
Are You Being Toxic to Yourself?

Are You Being Toxic to Yourself?

Sponsored Content from Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer

Photo Courtesy of the Author

I want to ask…are you being toxic to yourself?

Our creator has created us to have complete happiness and I believe that in order for this to happen we do need to fight for ourselves in many ways. This starts with us loving ourselves— from head to toe, inside and out.

Have you ever thought about the way you treat yourself, or even the intentions you may have for your own life?

I have worked with people far and wide throughout this world, and one thing I know well is that many people do not give themselves the credit they truly deserve. You do not see how amazing you are. Let me tell you… I promise you… you have something spectacular to offer this world if you just believe in yourself. It takes a bit of time in order for people to see their true potential, but once that happens it’s like this light bulb turns on. Then it’s wow watch out world, an awesome person is reborn into this world.

In order for you to be reawakened, it is a must for you to have the desire to be happy and no longer be toxic to yourself.

We are toxic to ourselves in many ways…

Let me name a few for you.

We get hurt and then we take on these behaviors of things that aren’t so good for ourselves—like drugs, alcohol, overeating, self-inflicted pain, and neglect. These are just a few things; there are many more.

We also surround ourselves with people that are not so good for us so that we can have a excuse of why we are miserable, sometimes miserable people are around us because it’s not a choice but it is our choice to let them affect us.

I’ve had hard times and I have had abuse and neglect in many ways, but I decided to learn from them and not let them take me down.

Remember we are what we make ourselves. You really cannot blame others even though they are great excuses. Stop being toxic to yourself and start knowing your worth changing to benefit you.

Remember to meditate and also remember to love yourself inside and out. Once you believe in you, so will the world.

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Tammy Adams has been an Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer for over 30 years. Tammy can communicate with your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Through this communication, Tammy can help you remove the blockages that are holding you back from achieving your life’s purpose and being with your soulmate. She can cleanse chakras and heal people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Tammy's goal is to help as many people as possible accomplish what they were born to achieve. She has been blessed with this Divine communication throughout all of her lifetimes. During this lifetime, she has had the blessed opportunity to be able to learn from notable spiritual thought leaders of our time. Most notably Pope John Paul II, the Visionaries of Medjugorje, a Hopi Shaman, Tibetan Monks, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to name a few. Tammy is also an author, radio show host and public speaker. She has written a handbook on chakras titled, "Secrets to your Chakras." She hosts a weekly radio show, "Karma Talks," on and most recently was asked to be a participant of the "Yoga for the UN: Culture of Peace," in Santa Monica, CA.

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