
Seeking Radiance

Seeking Radiance

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Product of the Week: Mychelle Perfect C Radiance Lotion

When I was born, my mom said my skin was nearly translucent. Being born and raised in the Hawaiian Islands, it’s no surprise that as I’ve crested the 40-year mark, my skin has some damage from years of sun, surf, and more sun. Even though I’m now consistent about wearing sunscreen, I’m always looking for products that can help temper the damage that has already been done.

What is it?

I’m familiar with Mychelle products, but I’d never tried their Perfect C Radiance Lotion. Last week, I was looking for ways to add more skin protection to my morning routine, and I’d read that applying a product with vitamin C underneath my sunscreen could help. Though I try to stay out of the midday sun, I still need to protect my skin and also mitigate the damage it already has.

Does it work?

I’m a stickler for how products smell, and this one rated high for me. With a light, citrus-floral smell, applying it felt like a quick aromatherapy session. The weight of it was substantive enough that it felt nicely moisturizing to my skin, and my skin drank it in happily. Once I let it soak in, I applied my sunscreen as usual, and left for my day feeling like my skin was a bit more lustrous than usual, and certainly more hydrated.

Final Thought

I’m very happy with how this product worked on my face. It certainly moisturized it, and whether or not it will brighten my skin and protect it from the sun remains to be seen. But I’ll happily use it as part of my morning skin routine, and trust that the research coming out about vitamin C’s benefits to skin will apply to me, and help me in my quest to keep this island girl radiant, even as I surf my way through my forties.

Perfect C Radiance Lotion $45

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