
Feng Shui for Summer

Feng Shui for Summer

In feng shui, summer is connected to the “fame and reputation” aspect of your life, which is located in the back-middle section of your home or office. Discover how to enhance the potent fire energy here.

“In its highest and purest form, good feng shui signifies perfect alignment between inner and outer worlds.” —Lada Ray

In ancient times, it was very important for humans to live in harmony with nature or they didn’t survive. Today, there is a sense of disconnection between ourselves and our natural surroundings. This division tends to foster a resistant and stagnant energy in both our bodies and our living spaces.

Feng shui, meaning ‘wind and water’ in Chinese, is the ancient art and science of harmonizing our inner chi—the universal life-force energy —by balancing the energy in our living spaces. The concept of feng shui can be compared to acupuncture—just as needles help balance the flow of energy in the body, so can furniture, objects and colors enhance and balance the energy of a room.

This beautiful ancient practice helps us create a living space that supports us energetically, rather than one that works against us. In other words, it helps us take the path of least energetic resistance—much like a surfer who moves with the ocean waves rather than against them. When we connect with nature, we tap into a powerful flow of energy.

The complementary energies of yin and yang are a fundamental concept of feng shui. Yin and yang represent the ever-present polarity in our world: the feminine and masculine, cold and heat, dark and light, earth and sky, winter and summer.

In feng shui, summer is associated with the element of fire, a powerful form of yang energy. Fire brings warmth, self confidence, creativity and drive. We want to get out and get busy. If there is an overabundance of fire energy, however, we can feel drained, limp, irritable or aggressive.

In feng shui, summer is connected to the ‘fame and reputation’ aspect of our lives. This would involve gaining positive recognition, respect and admiration from our coworkers, family and friends. According to the bagua (a feng shui map for your home), the ‘fame and reputation’ sector is located in the back middle section of your home or office and is aptly represented by the fire element.

Here are tips to enhance this potent fire energy in this section of your home:

  • Decorate this area with candles and warm-colored (red, orange) objects.
  • Accent with the wood element (wood it is able to fuel fire). Bring in plants, decorations made of wood, or a photo of a forest.
  • Place a few pointy objects, such as bamboo or a cactus, in this area of your home to add even more yang to the fire.
  • Place any awards or trophies you’ve received in this area.
  • Hang or place red garnet crystals in this area to activate passion and creative energy.
  • Most importantly, make sure you declutter this area of your home completely to allow the chi to flow smoothly.

Creating opposition and polarity is also important for keeping the elements in balance. For example, when would you most love to see a cup of hot chocolate or a warm fireplace? Probably in the cold of winter. When do you most want to lay your eyes on a cold blue pool? Most likely in the heat of the summer.

If the fire element of summer becomes too much and you are feeling drained and irritable, you can balance out the fire element in your home by doing the following:

  • Change your bedsheets or tablecloth to a cooler color, such as a light purple or blue.
  • Place a mini water fountain in the front of your home (this is the career section in the bagua, represented by water). If you place the fountain outside your home, make sure the flow is moving toward your door, to represent abundance moving toward you (not away).
  • Soften your home with green potted plants. During the summer, we often keep the windows closed and the air conditioner running. Living plants help remove toxins from the stuffy indoor air and help balance the summer heat with a cool, earthy energy.
  • Decorate your home with cooling crystals. Purple amethyst is wonderful for cooling and calming intense emotions and clearing away any negative and stale energy.

Most of all, have fun with feng shui. This beautiful ancient practice has so many facets that it takes awhile to absorb all of the fascinating concepts. As you learn, simply make a few changes at a time until your home becomes the perfect living space for you.

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