
Natural Spirituality

Natural Spirituality

Getty Images/Poike

“Firmly rooted in the brain and the body, Natural Spirituality guides us through a stepped approach to unlock the power of our Natural Self.”

Many of us cultivate a spiritual practice in hopes of accessing our authentic selves, inner peace, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life. We want to put the pieces of our lives together and gain clarity.

For each of us this spiritual path will look different. What works for me may not work for you. How we access and experience spirituality depends on our unique brain, body, and mind.

But figuring out what works for us can be tricky. There are so many paths, methods and teachers out there ... how do we know what’s right for us?

Jivasu, physician and spiritual teacher, has developed a framework to help us explore our own unique process of spiritual awakening in which the path and the teacher come from within.

Firmly rooted in the brain and our biology, Natural Spirituality (Naturality), guides us through a stepped approach to unlocking our highest potential. Unlike many approaches, Natural Spirituality does not ignore the body or the important role of the healthy ego or identity. These are essential foundational pieces upon which a sustainable spiritual path can be built.

The path of Natural Spirituality is “to live according to our nature and walk our own path.” It starts with building a healthy identity to succeed in the world; understanding our personality to find creative passion; integrating the shadow to heal; and finally, discovering our unique Natural-Self to become free from fear, guilt, and sorrow.

Without realizing our own true nature, we become merely reflections and shadows of our family, society, and, culture. Although these are essential for rooting us in the world in early life, we must eventually go beyond them to find who we truly are.

By realizing our Natural Self, we discover five natural powers inherent in us. The first is our inner life force, to become an independent and creative person; the second is the meaning of our life, which comes from within; the third is the experience of self-love, through which we accept who we are; the fourth is our inner happiness, which is not dependent on the world; and the fifth is realizing our destiny, knowing what we are supposed to do in the world.

Sponsored by: Jivasu

Jivasu runs workshops and courses that incorporate movement, discussion, breathwork and more. Visit to learn more about the Natural Spirituality movement.

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