
Review Your Journey and be a Good Steward of Your Life

Review Your Journey and be a Good Steward of Your Life


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“It’s a Wonderful Life...New Ways Can Open New Doors.”

“Be a good steward of your life.” These words came to me fully catching my attention. I was driving down a winding backcountry road in Eatonville, WA. Backcountry roads offer beautiful openings, spiritually-evoking mediums that cause new ideas to float down all around us. But what exactly did it mean?

Now listen carefully, for this is what came next.. and it might just be the single most important shift in gears that we can leave our family, friends, and humanity. Being a good steward is doing our soul work, so we can live a life reviewed, walked through, and then shared with love and acceptance of self. The book of our lives no longer a mystery, and instead now a map.

Think about the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” George Bailey, the main character, is about to lose everything he had worked for and built over his entire career. He had given up on so many of his personal dreams in real-time, always doing the next, right thing as it was presented. This left him straddled in between the path he had longed for and the one he was drawn to, and it had left some internal scars. Yet, he was also blessed with a life richer than most, one with so many wonderful treasures: his beautiful family, friends, and the Bailey Savings & Loan.

In the end, none of these wonderful blessings, good deeds, and self-sacrifices made for others, would protect him from the mishaps of another's journey. It is important to remember that we are all connected and in relation to one another, and sometimes it is those closest to us that will accidentally create the most devastating situations. George Bailey was about to come up against his dark night of the soul. When he realized he was worth more dead than alive, because of his life insurance policy, he fell into despair and decided to jump off a bridge. In answer to many prayers from the people who loved him, and whose hearts he had touched, an angel, Clarence, was sent. He tried to stop him from this dark decision. Blessedly, a few scenes later, George finally agrees that he did not want to die, but that everyone’s lives would be better off if he would have never been born.

Now, pay careful attention here too, because this is where Clarence had a chance to show George “a life reviewed”. One where he was never born. Clarence says to George, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other people's lives. When he isn’t here he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” Immediately I felt yes, but then shook my head. What if we do not have to? Do we have to leave a hole? Do we have to leave with holes?

At Internal Journeys we most certainly do not think so. We believe that this is where becoming a good steward of our lives is a defining choice. Part of our “Leave No Fears Behind” plan. It is a wayfinder to self-love through an Internal Journey of the heart and soul. "The 90 Day Transformation" course is a gift to self, unlike any other. It is designed to self-actualize our authentic selves. Once committed, we review our lives and make peace with the past. Balancing love and fear which illuminate new doorways and other pathways to walk, ones that create a life full of profound love and inner peace. And it goes like this:

Step 1. Make a declaration to Grow-In;

Step 2. Meet yourself through your Words;

Step 3. Find the true nature of your Beauty; and then

Step 4. Claim your Shine Bright!

These are the first four steps to becoming good stewards of our lives. In the end, knowing that owning a reviewed and shared life may be the greatest gift of all. A road map to enlightenment.

Knowing that there will always be dark days that will test us, we come to understand that they are a part of this divine cosmic journey... perhaps our greatest teachers, so we learn to actually welcome them! Our lives are connected through all the ups and downs, and in many ways more beautiful than we realize at the time. When we practice acceptance, this knowledge blooms emotional freedoms that truly liberate our hearts. 

We revel in the inspiration of long backcountry road drives, beautiful awakenings in self-care, and finding new ways to connect more deeply with family, friends, and our communities. And maybe we get a chance to ring a bell or two, while assisting some hard-working guardian angel to finally earn their wings. Just like Clarence did, when he created the space for George Bailey to review a life lived.

At Internal Journeys we call this soul free, and truly believe it’s a wonderful life, all day, every day. When we change our thoughts, we change our frequency, and then our lives change! To find out more about my self-actualized process at Internal Journeys, please click the link below or email me.

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