Monika Rice

Three Cups a Day Help Prevent Stroke

THREE CUPS A DAY HELP PREVENT STROKEThere are very few known ways to reduce the …

When You Need Something, Talk to the Right Ear!

Here’s an odd fact: The human right ear is typically dominant when it comes to l…

Why “The Star-Spangled Banner” Makes Sports More Violent

Over the last decade, one of the most fascinating areas of research in psycholog…

Can Too Much Meat Lead to Diabetes?

Too much protein eaten along with fat may lead to insulin resistance, reports an…

Bring on the Pasta

LOW-CARB DIETS MAKE PEOPLE STUPIDA study from the psychology department at Tufts…

Sometimes It’s Healthier to Be in the Then

A couple of centuries ago, nostalgia — the wistful, sentimental yearning for a p…

Life Is Enhanced by the Right Sound Track

In a research project at the University of London, volunteers were asked to list…

The Health Benefits of Fish, Licorice and Seaweed

Eating Fish Instead of Meat Could Reduce the Risk of DiabetesResearchers in Spai…

Why We Remember Days with Wine and Chocolate

Protect Your Brain with Things You LoveNew research links moderate consumption o…

How to Make the Most of “Retail Therapy”

Someone who has momentarily lost con-fidence in her intelligence may be more lik…

Flowering Plants Speed Recovery from Surgery

If you want to help speed the recovery of a hospital patient who’s had surgery, …

Acupuncture Eases Cancer Suffering and So Do Fake Needles

Consider this: a new study by Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Research Council, rep…

Is Watermelon a Natural Viagra?

A cold slice of juicy watermelon has long been a healthy summer staple, boasting…

Experiences Are Better than Stuff

A study presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Socia…

The Return of Age-Old Remedies

Whether we wish to treat wrinkles or serious ailments, the future of medicine ma…

Power Foods for Better Health

Natural foods to fight cancer, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.

Forbidden Rice? How Watermelon Heals

“Forbidden” Black Rice Rivals Blueberries in AntioxidantsBlueberries are well kn…

Ways to Turbo Charge Your Brain

Smile, and you’ll experience how the body influences the brain. But how should w…

"Zero" Trans Fats Does Not Mean "None"

After years of reading scary warnings about our fat intake, many of us prefer no…