4 Energy-Amplifying Crystals for the Full Moon Amethyst, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, and White Moonstone are powerful crystals for a full ...
Restless Everything Syndrome The First Noble Truth of Buddhism (dukkha) is that we can’t avoid suffering. But suffering is a ...
What Astrology Really Tells You “You may be among the millions of Americans who are curious about, if not seriously engaged ...
Science & Spirit: Avocados, Constipation, and Wigging Out Good reasons to stock up on avocadoes, an intriguing link between depression and constipation, ...
“Drunk, Stoned, or Laid” Memories of Manhattan spur S&H Editor at Large Stephen Kiesling to reflect on the "masters ...
How to Clear Your Clutter With Reiki Your outer circumstances are a reflection on how you feel about the world. Sponsored
Winter Solstice Meditation A winter solstice meditation can be a time for grieving, acknowledging what’s been lost, and ...
Working With Moon Phases Discover how to work with moon phases. Then you can plan, or adjust, accordingly.
Guided Meditation: Earth and Water to Find Embodiment Use this guided meditation anytime you need to feel a deeper sense of embodiment.
The Infinite Transforming Power of Mind An excerpt from In Search of Wisdom: A Monk, A Philosopher, and Psychiatrist on What Matters Most