
  Your Assignment: Change the Whole World in a Day

Your Assignment: Change the Whole World in a Day

Illustration Credit: Feeling Connected by Laura Berger

If you want something that lasts for days, plant flowers.
If you want something that lasts for years, plant trees.
If you want something that lasts for eternity, plant an idea.

When I read these words years ago, I felt a spark in my mind. A cancer survivor, I have dedicated my life to “wellness,” but living well is simply not enough. I dreamed of a “wellness” project that could inspire the seven billion people living on this planet in their shared dream: to live a better life.

This was the moment that Global Wellness Day began, a project I have been working on day and night for the last three years. On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Global Wellness Day will be celebrated in 30 countries on five continents. Thousands of Global Wellness Day Ambassadors are now working to make the world a better place. Join us!

According to international research, the most common disease throughout the world and the greatest danger facing mankind is unhappiness—but solving this problem that darkens our future is not as difficult as you might think. Just look in the mirror and become more aware: The solution is standing right in front of you!

The only secret of our Wellness Day Ambassadors is the realization that increasing one’s own happiness and health is best achieved by inspiring someone else. You can make a big difference!

Take a minute to think about what you, your yoga studio, church, ashram, hospital, or city can do on Saturday, June 13th, to fan the flame of happiness on this earth. Any event that helps people align themselves with wellness can change entire lives—and affect the lives of thousands more in a positive way. –BELGIN AKSOY Sakarya, Turkey

Share Your Day!

Tell us what you, your yoga studio, church, ashram, spa, hospital, or city are planning for Global Wellness Day, Saturday, June 13th. Send your ideas to [email protected]. We’ll help spread the good news in our May issue.

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