
Best-Kept Secret In South America: Choose Bolivia For Your Next Spiritual/Healing Retreat

Best-Kept Secret In South America: Choose Bolivia For Your Next Spiritual/Healing Retreat

Kateryna Kovarzh/Getty Images

“Are you ready to face yourself, surrender the ego, connect to the source, manifest your destiny, and step into service?”

There is an uncanny sense of urgency in the air. Life as we know it is in jeopardy. There never was a more crucial moment in history than this.

Mild spiritual practices that soothe our conscience but keep us safely in our daily life, will no longer cut it. Each of us has to decide whether or not to become the change we seek.

The spirit of the times beckons us to look beyond our comfort zone and question all our beliefs and habits. We have to commit to searching for the truth within and discovering our potential. All the forces of the universe are conspiring to help us achieve this.

Are you ready to face yourself, surrender the ego, connect to the source, manifest your destiny, and step into service?

Even if you decide you are ready, how do you achieve a deep and lasting transformation that would set you on the path?

Where and how could you safely break down the veils of your subconscious and face your demons while letting go of traumas, negative patterns, and past karma that you have collected in this life and others?

There are ancient Amazonian and Andean Practices in Bolivia that propel you into a mystical experience that will change your life forever. You will heal hidden traumas, find your center, and draw inspiration to decide how to live your life in the future.

It is necessary to trust the facilitator and surrender to the Great Spirit, the medicine and the process. The practitioners should be authentic, trained, and experienced by inheriting an unbroken lineage, that has been properly kept and transmitted.

The space should be harmonious, spiritual, and respectful. Ideally a place that has been in existence for a long time and has properly integrated its practices with the land.

You should try to avoid going places that are only commercially motivated and instead, choose a place that is off the beaten path, managed by a true, honest practitioner. You should also avoid places that cater only to foreigners. Choose a place that has a commitment to serving the local population and is deeply steeped in its culture and economy.

Few people ever come to Bolivia, so there is not much incentive to preserve the forest or have sustainable alternatives to deforestation. Yet Bolivia has the most pristine environments, the largest indigenous native population in South America, and the first-ever indigenous president. Local culture and spirituality is flourishing, but the economy is not developed, making it a very safe, authentic, sincere, genuine, and friendly place to travel to.

By coming to Bolivia, you can have a huge social and economic impact and help ameliorate the social and environmental challenges the country faces, like poverty, forest fires, environmental degradation, etc.

There are wonderful healing retreat centers in the most amazing sacred lands and incredible native healing traditions to share with the world and help those coming to seek their much needed healing.

Click to get more information about healing retreats in Bolivia.

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Sacha Runa was created by Miguel Kavlin to share the many teachings he has received throughout his life and which he has sought to integrate, apply, practice, and carry to fruition and share with others in ways that can be of benefit to them.

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