up for your free trial issue at www.spiritualityhealth.com/freetrial!
I loved the ‘Down is the Way to Well-Being’ article by Parker Palmer! He writes “We all need ego strength, a viable sense of self. But I'd been borne aloft on an inflated ego- an ego that led me to think more of myself than was healthy so as to mask my neurotic fear that I was less than I should have been." Sign up for your free trial issue at www.spiritualityhealth.com/freetrial!
What are the four human capacities, that when rightly used, can serve us well? Sign up for your free trial issue at www.spiritualityhealth.com/freetrial!
They’re celebrating their 20th Anniversary Year with #free magazines for the conscious community. Sign up for your free @spirithealthmag trial issue at www.spiritualityhealth.com/freetrial!
For a friend/connection of a writer:
Spirituality & Health just included a great piece about finding hope within depression by my friend @parkerjpalmer. And, to celebrate their 20th anniversary, they’re giving free magazines to the conscious community. No strings attached. Get your copy of @SpiritHealthMag with Parker's article, “Down is a Way to Well-Being.” here: www.spiritualityhealth.com/freetrial
Please share with your social networks or newsletter lists and make sure to tag @spirithealthmag!
We'll keep an eye out for posts to re-gram, re-tweet, and share to our 330K followers as well.