
How to Beat the Winter Blues

How to Beat the Winter Blues

Here’s a list of 10 helpful tips to stay warm and beat this season’s inevitable blues.


Now that winter is in full force (snow and freezing temperatures included), we must accept the reality—this season is here to stay (at least for a while). So, we compiled a list of 10 helpful tips to stay warm and beat this season’s inevitable blues.

1. Be active.

Though it's extremely tempting to cuddle up with a fuzzy blanket and binge watch your favorite new show, it is more productive to stay moving during these cold months. Excercising raises your heart rate and keeps your blood pumping, thus increasing your body temperature. Activities such as push-ups or jogging will help produce sweat and keep you feeling warm in the midst of the bitter cold. If you need a little push, try these five ways to find winter fitness motivation.

2. Get steamy.

When the weather is dragging you down (and all you want to do is regain feeling in your fingers and toes), head to the tub. A steamy bath (bubbles, optional) is a convenient approach to warm your body and calm your mind. You can also take a trip to your local gym for a steam shower or sauna, both guarantee a hot and sweaty experience.

3. Bundle up.

Spend this season around a fireplace, wrapped in your favorite blanket as you sip our Protein Superfood Hot Chocolate. (If you don't have a real fireplace, you can simulate a fire on your TV or computer—it's almost as good as the real thing?) Sounds ideal, right? If you choose to step outside into the cold (show-offs), all we can say is layers, layers, and more layers. Winter-proof your outer extremities with all of the proper gear.

4. Grab a friend.

This is the season to take advantage of cuddling, whether it be with a friend, boyfriend, or animal companion. Anything goes! Cozying up next to someone special is the ultimate way to tranheat transfer. It will probably warm your heart as well.

5. Stay serene.

Give your home a calming aura by lighting your favorite scented candles. For a natural fragrance, consider investing in an aromatherapy diffuser that disperses essential oils throughout your living space. These purifying appliances emit appealing scents that will bring relaxation and health to your home during these dry and dismal months.

6. Keep busy.

Take advantage of the time you are forced to stay inside and use it to be productive. Finish organizing that one room in your house, go through your overflowing closet, or do laundry that has been piling up for days. Although these are not necessarily the most enjoyable tasks, they will take your mind off the fact that summer is still months away.

7. Start cooking.

Winter is a time to experiment in your kitchen. Not only will the oven heat your home, the food you make warm up your belly in all the right ways. So, pull out those recipes you've been dying to try—and don't be afraid to make a mess. If you have a sweet tooth, try our Protein Cookies with Superfood Frosting or Matcha Protein Coconut Macaroons. For something savory, whip up our Secretly Healthy Sweet Potato Fries.

8. Feel the love.

Rather than sulking over the extreme temperatures, discover a way to harness positive energy and pleasant thoughts. Spend time with the people you love the most and truly savor each moment. Even research shows that being with loved ones is good for your health—it can combat loneliness and slash stress levels.

9. Embrace the outdoors.

Tis' the season to step outside (yes, we are being serious). Take a walk around the block to get your blood pumping. This breath of fresh air will do a world of good. Outdoor light exposure can boost your mood, boost creativity, and increase your levels of vitamin D.

10. Indulge.

When winter arrives, comfort foods abound. So it's time to indulge in something sweet. Luckily, there are ways to curb your cravings, without breaking your New Year's diet. If a warm beverage is what you crave, try ALOHA Tea, available in five sweet and refreshing flavors. Looking for a healthy snack instead? Head to our recipe center for easy-to-make ideas. We love: No-Bake Superfood Protein Bites, Crunchy Quinoa-Crusted Avocado Fries, Chocolate Trail Mix Energy Bars, and more!

This article by Jessa VanderWeide was first published on Aloha. To see the original article, please click here.

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