
Follow His Instructions for Health

Follow His Instructions for Health

"It means you have a relationship with your own health, as well as with your Healer. You are either going to pay attention to your health, your Healer and His instructions for health and healing, or you are not."

I believe I already know why you are holding this book in your hands. You want to walk in wellness, or if you are already well, you want to stay that way. But by my asking how badly you want it, you get to hear yourself answer the question. To help you out, I will pose it in a different way:

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to walk in health with your Healer so that you can be well for as long as you live?

You see, you have a responsibility in wellness. And, according to English: Oxford Living Dictionaries, wellness merely means “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” So, if you are going to walk in wellness, then that means you are actively going to pursue the goal of being in good health. It means you have a relationship with your own health, as well as with your Healer. You are either going to pay attention to your health, your Healer and His instructions for health and healing, or you are not. It is your choice, and I cannot make it for you. But it is my experience that if people really want to do something, they will do it. If they do not, they will not.

I am not talking about you being perfect, but about you merely making a promise. Not an ungodly promise that leads to stress if you fail, but a holy vow to yourself and to God so that you can proceed with sobriety and succeed. If you can hear yourself say right here, right now that you are going to do whatever it takes to live out all your days here on earth and not let anything or anyone steal even one day from you, I believe you will do it.

God did not have you invest your money, time and energy into this book just to have you back out, give up or shut down before you are done. Nor did He have me write this book so you could read it and forget everything in it. I care for you, friend, but my time is too valuable, my lessons too costly and my wisdom too hard-earned for it all to be so easily tossed aside. The same could be said of you. Your time, lessons and hard-earned wisdom are all waiting and ready for you to put them to work here.

God had me write this book so that you could know He wills you well. And so that you can become dissatisfied with being out of His will for wellness and discover His instructions for divine health. I do not know where you are in your descent toward disease or how severe your situation is. You may be reading this book and consider yourself generally healthy, but you just want to make more changes that will take you into vibrant health. Or you may be in a desperate situation and in need of a miracle. Either way, my goal is the same. I want to help you get well . . . soon.

—Laura Harris Smith, Get Well Soon

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