
Together We Can Heal Mother Earth

Together We Can Heal Mother Earth

The Seeking Our Humanity trilogy highlights our inhumanity and its dire consequences, yet it also empowers us to take positive action. This can be done!

Humankind’s negative energy is a primary cause of the environmental crisis that threatens life on Earth. Because She is the ever-present host, Mother Earth absorbs every insult, every abuse, and every thought, word, or act of cruelty. The effects of our anger, violence, and hatred compound the damage already done by our pollution of land, seas, and skies.

In the Seeking Our Humanity trilogy, a mysterious Visitor from another plane brings the sobering truth that humankind’s negative energy is depleting Earth’s life essence. If this is not reversed, Earth will go into dormancy with catastrophic results to all living things. The Visitor calls on a group of friends to join a Universal effort to rescue the Earth. Gently and firmly, he emphasizes the urgency of the crisis. He assures them that, while he and others from Beyond are with them, the peoples of Earth are essential to the success of the mission.

The Visitor teaches the friends how they can counter humankind’s negative energy with prayers of gratitude, and transmissions of positive energy to the Earth. He trains them in some simple steps that they can take daily to help heal the Earth from our deadly toxicity.

As they grow in their individual and collective practices, the friends, who are ordinary people, have extraordinary experiences of unity with Creation.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead

There is reason for hope!

While Seeking Our Humanity highlights our inhumanity and its dire consequences, it also empowers us to take positive action. This can be done!

Assisting this magnificent planet requires attention from the masses, not just a few. Every person regardless of age, health, status, location, or busyness can effectively aid in Earth’s recovery by offering her a few minutes of time every day. Moments of gratitude, and of sending positive, healing energy to the Earth will help us change our own ways, healing our wounded hearts, and healing the Earth at the same time.

Seeking Our Humanity teaches readers, like the characters in this story, to confront the deep-seated doubts and fears that arise from a daunting challengesaving the Earthand to hone their skills to assist her. The books provide a model for creating steadfast friendships to help us share the tasks of saving the Earth and reclaiming our humanity. The honest, heartfelt conversations that the characters share, and the tender encouragement that they provide one another are stunning examples of how people can live lovingly with one another.

As the series progresses, the commitment made by the 12 dear friends deepens and expands. They begin to follow a dual path that both assists our precious planet and facilitates the recovery of our own humanity.

Dear Reader, the Seeking Our Humanity trilogy presents a pathway to a healthy planet and a healthy civilization.

Please click to listen below for an audio excerpt from Seeking Our Humanity, and join us in this mission to save the Earth.

Sponsored by: The Center for Peaceful Transitions

Claudia Helt is the founder of The Center for Peaceful Transitions. She holds a Master’s degree in psychology and has been a licensed professional counselor for over 30 years. Her interest in alternative healing methods led her to pursue training in energy work, healing touch, and the Usui tradition of Reiki. Claudia is an accomplished Reiki Master blending various energy techniques in a gentle, harmonious approach to self-discovery and self-actualization. She has brought forth a number of books that reveal the truth of life’s mysteries through fictional stories, including the Seeking Our Humanity triology.

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