
Winter Solstice 2020 and the Golden Age of Aquarius

Winter Solstice 2020 and the Golden Age of Aquarius

Getty Images/buxtree

“In the coming days before our solstice, take the time to connect with your soul.”

The threshold that comes with the winter solstice is the gift of the coming season, and waits for you to claim it. The gift is for all of us, independently and collectively. While some may be unaware of the opportunity, our soul knows and is working to lead us where we are intended to go. Some may choose to claim the gift of freedom at another time on their soul journey. Both are okay.

Said another way, there are souls with us in Earth School now that intend to not go the distance, but to continue their spiritual journey in another way. It is not for us to understand or judge, but to observe, witness, support and love each other unconditionally.

For those of us who are here in Earth School to experience the New Golden Age that is the Aquarian Age coming in with the solstice, the threshold awaits and there will be experienced masters to greet us.

We will need help navigating the Aquarian Age, as the potentials are great. We can look forward to a new economy, new legal systems, new educational systems, and new means of medical care. No longer a 3D world, we will be able to experience the new age opportunities in our lifetimes.

Of course, we are being offered individual choice as we will continue to experience and practice free will and free choice. The best means of experiencing our divine birthright of freedom is to intend for our soul to be on lead. Leading a soul conscious life will enhance the coming world we will live in.

You don’t have to be an Earth School graduate to cross the solstice threshold. I’ve been asked this, and I am always witness to great relief when those questioning the shifts ahead are assured the opportunity for continued learning and spiritual growth is part of our Aquarian Age.

What about our friends, family, loved ones and others who choose to continue their journey another way? What about the relationships that are not in tune with us and worked against our growth. Are we going our separate ways?

Do we have the spiritual awareness to trust that what is unfolding is guided by our individual soul group and spiritual guides? This could very well be where we go separate ways, to individual new adventures. I certainly have experienced this in the past few months. People and situations that I thought were permanent have shifted. New opportunities I wouldn’t have predicted came in, almost out of nowhere. New soul contracts are on board and will be part of my new journey going forward.

As I observed the “lane changes” and departures, I chose to trust and go with the guided flow. It was bumpy at times and people were not always happy with the shifts, however, once the “ride” was over and the dust settled, the results for everyone were of divine orchestration. Faith has become easier with experience.

In the coming days before our solstice, take the time to connect with your soul, your IAM Presence and commit to your journey. Ask for the strength, courage and fortitude to go the distance.

You have a contract with your soul. The greatest act of self betrayal is when you allow another to infringe on your spiritual path. Have an intention to not hold yourself back at the expense of your soul’s growth. We will all be fine, trust that our creator knows exactly what we each need and how our needs are to be met. Ask for a perfect outcome in perfect timing for everyone. Remember that when one heals, we all heal. Hold the truth that we are one and the plan is unfolding perfectly.

Learn more at Compass Rose Healing Arts.

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We are in a time of heightened polarities. This is not a new normal, but it is a closure to a Piscean Age that is preceding the incoming Aquarian Age.

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