
Healing Mother Earth: Seek Within

Healing Mother Earth: Seek Within

“The Seeking Our Humanity trilogy is a masterwork for saving Mother Earth right now. A glorious call to action ... the method will surprise and delight you. ... Let the healing begin.”

In Seeking Our Humanity, a Visitor from another plane engages a group of friends to join with legions of ethereal companions from around the cosmos in a mission to rescue Mother Earth. He reveals Earth is being poisoned by humankind’s negative energy, as much as by the material waste that is already well known and being addressed. Invisible and immeasurable, this toxic energy critically threatens her life force.

But there is hope. There is good news! The remedy lies within each of the book’s friends—and within each of us as well. One essential avenue is to be the people of goodness that we are intended to be. Another is to assist the Earth daily by brief meditations, sending gratitude and positive energy to the One on whose survival everyone and everything depends.

How can this be done? How can we effect such a monumental change? Where does that power lie?

All of creation is interconnected. We all are One. That truth—long known by mystics from every culture and time—is now confirmed by quantum physics. We have the same life essence in common with the Life Being we call Earth. We can assist by regularly sharing small bits of our Source energy with her. And we must—for her sake and our own.

As the characters in the story participate in healing energy sessions for the Earth, they discover who they really are. They grow more and more into their own goodness. They seek within and uncover comforting primal memories or fears long buried, which they are able to face and integrate. They, too, enjoy the experience of healing. Opening their hearts, they find reservoirs of kindness, compassion, and courage within. They also have experiences of mystical Unity, like the one in this excerpt:

“My heart throbbed with awareness; the connection felt was undeniable. I was Home. Tears streamed down my face. The return that so many write about paled to the actual experience. I could not bear the separation between us. I moved toward the water’s edge, my breath was short. How long has it been since we were together? No answer came to mind, and none was really necessary. The moment of relevance was before me. The time is now! The words of old called to me and I moved forward to meet the oceanic waters. Gently and lovingly I stepped into the waters of my birth. How sweet it was! The swirls of the waves tickled my toes and wrapped about my ankles, an embrace by the Mother of a Child long ago released into the world. My heart was full. No greater moment could I remember. My breaths were large and each one reveled in the moment. I was at peace!”

Says Flaming Heart Media Executive Director Molly Guzzino, ATR-BC, LPC, of the trilogy: “Seeking Our Humanity is a masterwork for saving Mother Earth right now. A glorious call to action, here is the spiritual guidebook to assist us all in healing our planet. The method will surprise and delight you. This sacred book’s message is an urgent one. Waste no time. Let the healing begin.”

Read the previous entries from week 1 and week 2.

Sponsored by: The Center for Peaceful Transitions

Claudia Helt is the founder of The Center for Peaceful Transitions. She holds a Master’s degree in psychology and has been a licensed professional counselor for over 30 years. Her interest in alternative healing methods led her to pursue training in energy work, healing touch, and the Usui tradition of Reiki. Claudia is an accomplished Reiki Master blending various energy techniques in a gentle, harmonious approach to self-discovery and self-actualization. She has brought forth a number of books that reveal the truth of life’s mysteries through fictional stories, including the Seeking Our Humanity triology.

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