
Book Preview: Awaken the Sleeping Giant

Book Preview: Awaken the Sleeping Giant

“A spiritual revolution is long overdue. A simple shift in awareness is all that is needed. No shots will be fired. No blood will be shed.”

As I sat on the floor in my closet, unpacking boxes of dusty journals and notebooks I’d collected over the past 20-plus years, the task at hand seemed overwhelming. How do I organize all of these life experiences into a coherent story? How do I put these events into a clear, chronological order for my kids to understand?

You see, I had no plans to write a book. My original intention for writing was simple and somewhat selfish. I was hoping to explain to my children some of the discoveries I’ve made on this crazy adventure of life. Maybe all parents feel this way at some point. Why should my kids have to experience the same struggles, pain, and suffering I’ve been through? I know stuff! They can learn from my mistakes.

This painfully slow process turned out to be very transformational. Months turned into years. Finally, I stepped back and began to see the story unfolding before me. It was like I discovered a secret treasure map! Unfortunately, this map was given to me in puzzle form, and the pieces were revealed over decades. Funny how the Universe works.

When this puzzle was finally assembled, it was a real aha moment. On second thought, it was actually more of an oh-sh** moment! Although I was excited to see on paper what I’d been feeling for many years, I instantly knew I was going to have to share my discovery with all. The thought of this was terrifying. My insecurities quickly came to the surface. My demons were saying, “Who the hell do you think you are? People will think you’re crazy!” I’m grateful for my wife and the small group of friends who motivated me throughout this painstaking process.

As I studied this treasure map, a theme began to emerge. Through my decades of soul-searching, the same nagging questions kept bubbling to the surface. Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Why are so many of us living with illness, disease and addiction? Why all the fear, anxiety and hate? The entire planet seems to be on edge and temperatures are rising.

By stepping back and taking a panoramic view of the situation, the answers began to reveal themselves. It became obvious to me that we continue to repeat the same mistakes. We are treating the symptoms of our dis-ease, which is the chaos we see in our world, rather than exploring for the root cause. Focusing on symptoms will only result in prescriptions for bigger bombs and more Prozac.

Instead, why don’t we ask the difficult questions, like “Why is everyone so angry?” Contrary to what many believe, this worldwide crisis did not start on September 11, 2001, nor did it begin on November 8th, 2016. We have been sleepwalking for generations. We’ve been stuck in a depressive state of apathy, allowing a loud minority to rule the often-silent majority. The struggles we see in the outer world are a direct reflection of the battle being played out in our inner world. We have been consumed by the external stimuli, completely identified with our small selves.

In other words, we have been disconnected from our True Nature. This is the “root cause” I’m referring to. Most of life’s pain, suffering, and struggles can be traced back to this disconnection. Although I believe that forgetting our Divine Nature is a necessary stage in our spiritual evolution, so is remembering! When we learn how to end this inner battle, peace will soon follow in the outer world.

One of the many things I’ve exposed on this journey is that we all share the same collective purpose, which is to Discover, Surrender, and Inspire. We must first Discover the Divine within, this dormant power embedded in all of humanity. This is the Sleeping Giant who patiently waits to be discovered. Every experience we have during the School of Life is designed to lead us to this Self-discovery. We must then Surrender to this power. To be aware is not enough. Divinity is your birthright. You were born into royalty. It is time to awaken! Finally, we must Inspire others on this path.

A spiritual revolution is long overdue. A simple shift in awareness is all that is needed. No shots will be fired. No blood will be shed. The beauty of discovering our Divine Nature is that we also see this Divinity in all beings. No longer will you see your fellow humans defined by their skin color, nationality, or sexual preference. When these superficial labels and layers are peeled away, we discover our ONENESS. When we can see ourselves in the eyes of another, peace will soon follow.

Although this spiritual revolution is not about religion or politics, you will soon discover this awakening will affect all facets of your life. We develop an X-ray vision. Our BS detectors become very sensitive. Whether the message is coming from the pulpit or the podium, we will demand more from our leaders. Upon awakening, it becomes impossible to support anyone who promotes fear, hate, and division. A Sleeping Giant lies dormant within us all. It’s time for a wake-up call! Awaken the Giant and become an agent for change.

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“Our ultimate mission is to serve,” says Craig Kolavo, founder of AwesOm Life and author of Awaken the Sleeping Giant. The company is donating 100% of e-book proceeds to This amazing organization brings safe drinking water and sanitation solutions to the world. Over the past 25 years, they have helped nearly 30 million people in 12 different countries.

“To share an inspirational message and raise money for some great causes are our most important goals,” says Kolavo. As conscious consumers, protecting Mother Earth is also very important. All posters/prints are made from 100% recycled FSC certified paper.

To lead by example and “be the change you would like to see in the world” is more than just a company slogan. AwesOm Life is passionate about inspiring others and raising the level of vibration on this planet.

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