
Are You Aware of Your Superpowers?

Are You Aware of Your Superpowers?

Tap into Source Energy and Be Your Own Hero


“Through my own internal journeys, I’ve found and developed helpful keys that can guide and inspire your path toward the never-ending fountain of personal strength, love, kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness that are present in ever-flowing source energy. These traits are already a part of us, waiting to be rediscovered.”

“Once we learn to see ourselves is the moment we become endless.”

How many times have you watched a movie, or read a book, where the hero is saved from danger by a trusted friend, mentor, or guide? Did you know Universal Law shows us we have our own heroic powers?

There is a never-ending source of energy we’re all part of and will return to one day. It’s part of our cosmic DNA and is ours to access whenever we like! This energy is akin to a lightforce that has the power to save us, if only we allow its flow. Once we experience the flow of source energy, we’ll see past the illusion of our human selves and finally witness our truest superhero selves which are abundant with natural gifts and powers.

Intentions create realities, acting as a cause to create the effects of our focus. Good news is, we do not need a pill or special skills to find source energy and experience flow. We must only begin the internal journey of asking, then listening, deep within ourselves for that connection.

Many on the path try to work self- and source-awareness into daily routines, but fall short. Other times we are aware of the gifts of awareness, but they lie ladent and we rarely spend time honing them. While it is effort initially to remember who we are, gratefully all we have to do is first recognize that we’ve forgotten and are out of flow, and second that we never truly lose the power of, and connection to, our true selves.

Too often we sacrifice ourselves while searching for connection and striving for what we want. We often end up feeling alone, falling short of goals, not able to keep commitments, or maybe even hitting rock bottom. These themes are all too common because when we give ourselves away (our daily lives are full of depletion, instead of cup filling, aren’t they?) there is nothing left to thrive within. We end up exhausted or sick because giving from a heart half-accessed is comparable to working double overtime without pay. Thankfully, lasting self-awareness is just a realization away.

Through my own internal journeys, I’ve found and developed helpful keys that can guide and inspire your path toward the never-ending fountain of personal strength, love, kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness that are present in ever-flowing source energy. These traits are already a part of us, waiting to be rediscovered.

  1. Everything we experience in life is needed for our internal growth. Everything present is a window into infinite knowledge and source energy.
  2. Our minds and human bodies are our sacred, but temporary, homes. This internal work is of the eternal kind. Our human experience is a gift for us to create and enjoy.
  3. Our personal power lies in the details of our moments; we must be mindful of what we say and do. Are our actions in alignment with our truest selves?
  4. Everything we take in is fuel for our journeys. All things interact with reason’s ability to discern how we feel, and therefore, creates our personal realities. The books we read and the television we watch matters. The devices we use and the food we eat matters. Our choices display our intentions; choose wisely.

It is my wish that with these new skills you will co-create, with the Universe, movies, and books of your life scripting YOU as the hero. You will now be that trusted friend, mentor, or guide to yourself (and then another) because you have done the work and know the way.

Next month, Kellie leads the Spirituality & Health community into deeper mastery of the self with the practice of self-love.

To find out more about the processes at Internal Journeys, visit the website or check out Kellie’s book Internal Journeys: A Spiritual Transformation

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