Jessica Baron

Dr. Jessica Baron has a PhD in history and philosophy of science, with a specialization in the history of public health. A former university instructor and science outreach specialist, she is now a full-time writer and consultant specializing in science, technology, health ethics, and both the history and future of wellness.

Jessica Baron

How Rituals Rewire Your Brain

While rituals may define us, we have a hard time defining them. Dig into the sci…

Fall Asleep Listening to Bedtime Stories for Adults

Having a hard time falling asleep? Listen to a boring story.

Dry Needling for Back Pain

Putting a Pin in Debilitating Discomfort

Logging Into Online Wellness

Learning can improve our quality of life—and the effect is twofold for courses o…

Medical Intuition: Tap Into the Body’s Wisdom

Intuitive medicine is a complementary tool for health assessments. It works alon…

Beyond Owls and Elephants: More Wise Animals

What 5 Unexpected Animals Teach Us About Wisdom

Cancer and Canopy: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing

Researchers are continuing to learn what role forests play in everything from hu…

5 Cold Therapies for Healthy Aging

From frotox to full-body immersion, consider five intriguing cold therapies for …

Cryotherapy for Stress-Busting

Immersing our bodies in cold temps may help build our tolerance for stress and p…

Repeat After You: 3 Unexpected Benefits of Chanting

Chanting a mantra can counter dementia, help you sleep, and more.

Empathy and Artificial Intelligence

Will Robots Teach Us to Meditate?

What Would Spirituality Look Like if We Could Live Forever?

Thanatology focuses on life extension, but what role would religion play in our …

The Benefits of Yin Yoga

How a Gentle Practice Can Help Restore the Mind-Body Connection

Empaths & Animals: A Special Relationship

Authenticity, a minimal amount of emotional work, and the ability to gain trust …

What to Expect When You’re in Love With an Empath

Loving an empath—who may be more sensitive to confrontation, more introverted, a…

What Does It Mean to Be a True Empath?

Empathetic people's hearts go out to others. True empaths feel others’ happiness…

Chronic Breath-Holding and How to Let It Go

Poor ergonomics can impair breath, while anger, pain, and frustration stemming f…

The Sleep-Tech Boom: Can We Measure, Map, and Hack Our Way to Better Zs?

When it comes to improving sleep, do measuring apps and biohacks help or hinder?…

Can Spiritual Sleep Help You Learn, Heal, and Reach Your Full Potential?

Through dream incubation, yoga nidra, or a general meditative practice, spiritua…

To Breathe Perchance to Dream

How Breathwork Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

4 Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair

Like superfood for your mane: stimulate growth, relieve and exfoliate the scalp,…

8 Herbs for Ayurvedic Skincare

In ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Sanskrit word used for dermatological issues—kuṣ…

Balance & Boost: 4 Ayurvedic Herbs for Immunity

Ayurveda is about balance and treating the whole body for optimal mental and phy…