Perspectives Planning a Heart-Centered Thanksgiving Animal chaplain Sarah Bowen shares how she has re-crafted her Thanksgiving to be more ...
Perspectives Longings and Belongings: Gift-Giving Reflections The gift-giving season is almost here, but that doesn't mean purchasing more “stuff” for your ...
Spiritual Practices Celebrating the Spiritual Meanings of Halloween More than just candy and costumes: Halloween is a holiday that can, with a little thought, ...
Living in the World 14 Sacred Blessings of the Season Winter is a season for restoring ourselves by slipping into the dark.
Living in the World Hope, Peace, and Love: A 2020 Holiday Gift Guide A small way we can get out from feelings of overwhelm and helplessness is by using our dollars ...
Mental Wellness A Halloween-Time Practice for Finding Balance Feeling off-kilter? This simple and powerful practice can bring you out of your swirling ...
The Body Poem: The Kind of May Day It Is “If days were colors / I would name this one pink, / a pale pink like the rose quartz / pendant ...
Relationships 7 Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts for a Wellness and Self-Care Lifestyle In a sea of chocolates and roses, it can be hard to choose a Valentine’s Day gift that speaks to ...
The Body 6 Ways to Fight Holiday Insomnia An expert in cognitive behavioral therapies targeting better sleep provides six strategies to ...
The Body 7 Ways to Deal With Toxic Family Members Over the Holidays If you know there’ll be at least one toxic relative to face this holiday season, here's how to ...
Relationships 3 Amazing Gifts That Are Too Huge to Wrap These gifts cannot be bought or touched or tossed, and they are not free.
Living in the World Recipe: 10 Delicious (and Healthy) Baked Goods for the Holiday Season Some of the best memories during the holidays are sparked by the smells that fill the house from ...
The Body Holiday Cocktails: 4 Wellness Spirits to Try Now From keto-friendly natural wines to liquors spiked with herbs and botanicals, wellness spirits ...
Living in the World 12 Affirmations for When the Holidays Don’t Go As Planned Flaming turkeys, missing boxes, unplanned medical emergencies. It’s beginning to feel a lot like ...