
7 Ways to Get Your Body Moving

7 Ways to Get Your Body Moving

Get your body moving with seven of our favorite articles from Spirituality and Health.

Bec Parsons/Thinkstock

It is no secret that exercising is good for us. If everyone knows that exercising is good for us, than why doesn’t everyone participate in the activity? Many are under the impression that working out is too strenuous, that they don’t have enough time, or that they don’t know how to exercise. However, studies have shown that simply walking for 30 minutes can lead to significant physical and mental health benefits. Not only can mild exercise trim physiques and reduce waistlines, but it also can improve sex life, enhance mood, reduce stress, and combat depression.

You don’t have to lift weights, bike for hours, or run until you can’t any longer to experience the many benefits of exercising. All you have to do is set aside a small amount of time, whatever works with your schedule, to get your body moving.

Here are seven of our favorite articles from Spirituality & Health:

1. Yoga on the Go: A Sequence for Cycling A yoga sequence for cyclers, walkers, drivers, or anyone who may need a quick pick-me-up. Here are four rejuvenating poses that can be done on the side of the road without any equipment.

2. 3 Ways to Press Your Reset Button When you find yourself feeling disengaged or fatigued, use these three proven to reset attention and focus.

3. Memory Walk: An Everyday Ritual to Connect to Nature Tap into the restorative power of nature anytime, anywhere by taking a Memory Walk. Before embarking on your five to ten-minute route of choice, use your senses to explore prominent landmarks. Then, when you need a break at work or are trying to relax before bed, visualize your Memory Walk while calling upon your sensory markers.

4. 5 Ways to Engage in Beneficial "Body Play" Thinking of exercise as a chore may lead your experience of exercising to actually feel like one. Try thinking of exercising as “body play” and choose to have fun!

5. Tai Chi Slows Aging Often described as meditation in motion, the Ancient Chinese practice of Tai Chi involves the infusion of deep breathing and focused body movements. Not only does Tai Chi possess a multitude of mental and physical health benefits, but this low-impact form of exercise has also been shown to have age-defying properties.

6. Feet on the Ground Experience the powerful physical, mental, and spiritual benefits by going barefoot.

7. Hooping It Up: A Guide to Fitness Hooping Want a fun work out that burns about 10 calories per minute and approximately 420 to 600 calories in a one-hour class? Try hula hooping!

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