
Illuminate Your Life, Impact Your World

Illuminate Your Life, Impact Your World

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In this book, the author writes about how to master the art of pivoting gracefully through life.

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This self-improvement book focuses on the philosophy of “multidimensional spherical thinking” and how to manifest the fullness of the life you want by operating from the center point of your experiences as a human being.

How Me Found I provides insights on helping a person improve his/her conscious understanding of their multidimensional existence within a person’s scientific holographic reality here in their everyday 3D experiences through the strengthening of their critical thinking skills; the understanding of their own true, natural composite state of being as it was always meant to be; the activation and alignment of their fullest potential in sync with nature and their own innate design. Ultimately, the book helps the reader pivot into an accelerated life of true abundance, joyous existence, and fulfilling completeness.

Author Abigail Diaz Juan is a global citizen and world traveler. After coming to the United States from Afghanistan, she became a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. As a teacher and founder of the Diamond Quest Company, she assists others in walking their own paths to greatness.

“With conviction and commitment, we carve out our existence in the cosmos, our individuality making its own imprint on the blank pages of our own storybooks, a spirograph design in the making,” she writes in the book.

“Each chapter of our lives is an extension of that individuality, that uniqueness that continues to distinguish each of us from other homo sapiens. As we carve out that personality from the block of granite, our sculptured self begins to emerge, carved out of natural stone, alive with form and function.”

Click here for more information on the book.

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