
Toxic Love Relationships

Toxic Love Relationships

Sponsored Content from Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer

Photo Courtesy of the Author

Many of us have had toxic relationships, especially in love.

Several questions come to mind immediately:

  • Are you still allowing yourself to be in a toxic relationship?
  • Have you put your foot down?
  • Do you realize you deserve more in life?
  • Why do you think it’s okay to accept those toxic relationships in the first place?
  • What did you do to deserve such negative, painful, or abusive circumstances?

Deserving True Love

Well, I am here to let you know very clearly, that you do not deserve any of the above. You deserve only the best. You deserve your soulmate!

Each of us has a soulmate. Whether you believe it or not, that’s entirely up to you. But, I know for a fact, they are real and you do have one. We all do. We are not here to settle for less. Toxic people want to make us toxic because it makes them feel better. This is not right at all. We are here to be loved, held, heard, trusted, and to be able to trust someone, plus much more. Know this, being able to put your right

foot forward and take the steps that are needed so that you can have true happiness is not as hard as you may think.

I have worked with many people to know that none of us wants to be unhappy! We all want to be truly happy, but we may not believe that it’s possible. I’m here to tell you that it is possible.

Example of Toxicity

Someone very close to me was in a toxic love relationship, even though this person knew better. This person, whom I love so dearly, could not get out of the toxicity until they themselves realized that, “oh, I’m in a toxic relationship. I don’t want this anymore. I’m done.”

My point is, you cannot help those who are not willing to help themselves. Even though it caused great pain and tears in my heart, I had no choice but to wait it out and not be involved in the disconnection part. You, today, need to open your eyes and ask yourself, are you in love or is it just fear of no one else loving you?

Toxic Partner

I promise you will be loved much more by someone else, than the toxic person that is currently around you. They are like poison and they love to inject you with their dosages occasionally, so that you keep being unable to see the truth. The truth is, without you this person would just move on to the next person to poison.

You cannot be the savior. I frequently hear from people, “well, I will sacrifice my life to change this toxic person so that no one can be hurt.” I must say, this is wrong. This is not the answer and you do not have the skill, the ability, or the knowledge on how to do this correctly. So, leave it to the professionals.

Take the First Step

Know that God, our creator, does not want to see you have any damage to your heart, your body, your emotions, or any other part of you. Nor does God want to see those around you be hurt like your children or family. People can be very unkind. It’s a shame, but the shame is on them not on you. Don’t be shamed by others because you decided to allow someone to make you toxic. Do not accept all these toxic ways such as being cheated on, or being abused emotionally or physically. We know deep down, it’s not okay. Remember that you have an Angel who never leaves you, ever. So, ask for help. Ask for signs or suggestions on how to get out of your toxic relationship. Change now because there is no perfect timing.

Meditation is always advised. It’s good for clarity. Let meditation help you heal so that you may see the light once again.

God Bless,


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Tammy Adams has been an Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer for over 30 years. Tammy can communicate with your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Through this communication, Tammy can help you remove the blockages that are holding you back from achieving your life’s purpose and being with your soulmate. She can cleanse chakras and heal people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Tammy's goal is to help as many people as possible accomplish what they were born to achieve. She has been blessed with this Divine communication throughout all of her lifetimes. During this lifetime, she has had the blessed opportunity to be able to learn from notable spiritual thought leaders of our time. Most notably Pope John Paul II, the Visionaries of Medjugorje, a Hopi Shaman, Tibetan Monks, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to name a few. Tammy is also an author, radio show host and public speaker. She has written a handbook on chakras titled, "Secrets to your Chakras." She hosts a weekly radio show, "Karma Talks," on and most recently was asked to be a participant of the "Yoga for the UN: Culture of Peace," in Santa Monica, CA.

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