
Healing Mother Earth: A Call to Change

Healing Mother Earth: A Call to Change

Because of the work that you are willing to participate in, the Earth’s potential for survival has increased.”

Humankind’s negative energy is a primary cause of the environmental crisis that threatens life on our planet. Mother Earth absorbs every insult, and abuse; every thought, word, or act of cruelty. The effects of our anger, violence, and hatred compound the damage already done by our pollution of land, seas, and skies.

In the Seeking Our Humanity trilogy, a mysterious Visitor from another plane awakens a group of friends to the truth that humankind’s negative energy is depleting Earth’s life essence. Calling on them to join a Universal effort to rescue the Earth, the Visitor teaches how we all can help, affirming the power to change ourselves. The radical kindness and respect among the story’s characters may take the reader aback. It is a model of how we can change the destiny of life on Earth.

Read this excerpt from Seeking Our Humanity, Part II:

As you well know, my Friends, change is necessary. You are a primary part of the change that is in process, and that will continue in the days ahead. Because of the work that you are willing to participate in, the Earth’s potential for survival has increased. What you have committed to do, my Friends, is an act of generosity that may actually save the Earth.

Because you are willing to change and to grow, so will others. Because you will speak the truth about the Earth’s crisis, others will listen, and they too will spread the truth to others. This is why you are here, and this is what must be done. One person speaking the truth and taking appropriate reaction will inspire another to do the same, and in this way, the Earth will be saved from her present course of decline.

My Friends, you are needed. Each of you will play a role in changing the energy of the Earth. Presently, the energy is defiled by the unkindness that spreads about the globe in a disease-like fashion. This is not who the people of Earth are. This is not intended to be. The Children of Earth are people of goodness, and it is their goodness that will save the Earth. So little change is necessary. Simply be the people of goodness that you are created to be. Treat all others as you prefer to be treated. Act in love and kindness towards everyone you encounter. Accept that every other being on this planet is made of the same pure energy that you are created from, and know and accept that you are no more than any other, and no other is greater than you.

All on this magnificent Life Being are equal, and all deserve to be and must be treated equally, lovingly, and respectfully. Until all are regarded equally, balance and safety will not return to the Earth. She cannot continue to live under these inharmonious conditions.

The solution is simple. Treat each other as you would have another treat you. Accept all others as you desire to be accepted. And above all, do no harm to anyone. No act of meanness perpetrated upon another is acceptable. There is no conceivable reason that justifies doing harm to another.

The Seeking Our Humanity trilogy carries the reader along on an enlightening journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing for self, community, and creation.

Together we can save the Earth. Together we must.

Read the previous entry, Week 1, here.

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