
What the Lunar Eclipse Means for Your Zodiac Sign

What the Lunar Eclipse Means for Your Zodiac Sign


Discover how your zodiac sign is affected by the final lunar eclipse of the year.

A lunar eclipse occurs on November 30, 2020, with Mercury as its ruler. The eclipse takes place in Gemini, opposing the sun of Sagittarius, and affecting people with sun and rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, most significantly.

As the last lunar eclipse of the year, we can take action and be prepared for what it means for each of us. As 2021 approaches, we look for hope that the new year will offer us a fresh start, bringing good news and a change in energy. The lunar eclipse is a great way for us to approach the end of the year, since it can trigger motivation in our home and family life, as well as an ending of a six-month cycle that began during our last solar eclipse on May 22, 2020.

The eclipse marks major turning points. Gemini is the ruler of communication and media, which leads to good news during such an uncertain time. This offers us the ability to feel less scattered, secrets to be revealed, and there will be an opportunity for adaptation and adjustment, as well as the removal of anxiety caused by the fear of the unknown.

Also during this time (November 30 - December 10th), the energy shift can cause our belief system to be challenged, or many points to be debated. Because of this, I recommend adaptation, to be flexible, and to not take things too personally during the 10 days that follow the eclipse. With that being said, each of us can be affected differently. Here is what to expect and how to make the most out of the lunar eclipse on November 30th based on your zodiac rising or sun sign.


Learning, communication, social interactions, and short distance travel are ahead of you. From May 2020 up until the present, you have worked hard on the completion of goals. You can expect big accomplishments now. Also, you may be feeling generous or a need to give, but be cautious with money through the end of the year.


You will receive much-needed validation of your value, self-worth, and confidence. Be ready for reassurance, recognition, and reward after your recent struggles. Expect good news with financial partnerships or investment and a reflection of huge growth in the last six months.


Gemini, you are the star! Being that the eclipse is in Gemini, expect and prepare for overcoming issues with health, the practice of good habits, and newfound strength in all matters. New beginnings are heightened for you—leading to love, luck, and opportunities with money and finances for next year.


Expect spiritual enlightenment that can strengthen your beliefs. Be prepared for confirmation in your faith after six months of questioning your path. The eclipse also brings the ending of loneliness. This time will bring love and new relationships or strengthening the connection with your current partner.


The motivation for new, long-term goals to be set, as well as completion of goals you have been working toward regarding your love and career. This time will also bring an ending of procrastination with issues that have caused you to feel unsettled. This is a good time to start rebuilding lost friendships and tying up loose ends.


Get ready to open up Virgo. Expect to be more public with your private/love life after good news from your partner. The eclipse will bring a push to announce your status or take a leap toward the next step with someone who cares for you. Also, expect satisfaction in leadership roles. Get ready for big opportunities!


Good news, your mentally challenging time is over. You could experience an ending to legal issues or other similar issues due to certain help or advice. Your career may have felt stagnant over the last 6 months, but new opportunities arise for money. Clear your mind and practice meditation.


You have been going through what feels like an out-of-body experience—causing you to feel a lack of control over the last 6 months. Approaching November 30, you will feel a sense of regaining control over all aspects. As things in the world become more certain for you and good news approaches, you can expect your energy to shift back to normal.


Be prepared to benefit in all ventures after the lunar eclipse. Your aura shines brightly attracting love and attention from your current partner. If you are still single and looking for a long-term relationship, you will soon be attracting a new lover. Your partner also has a spotlight, which creates a platform of action toward you/more growth between you. Recognition from your bosses/co-workers giving you the confidence to grow.


You have been great at adapting to all the changes life has thrown you, but your patience is running out. Good news! There is a relief after a struggle during the lunar eclipse and heading into the new year you are taking time to deal with things that are pending. This is a good time to try working on your connection with friends and family. After November 30, you may notice you are less anxious.


Mercury, being the ruler of the eclipse, is about to send you some good vibes! Be ready for some big life changes. Fulfillment, joy, and happiness await as you become ambitious for the next chapter of life ahead and finalize your best work. Additionally, new beginnings in love await, along with heightened fertility and possible news of pregnancy with congratulations in order!


If your zodiac sun or rising sign is Pisces, you are highly affected by the last lunar eclipse of the year. Expect to be feeling as if you want to get things done—with this feeling shifted into high gear. You will be setting long term plans and making decisions regarding investments. You have had a struggle with making your own decisions recently but expect the removal of fear after November.

Keep reading, The Power of the Moon.

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