
Five Variations on 5-Minute Meditations

Five Variations on 5-Minute Meditations

Easy options for 5-minute meditations


We all carry mental and physical tension around with us, and we know that’s not a healthful burden. Finding time to release that, well, it can feel like one more thing on the Stress-Me-Out to do list. Who has 40 minutes to meditate twice a day, an hour and a half for a yoga class, or a week for a rejuvenating retreat? (If you do, by all means, enjoy! I’m with you in spirit.) But even the most frazzled among us can spare 5 minutes. That’s why, for this week’s Healthy Habits, I found easy options for 5-minute meditations. They are sneaky ways to squeeze in a quick meditation practice anytime—before you start your day, during lunch, even on a coffee break.

  1. Ziva Meditation founder Emily Fletcher has taught meditation techniques to improve company performance at places like Google, Barclays Bank and Sweetgreen. Her 5-Minute Balancing Breathis a sitting meditation that balances the hemispheres of the brain, she claims, between the creative and the logical sides.
  2. Author and spiritual teacher Louise Hay has a Powerful 5-Minute Meditation to Open Your Heart. The goal of this meditation, Hay writes, is to “make room for all the good of the Universe to come in.” "Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out and just let go of all that stuff that is stuck inside you. This is a special day and we don’t want to carry any old stuff with us. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. And as you breathe quietly, notice how comforting that feels. Be aware that you can do this anytime and anywhere and take care of yourself.”
  3. Your lifestyle may feel like chaos, but you aren’t chaos. You are still and calm. Tapping into that peaceful moment is the goal of this 5-Minute Mindfulness Meditation, written by Les Raymond and read by Sara Raymond. It’s a great way to hit reset during the day, or start your day in a positive mood, Raymond says.
  4. Gabrielle Bernstein notes that as wonderful as it is to meditate at home, it’s good to try new things. Try her guided walking meditation here, whether you are on a bustling city sidewalk or able to slip away into a quiet wooded area. (It’s six minutes, but there’s a short intro, so close enough.)
  5. SaraBeth Yoga has a 5-Minute Guided Meditation-Desk Yoga that’s perfect for using in an office environment. You can do it right in your desk chair, then return to your tasks feeling calm and centered.

Do you have a favorite 5-minute meditation? Share it with us in the comments section below.

Kathryn Drury Wagner is a writer and editor based in Los Angeles. Her latest book is Hawaii’s Strangest, Ickiest, Wildest Book Ever!, a science and natural history “gross out” for young readers.

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